Belgian euthanized after botched sex change

This was never a man. She was a woman who thought being male would bring her acceptance in her family. The psychological suffering must have been intense. She wasn't wanted as a woman nor as a man. This is the real danger in trivializing transsexualism.

It's like the Canadian boy raised as a girl, later trying to reconstruct his male genitals. He committed suicide too.

are you talking about the boy that the rolling stone magazine covered?

I have no idea what the rolling stone magazine would have covered since I don't read rolling stone. I was talking about David Reimer.

The tragedy in the case in Belgium is that people have mental illnesses and sex change is inappropriately used.
We are actually in a frightening time of left wing loons forcing a terrible moral void upon us.

all in the name of maltusianism.

It could be in the name of malthusianism. More than likely they believe that no one should be allowed to make any judgment at all and somehow the world will be a better place for it. This isn't true of course. We see exactly the kind of bloody world they intend to make.
We are actually in a frightening time of left wing loons forcing a terrible moral void upon us.

all in the name of maltusianism.

It could be in the name of malthusianism. More than likely they believe that no one should be allowed to make any judgment at all and somehow the world will be a better place for it. This isn't true of course. We see exactly the kind of bloody world they intend to make.

the ones who are pushing in parallel the ideas of "control over your body" in forms of unrestricted murder in utero or now euthanasia, are also the same ones which are spewing the lies about AGW and "overpopulation of the planet".

Those are all lego pieces of the same big agenda - totalitarian grip over every individual.
What about them?

The only time I would intercede would be if the patient is a minor.

So if a minor was to be euthanized you would be against it also correct?

To me, where their is mental health issues clearly in question I feel that the medical community needs to use discretion and medical ethical practices in judging whether or not this is truly the only option for a person.

Its a slippery slope but but with very stringent standards and requirements, yes, even some types of mental illness should not preclude the decision to die.

We're in the middle of a frightening time of radical religious right wing loons wanting to force their version of morality on the rest of us.

It is astounding to me we even entertain the idea that each of us does not have total and complete control over our bodies.

It is a slippery slope, while I can see valid points when a patient has a terminal illness, I cannot understand why any physician would not direct a person with mental illness toward a mental health specialist to handle their problem.

In cases like this it is possible that he/she could have come to temrs with the mother's rejection and healed through the pain.

I don't think euthanasia was the only option and most certainly should be the last option in a case like this.

Just my opinion and I am not a religious person, I wholeheartedly support gay rights and find what happened tragic.

In essence the physician agreed there was no point for the patient to live.

I just disagree and find the medical ethics here very slippery. :cool:
This was never a man. She was a woman who thought being male would bring her acceptance in her family. The psychological suffering must have been intense. She wasn't wanted as a woman nor as a man. This is the real danger in trivializing transsexualism.

It's like the Canadian boy raised as a girl, later trying to reconstruct his male genitals. He committed suicide too.

are you talking about the boy that the rolling stone magazine covered?

I have no idea what the rolling stone magazine would have covered since I don't read rolling stone. I was talking about David Reimer.

The tragedy in the case in Belgium is that people have mental illnesses and sex change is inappropriately used.

yes david reimer...sad its said best to put off sex assignment surgery till the child is older and can pick...not on penis size

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