Belgian euthanized after botched sex change

The legitimate question here is --

Should people have the right to cause their own death?

Should we be able to ask for and get the assistance of a Dr Kevorkian to end our life?

Obviously, I believe that we should have ALL rights over our own body. That includes abortion, sex change and assisted suicide. None of that is the business of the state. No government should be able to legally control our bodies.


What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?

What about them?

The only time I would intercede would be if the patient is a minor.
The story saddens me I feel like there was more of a psychological issue going on rather than a terminal illness that diminishes the quality of life leading to eventual death anyway.

I don't think most of us can imagine the torment these people go through. That's bad enough but for some sick little twit like Steve to set himself up as an authority on all things sexual is disgusting and harmful to people who have not caused him any harm.
The legitimate question here is --

Should people have the right to cause their own death?

Should we be able to ask for and get the assistance of a Dr Kevorkian to end our life?

Obviously, I believe that we should have ALL rights over our own body. That includes abortion, sex change and assisted suicide. None of that is the business of the state. No government should be able to legally control our bodies.


What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?

What about them?

The only time I would intercede would be if the patient is a minor.

So if a minor was to be euthanized you would be against it also correct?

To me, where their is mental health issues clearly in question I feel that the medical community needs to use discretion and medical ethical practices in judging whether or not this is truly the only option for a person.
What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?

What about them?

The only time I would intercede would be if the patient is a minor.

So if a minor was to be euthanized you would be against it also correct?

To me, where their is mental health issues clearly in question I feel that the medical community needs to use discretion and medical ethical practices in judging whether or not this is truly the only option for a person.

Its a slippery slope but but with very stringent standards and requirements, yes, even some types of mental illness should not preclude the decision to die.

We're in the middle of a frightening time of radical religious right wing loons wanting to force their version of morality on the rest of us.

It is astounding to me we even entertain the idea that each of us does not have total and complete control over our bodies.
We are actually in a frightening time of left wing loons forcing a terrible moral void upon us.
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Where is the problem?

It sounds like this man only wanted a sex change because he wasn't treated well by his mother. He felt that if he changed sex, his mother would appreciate him more, like his brothers.
Then when had the surgery, he wasn't happy with it - which is just too bad. It doesn't always work out the way you want it, and you will never end up with the body you desire, either. He knew the risks and chose to take them.
He decided to take his own life via lethal injection rather than face up to his mistakes.
What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?

If they are of legal age, they don't have to have treatment - but no one has the right to force their children into not having appropriate medical treatment.
I have to wonder what happened to Steve where he has this obsession with "Trannies".

I think it involved too much drinking, a trip home from a bar and a big surprise...

Don't worry, none of think you're gay, Steve. You totally have a case of the not-gays.
What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?

If they are of legal age, they don't have to have treatment - but no one has the right to force their children into not having appropriate medical treatment.

That's not relevant because we allow children now to decide what gender they are despite not being of legal age. If they are old enough to force others yo deny reality then a kid can refuse medical treatment otherwise you have a double standard
I have to wonder what happened to Steve where he has this obsession with "Trannies".

I think it involved too much drinking, a trip home from a bar and a big surprise...

Don't worry, none of think you're gay, Steve. You totally have a case of the not-gays.

Moderators: why is it okay for them to do this?
I have to wonder what happened to Steve where he has this obsession with "Trannies".

I think it involved too much drinking, a trip home from a bar and a big surprise...

Don't worry, none of think you're gay, Steve. You totally have a case of the not-gays.

Moderators: why is it okay for them to do this?

Why is it okay for you to spam the board with anti-tranny threads?

just to totally not be depressed, I actually reviewed "All Threads started by NovaSteve"

Six threads about tranvestites or gays started by you in the last six days. about 12 in the last month.

I'm being really very honest here, guy. Frankly, most of us don't have the obsession with this topic you seem to have.

Why would it make any difference in your life that there are men dressing up as women or who think they are women.

Personally, I feel it's really kind of silly to refer to something with a penis with female pronouns in the name of PC. But you take it to a weird level of obsession where there really are more important issues.
So this story should just be ignored?

I'd have never heard about it if you hadn't brought it up, and frankly, stuff that goes on in Belguim isn't that important to me.

I'm not comfortable with the idea of physician assisted suicide. That's kind of exactly the oppossite of what it means to be a doctor.

But in the cosmic scheme of things, is it a big deal that he let a doctor kill him instead of throwing himself into traffic? Not really.

Why do you think all these Tranny stories are that important. Do you really think there's an army of Trannies out there ready to destroy all you think is good?

I mean, seriously, 12 anti-gay/Tranny threads in the last month, dude. You are obsessed!

And I have to wonder why. I have my theory.
We are actually in a frightening time of left wing loons forcing a terrible moral void upon us.

We are actually in a frightening time of right wing loons attempting to force a animal like fear of human rights upon us.

Human rights?
Liberals oppose human rights!!

Oh sorry!
I forgot, liberals regard non cult members to be sub human, hence they always kill their children.
What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?

If they are of legal age, they don't have to have treatment - but no one has the right to force their children into not having appropriate medical treatment.
In American public schools kids are taught how to use condoms as young as age 10.
12 year olds are instructed to fuck who ever they want and ignore their parents advice to wait.

It's probably something to do with all the Nambla campaign cash......
This was never a man. She was a woman who thought being male would bring her acceptance in her family. The psychological suffering must have been intense. She wasn't wanted as a woman nor as a man. This is the real danger in trivializing transsexualism.

It's like the Canadian boy raised as a girl, later trying to reconstruct his male genitals. He committed suicide too.

are you talking about the boy that the rolling stone magazine covered?

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