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Beginning to think the Birthers were right..

Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.

He lied to who about being born in Kenya?

Those who put it into print that he was born in Kenya. How else does at least two sources get it so wrong for so long? Yes we can suspend all rational thought and come to believe that he didn't know but I choose to think a person so polished knows EXACTLY what is going on and what is said about him. He probably lied on his college paper work also but we can never know.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Read more at snopes.com Promotional Booklet
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

And that's also how the universe works. We leave footprints that can be traced. Anyone who wants to know about me will eventually find where I was raised, who my teachers were in school, who babysat me, who my friends were, what achievements of mine made the local paper, etc. Nobody exists in a vacuum, and here we've been presented with a forged birth certificate that's supposed to convince is in spite of the mountainous LACK of supporting evidence that Obama was actually born in Hawaii.

Other than the COLB issued by Hawaii that states he was born in Hawaii. Which stands as prima facie evidence of Obama's hawaiian birth in any court of law.
....And the two birth announcements that Obama was born in Honolulu published in local papers in 1961.
...Other than the State of Hawaii stating that they had Obama's Birth Certificate on file.
...And the State of Hawaii stating in a separate press conferrence that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States.
...Other than then Republican Governor Linda Lingle confirming Obama was born in Hawaii.
...Other than republican appointed Chiyome Fukino Director of the Department of Health confirming that Obama was born in Hawaii 3 separate times.
...And thenState of Hawaii sending official verification of Obama's Hawaiian birth to the Secretary of State of Arizona, signed by the Registrar of Hawaii Alvin Onaka,
...Other than republican Secretary of State for Arizona Ken Bennett affirming that the State of Hawaii had affirmed Obama's eligibility to run and Hawaiian birth.
...Other than the State of Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka confirming in writing for a Mississippi lawsuit that the long form birth certificate published on the White House website was accurate and matched their original records....

Other than all that, yeah, nothing at all.

There's far more evidence he was born in Kenya, even relatives who attest to the fact. The preponderance of evidence militates against a Hawaii origination.

Actually, Obama's Grandmother said he was born in Hawaii. About 6 times. And in a 2007 article before Obama was even elected, stated that she learned of Obama's birth when she received a letter from her son 6 months after her grandchild was born.

And the picture you posted was a confirmed fake by Snopes.

So, you've got nothing. I don't think 'preponderance of evidence' means what you think it means.

ADMISSION DIRECTOR: I see you were born in Kenya, that makes you elibible for special treatment Mr. Obama
OBAMA: That is correct.

BOOK PUBLISHER: Tell me a little something about you that I can put into a book jacket.
OBAMA: Blah, blah, blah.
BOOK PUBLISHER: Do you have anything that would make you unique and make people want to buy your book?
OBAMA: You could say I was born in Kenya.
BOOK PUBLISHER: Yeah good stuff.

Later after it was point out their mistake after 20 years.

BOOK PUBLISHER: It was a mistake on my part. (yes a mistake in either believing Obama or printing something that she new false)
OBAMA: I know nothing.......

Another great example of Birtherism- lies, speculation, innuendo.....and fact adverse.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.

He lied to who about being born in Kenya?

Those who put it into print that he was born in Kenya. How else does at least two sources get it so wrong for so long? Yes we can suspend all rational thought and come to believe that he didn't know but I choose to think a person so polished knows EXACTLY what is going on and what is said about him. He probably lied on his college paper work also but we can never know.

We've been through this. Those who 'put into print that he was born in Kenya' already said that Obama had never indicated he was in Kenya and that it was a fact checking error on their part:

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Miriam Goderich

You already know that. Why would you omit this extraordinarily relevant detail? Did you think we wouldn't find out? These are the very people you claim he lied to....telling you straight up that he never did. And you ignored them. Why would a rational person ever do what you just did?

So, who is claiming that Obama said he was born in Kenya? Name the person you're citing. Because its clearly not Miriam Goderich.

FACT checking error? What FACT was she checking? .

Well since we aren't Birthers- why should we speculate and make stuff up?

Just show us your evidence that Barack Obama ever told anyone that he was born in Kenya.

Not speculation....not your fiction....not innuendo- actual evidence.
Well. All it would take would be a journalist to backtrack Barry to see where he actually was born. Any jornalist worth his salt should be able to backtrack Barry and find exactly where he spent his youth and where he was born. To bad they are all in his pocket.

Of course the fact that he won't release his college transcripts says a lot. They would show exactly where he came from when he got into college.

Never been a birther but one certainly has to wonder where all the folks from his past are hiding and why they aren't out there telling everyone they knew the POTUS when he was a kid.

Sigh....because they have been telling people- but the nutjobs would prefer conspiracy theories to quotes from the people who knew him?



Rev. Mike Young, Pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu

When Obama was in elementary school in Honolulu, Young recounted in a telephone phone interview, either his grandmother or grandfather (there's confusion over which one) brought him to Sunday school there for several years.

When Young reminded Obama at the memorial service, "his eyes lit up, and he turned to Michelle and said, 'Hey, that's right. This is where I went to Sunday school.'"

Young refers to Obama as Barry. "That's who he was here. No one here called him Barack." At the memorial service, the 70-year-old minister saw Obama as "a tall skinny kid."

Zulfan Adi, Neighborhood Friend

He was the only foreign child in the neighborhood. He also was one of the only neighborhood children whose parents enrolled him in a new Catholic school in an area populated almost entirely by Betawis, the old tribal landowning Jakarta natives who were very traditional Muslims.

Zulfan Adi was one of the neighborhood kids who teased Obama most mercilessly. He remembers one day when young Obama, a hopelessly upbeat boy who seemed oblivious to the fact that the older kids didn't want him tagging along, followed a group of Adi's friends to a nearby swamp. "They held his hands and feet and said, `One, two, three,' and threw him in the swamp," recalled Adi, who still lives in the same house where he grew up. "Luckily he could swim. They only did it to Barry."

"We played marbles out on a dirt field. We could never cheat him. We did try but he always found out,'' says Zulfan Adi, 47, a freelance tourist guide who still lives down the street from Obama's old house in a lower-middle class neighborhood in South Jakarta. ``He used to say, `Kamu curang, kamu curang!''' (``You cheat, you cheat!'') Obama ``is resolute, that's the best way to describe him,'' Adi says. ``He never hesitated to stand up to defend his rights.''

How many more to do you want?

Friends from high school? Coaches? Friends from college?
The most critical missing documents are those concerned with His Royal Education. Did he get student aid (money) by claiming to be a "foreign student"? If he did and if he WERE born in Kenya then he'd be an illegitimate "president". If he did (claim foreign student aid*) then he might legally be a legitimate president but a criminal who should be brought to trial.

*restated subject for benefit of comprehension-challenged liberals

So you think that
if Obama got student aid and
if he got it by claiming to be a foreign student and
if he were born in Hawaii and then if all of those speculations lined up- he is a criminal.

And if John Boehner robbed a bank, he is a criminal who should be brought to trial.

Easy to come up with 'if's'
Both of BOBO's parents where grifters.
He applied as a foreign exchange student to Occidental.
The money to attend came from grants.
He conned his way into Columbia where not one of 400 students in his graduating class had ever heard of him.
He a congenital liar. One day someone for some reason is going to show the world Barry's school applications and attendance records.
But by then Hills and the LIBs will claim: "At this point what difference does it make". A couple of years after leaving a job wherein he disgraced himself and did his best to make his negro absentee Communist father 'proud' by attempting to turn the US into a Socialist country guess what?
His 'LIB base' will still be lining up to lick his ass.

Birthers are liars- and are cowards who attack the memories of dead people- because those are the only people they can be certain won't kick their asses.

Let me just show one lie- just to show how easily Danny the racist birther lies:

He conned his way into Columbia where not one of 400 students in his graduating class had ever heard of him.

Phil Boerner, Classmate and Roommate

I was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981.... We both transferred from Oxy to Columbia infall

1981. Barack had found an apartment on West 109th Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus [Video of apartment as it looks now], and suggested that I room with him. Our sublet was a third-story walk-up in a so-so neighborhood; the unit next door was burned out and vacant. The doorbell didn’t work; to be let in when I first arrived I had to yell up to Barack from the street. It was a railroad apartment: From the kitchen, you walked into Barack’s room, then my room, and lastly the living room. We didn’t have a television or computers. In that apartment we hosted a number of visitors, mostly friends from Oxy who stayed overnight when they were passing through town. Barack was very generous to these visitors. As a host and roommate, he sometimes did the shopping and cooked the chicken curry.

Sohale Siddiqi, Classmate and Roommate

The way Sohale Siddiqi remembers it, he and his old roommate were walking his pug Charlie on Broadway when a
large, scary bum approached them, stomping on the ground near the dog's head.

This was in the 1980s, a time when New York was a fearful place beset by drugs and crime, when the street smart knew that the best way to handle the city's derelicts was to avoid them entirely. But Siddiqi was angry and he confronted the bum, who approached him menacingly.

Until his skinny, Ivy League-educated friend — Barack Obama — intervened.

He "stepped right in between. ... He planted his face firmly in the face of the guy. 'Hey, hey, hey.' And the guy backpedaled and we kept walking," Siddiqi recalls.

Michael J. Wolf, Classmate

Michael J. Wolf, who took the seminar with him and went on to become president of MTV Networks, said: “He was very smart. He had a broad sense of international politics and international relations. It was a class with a lot of debate. He was a very, very active participant. I think he was truly distinctive from the other people in that class. He stood out.”

Michael Ackerman, Classmate

A young man with a red backpack often lingered outside the International Affairs Building. He was a commuter student, so he typically arrived early, but the door to his Modern Political Movements class was always locked until the last minute. His classmate, Michael Ackerman, CC ’84, always forgot whether his name was Barry or Barack. He knew that “Barak” means “thunder” in Hebrew, but Ackerman didn’t think he looked Jewish. Ackerman said he found his fellowpolitical science major “charming,” but the two remained only casual acquaintances.

Barack Obama, CC ’83, was “almost chameleon-like, spy-like, slipped in and out,” Ackerman recalled. “He tried to keep to himself.”

According to Ackerman, who is now a lawyer in California, Obama sometimes played pick-up games of basketball and went to a few meetings of the Black Students Organization, but “he didn’t really hang out much” and kept his nose in the books. “At that time, a lot of commuters at Columbia weren’t as involved as people who lived on campus,” Ackerman said.

Jim Davidson, Classmate

... I met Barack Obama at Columbia University when we were both students there in Spring 1983... I was a student at Columbia University 1981-1985.

Not only did I meet and talk with Barack Obama at some length, he wrote an essay that was published in The Sundial magazine on campus in 1983. Over the byline “Barack Obama” is a discussion of the anti-war groups on campus, including Students Against Militarism, a group I was a member of. (I was also a member of Young Americans for Freedom.)...

So, in summary, I was a student at Columbia, I met Barack Obama, I knew he was a student, and he and I talked, among other things, about my involvement in Students Against Militarism, my discomfort with its connection to Maoists and Stalinists on campus, and my favourite hat with political buttons all over it.

Cathie M. Currie, Graduate Student

"I knew [Obama] while he was [at Columbia]. He was remarkable then, but not in the way that most people think of as "remarkable." He was not trying to be noticed — he was studious and thoughtful. I said of him: "Whatever Barack decides to do for a career, he will be the best at it." When he left our group he was often on his way to a library."

"We played soccer on the lawn in front of Butler — I was usually the only woman playing and he treated me as equally as the others: if I was open, he sent the ball into the space in front of me, if I wasn’t open — he never made the silly passes that some men did to try to act like they were being egalitarian. The "into the space" passing was consistent — he was a superior strategist — and many of us had been college or semi-pro players. We always wanted him on our team."

"After games we had discussions — and we found that the same thoughtfulness of play was evident in his thinking about policy and social issues. He was a serious guy, but always had a ready laugh or twinkle in his eye."

"I was doing my Ph.D. — I assumed he was a fellow grad student. When I saw him on television at the Democratic Convention I was only surprised that I knew him, but entirely not surprised at his achievement."

"The people who are making these claims, Fox et al, do not understand Columbia. I recently told a father of a current student that he should visit the campus on a warm Friday night to see the school environment that is uniquely CU — it is the same as when I studied there: hundreds of us sitting on the library steps doing school work on laptops."

Currie isn't surprised that he was not widely-remembered by fellow Columbia classmates. "My sense of it was that he was keeping a low profile," Currie said.

He seemed like someone who had made a decision to prioritize his studies, she said. "We'd ask him to go out with us for beers after soccer," she said. "He seemed like he wanted to, but then he'd step back and say, 'Sorry, I'm going to the library.'"

Jonathan Zimmerman '83, Classmate (Added 8/10/2012)

Would he attend his thirtieth next year? Obama’s classmate Jonathan Zimmerman, director of the History of Education Program at New York University, who remembers the president from a sociology class taught by Andrew Walder, hopes so. “I’ve never been to a reunion,” he said. “But if that guy says he’s going, I’m going!”

So either he was lying when he claimed to be born in Kenya or he was lying when he claimed to be born in Hawaii. I don't know why the Left thinks they're defending the correct lie.

And who did Obama tell he was born in Kenya?
Miriam Goderich.

That's not what Miriam Goderich says:

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Miriam Goderich

Born in Kenya Obama s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

That looks like an explicit contradiction of your claims to me, by the world's leading expert on the content of that pamphlet.

So I ask again, who said that Obama told them he was born in Kenya? It clearly wasn't Miriam Goderich. So who? Its such a simple question and yet it sends your ilk running with their tails tucked between tender haunches every single time.
She said that because she was told to say that (most likely by a Obama stooge in the WH) to cover for Obama.

Birthers- once again showing with Racist Stevie that all they have are lies, speculation and innuendo.
I nominate you for official ass wiper for the president.

And I nominate you as GOP pissboy! There to clean up the puddles of yellow fear they piddle behind them as they come up with excuse after excuse why they can't possibly impeach.

Just bring a really big bucket....as the GOP has made moral incontinence a veritable party plank.
As I've stated several times already, I don't think the RINOs have the balls to impeach the fraud (I'm sorry, your messiah), but they should. Now, shouldn't you be in bed? You have school tomorrow.

So we're in agreement, Pissboy.....the GOP doesn't have the balls in their empty pink flapping sacks to back their gutless rhetoric with action. They're afraid, no, wetting their panties terrified of actually trying to impeach Obama. And they're tossing excuse after sniveling excuse for why they won't impeach over their shoulder as they skuddle away, dragging their ass on the carpet behind them as they go.

Even gung-ho proponents like Templar go suddenly mousy and vague when you ask them WHICH of the 6 democratic senators would inexplicably cross aisle and vote to convict Obama of 'charges' that aren't actually crimes and which the GOP couldn't make stick in a court of law. Let alone show us actual indications among these 'mystery 6' that they would support impeachment.

Why? Because they don't exist.
You shouldn't shoot off your mouth so much, you might be eating your words. If he plays dictator on amnesty, he may find that he's pushed the American people too far. Of course, we all know that parasitic blacks and cock sucking sycophants such as yourself will stand by him no matter what, but people who love their country will want him removed.

I have yet to see any Birther express love for anything other than hatred of Obama and the Consittution.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

And that's also how the universe works. We leave footprints that can be traced. Anyone who wants to know about me will eventually find where I was raised, who my teachers were in school, who babysat me, who my friends were, what achievements of mine made the local paper, etc. Nobody exists in a vacuum, and here we've been presented with a forged birth certificate that's supposed to convince is in spite of the mountainous LACK of supporting evidence that Obama was actually born in Hawaii.

Other than the COLB issued by Hawaii that states he was born in Hawaii. Which stands as prima facie evidence of Obama's hawaiian birth in any court of law.
....And the two birth announcements that Obama was born in Honolulu published in local papers in 1961.
...Other than the State of Hawaii stating that they had Obama's Birth Certificate on file.
...And the State of Hawaii stating in a separate press conferrence that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States.
...Other than then Republican Governor Linda Lingle confirming Obama was born in Hawaii.
...Other than republican appointed Chiyome Fukino Director of the Department of Health confirming that Obama was born in Hawaii 3 separate times.
...And thenState of Hawaii sending official verification of Obama's Hawaiian birth to the Secretary of State of Arizona, signed by the Registrar of Hawaii Alvin Onaka,
...Other than republican Secretary of State for Arizona Ken Bennett affirming that the State of Hawaii had affirmed Obama's eligibility to run and Hawaiian birth.
...Other than the State of Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka confirming in writing for a Mississippi lawsuit that the long form birth certificate published on the White House website was accurate and matched their original records....

Other than all that, yeah, nothing at all.

There's far more evidence he was born in Kenya, even relatives who attest to the fact. The preponderance of evidence militates against a Hawaii origination.

Actually, Obama's Grandmother said he was born in Hawaii. About 6 times. And in a 2007 article before Obama was even elected, stated that she learned of Obama's birth when she received a letter from her son 6 months after her grandchild was born.

And the picture you posted was a confirmed fake by Snopes.

So, you've got nothing. I don't think 'preponderance of evidence' means what you think it means.
Snopes is not reliable. Hawaii Dept of Heath can't be trusted since the birth certificate eas found forged by a authoritative law enforcement agency, the Maricopa County Sheriff Office.

Racist Stevie is lying about that too.
I see a lot of idiotic thinking on this board, and you are no exception.

It is pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Minor detail, barely worth mentioning. His mother clearly had herculean kegals and shot his little half Kenyan ass across the border like she were punkin chunkin.


Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, a reporter, and Obama's grandmother in Kenya all said at one point that Barack was born in Kenya. Who can distinguish the errors in speech from the Freudian slips from the outright lies? This thread has as it's premise the ways the universe works. Here's another immutable law of the universe. No matter how hard people suppress the truth, it always finds a way to come to the surface.

Once again showing that Birthers have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo.......
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough.

Yeah, that's my perspective too.

He just ran with the Kenya stuff for the various advantages associated with PC, like Warren and her schtick about being "native American".


Ran with it........how? Let's go over this again for your benefit. A deep thinker like you should appreciate that.

In what ways did Barack Obama run with "the Kenya stuff"?

Book sales promotion.

Let it ride for his political aspirations.

College entry and finance (prove this wrong, prove how someone with admittedly marginal grades gets accepted at Columbia and then Harvard especially someone with no money.)

Book sales? Explain, please.

You think his being a Kenyan citizen would be a PLUS for his political aspirations in America? Very cool.

College entry? Why are you so stupid? You are asking me to prove a negative. You need to prove your assertion or stop making it.
And I nominate you as GOP pissboy! There to clean up the puddles of yellow fear they piddle behind them as they come up with excuse after excuse why they can't possibly impeach.

Just bring a really big bucket....as the GOP has made moral incontinence a veritable party plank.
As I've stated several times already, I don't think the RINOs have the balls to impeach the fraud (I'm sorry, your messiah), but they should. Now, shouldn't you be in bed? You have school tomorrow.

So we're in agreement, Pissboy.....the GOP doesn't have the balls in their empty pink flapping sacks to back their gutless rhetoric with action. They're afraid, no, wetting their panties terrified of actually trying to impeach Obama. And they're tossing excuse after sniveling excuse for why they won't impeach over their shoulder as they skuddle away, dragging their ass on the carpet behind them as they go.

Even gung-ho proponents like Templar go suddenly mousy and vague when you ask them WHICH of the 6 democratic senators would inexplicably cross aisle and vote to convict Obama of 'charges' that aren't actually crimes and which the GOP couldn't make stick in a court of law. Let alone show us actual indications among these 'mystery 6' that they would support impeachment.

Why? Because they don't exist.
You shouldn't shoot off your mouth so much, you might be eating your words. If he plays dictator on amnesty, he may find that he's pushed the American people too far. Of course, we all know that parasitic blacks and cock sucking sycophants such as yourself will stand by him no matter what, but people who love their country will want him removed.
He"'ll get exactly what he wants. If he purposely does something Congress is not happy with, then he has forced the Congress to ACT on immigration reform, which he will claim as a win.....a WIN because this is what he has been telling the citizens...that he wants and PREFERS it to be Congress, doing their job, and passing an immigration bill.... So even if it passes with things he showed no favor to, he will still call it a win, because he got what he claimed he wanted, Congress to ACT on immigration reform.
So why is he planning to do it through EO instead of waiting for Congress?

He has waited long enough.
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough.

Yeah, that's my perspective too.

He just ran with the Kenya stuff for the various advantages associated with PC, like Warren and her schtick about being "native American".


Ran with it........how? Let's go over this again for your benefit. A deep thinker like you should appreciate that.

In what ways did Barack Obama run with "the Kenya stuff"?

Book sales promotion.

Let it ride for his political aspirations.

College entry and finance (prove this wrong, prove how someone with admittedly marginal grades gets accepted at Columbia and then Harvard especially someone with no money.)

Book sales? Explain, please.

You think his being a Kenyan citizen would be a PLUS for his political aspirations in America? Very cool.

College entry? Why are you so stupid? You are asking me to prove a negative. You need to prove your assertion or stop making it.

What is even more moronic- no Birther has ever managed to explain how being Kenyan would somehow help him with college.

I was good friends with a Nigerian in college- he got nothing for being a foreign student except higher tuition.
As I've stated several times already, I don't think the RINOs have the balls to impeach the fraud (I'm sorry, your messiah), but they should. Now, shouldn't you be in bed? You have school tomorrow.

So we're in agreement, Pissboy.....the GOP doesn't have the balls in their empty pink flapping sacks to back their gutless rhetoric with action. They're afraid, no, wetting their panties terrified of actually trying to impeach Obama. And they're tossing excuse after sniveling excuse for why they won't impeach over their shoulder as they skuddle away, dragging their ass on the carpet behind them as they go.

Even gung-ho proponents like Templar go suddenly mousy and vague when you ask them WHICH of the 6 democratic senators would inexplicably cross aisle and vote to convict Obama of 'charges' that aren't actually crimes and which the GOP couldn't make stick in a court of law. Let alone show us actual indications among these 'mystery 6' that they would support impeachment.

Why? Because they don't exist.
You shouldn't shoot off your mouth so much, you might be eating your words. If he plays dictator on amnesty, he may find that he's pushed the American people too far. Of course, we all know that parasitic blacks and cock sucking sycophants such as yourself will stand by him no matter what, but people who love their country will want him removed.
He"'ll get exactly what he wants. If he purposely does something Congress is not happy with, then he has forced the Congress to ACT on immigration reform, which he will claim as a win.....a WIN because this is what he has been telling the citizens...that he wants and PREFERS it to be Congress, doing their job, and passing an immigration bill.... So even if it passes with things he showed no favor to, he will still call it a win, because he got what he claimed he wanted, Congress to ACT on immigration reform.
So why is he planning to do it through EO instead of waiting for Congress?

He has waited long enough.
Waited long enough??? They haven't been sworn in yet, dumbass! And BTW, the CURRENT Congress has passed immigration reform bills that are still sitting on Harry Reid's desk! You can't possible be this stupid, or can you?
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.
The first black President, and not ONE nurse or doctor came forth and said "I helped deliver the little bastard."

Now, this was back in the day when a black in Hawaii was as a rare as a thinking Dem.

If you had brought him into the world...would YOU admit it?!?!
Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever told anyone that he was born in Kenya.

But we do know that he regularly told everyone that he was born in Hawaii.

The New York Times, Feb. 6, 1990

The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Not so fast there jellybean, how do you think this publisher got the idea?

Obama was born in Hawaii. He lied about being born in Kenya. He let lies stand for years that he was born in Kenya. Of all the evidence I think that the newspaper announcements are enough. We certainly can't know for sure following Obama's rendering of history.

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever told anyone that he was born in Kenya.

But we do know that he regularly told everyone that he was born in Hawaii.

The New York Times, Feb. 6, 1990

The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Not so fast there jellybean, how do you think this publisher got the idea?


Well lets see what the editor of that pamphlet said

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

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So you can speculate as much as you want- but if you want to not be like a Birther- and rely upon the facts- the fact is that the editor said that was a mistake.

Meanwhile- the year before- in articles in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and the LA Times- it was reported that young Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Well. All it would take would be a journalist to backtrack Barry to see where he actually was born. Any jornalist worth his salt should be able to backtrack Barry and find exactly where he spent his youth and where he was born. To bad they are all in his pocket.

Of course the fact that he won't release his college transcripts says a lot. They would show exactly where he came from when he got into college.

Never been a birther but one certainly has to wonder where all the folks from his past are hiding and why they aren't out there telling everyone they knew the POTUS when he was a kid.

Sigh....because they have been telling people- but the nutjobs would prefer conspiracy theories to quotes from the people who knew him?



Rev. Mike Young, Pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu

When Obama was in elementary school in Honolulu, Young recounted in a telephone phone interview, either his grandmother or grandfather (there's confusion over which one) brought him to Sunday school there for several years.

When Young reminded Obama at the memorial service, "his eyes lit up, and he turned to Michelle and said, 'Hey, that's right. This is where I went to Sunday school.'"

Young refers to Obama as Barry. "That's who he was here. No one here called him Barack." At the memorial service, the 70-year-old minister saw Obama as "a tall skinny kid."

Zulfan Adi, Neighborhood Friend

He was the only foreign child in the neighborhood. He also was one of the only neighborhood children whose parents enrolled him in a new Catholic school in an area populated almost entirely by Betawis, the old tribal landowning Jakarta natives who were very traditional Muslims.

Zulfan Adi was one of the neighborhood kids who teased Obama most mercilessly. He remembers one day when young Obama, a hopelessly upbeat boy who seemed oblivious to the fact that the older kids didn't want him tagging along, followed a group of Adi's friends to a nearby swamp. "They held his hands and feet and said, `One, two, three,' and threw him in the swamp," recalled Adi, who still lives in the same house where he grew up. "Luckily he could swim. They only did it to Barry."

"We played marbles out on a dirt field. We could never cheat him. We did try but he always found out,'' says Zulfan Adi, 47, a freelance tourist guide who still lives down the street from Obama's old house in a lower-middle class neighborhood in South Jakarta. ``He used to say, `Kamu curang, kamu curang!''' (``You cheat, you cheat!'') Obama ``is resolute, that's the best way to describe him,'' Adi says. ``He never hesitated to stand up to defend his rights.''

How many more to do you want?

Friends from high school? Coaches? Friends from college?

Wow. You just totally proved where he was raised. You do know this thread is about where he was born, don't you?

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