Belgian euthanized after botched sex change

Wim Distelmans, a cancer specialist who carried out the euthanasia, is the same doctor who late last year gave lethal injections to congenitally deaf twins who were frightened they were also going blind.

Any libs here have any comments on the story?

Yes. Your black and white rendition of the world is moronic. Everything on Earth is not about liberalism or conservativism. As well, conservatives and righ wingers on his board have regularly belittled and ridiculed the science of psychotherapy, yet now it appears to be the only solution to problems of sexual identity. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

The situation in your article is more complex than you apparently realize. This is an example of an extreme situation, not the status quo. One example of how sex change and euthanasia were badly handled, not an example of the majority of cases. It's like holding up Michael Jackson as an example of what happens to everyone who gets plastic surgery. Belgium has realized there are some problems with their programs of sex change and euthanisa are looking at how to fix those problems; throwing out the baby with the bath water is just stupid, something a stupid person would think was the solution. Your response is reactionary instead of thoughtful and considered.

And, seriously, I don't think this situation has much to do with liberal versus conservative politics, with one extreme or one side above the other. The world is not that simple. There are conservatives who believe in euthanasia and sex change. There are liberals who don't believe in either. Making everything in the world about liberal versus conservative politics is simple minded.
Belgium is off the hook with their euthanasia shit. It disgusts me.

Eyeah..I bet.

[ame=]Teaparty: Just Let Uninsured People Die (CNN GOP debate, Ron Paul) - YouTube[/ame]

Cry me a river..


This has nothing to do with politics ya dope.

Wait, what?

That was the Republican Presidential Debate.

The only dope around here is what your smoking...ace.
It's liberals and only liberals who force this transgender stuff under law

You've been asked what you would do.

Why can't you answer the question?

You also seem to believe that only libs are gay or transgender. That's stupid but just about everything you post is stupid.

So, answer the question - What would you do?

Would you make homosexuality and transgenderism illegal?

Wait, what?

That was the Republican Presidential Debate.

The only dope around here is what your smoking...ace.

And, he's wrong.

It has everything to do with politics. If rw's had their way, gays and transgender people would be rounded up and locked away. All the rw's know is to force their wacko morals on others.
The legitimate question here is --

Should people have the right to cause their own death?

Should we be able to ask for and get the assistance of a Dr Kevorkian to end our life?

Obviously, I believe that we should have ALL rights over our own body. That includes abortion, sex change and assisted suicide. None of that is the business of the state. No government should be able to legally control our bodies.

The legitimate question here is --

Should people have the right to cause their own death?

Should we be able to ask for and get the assistance of a Dr Kevorkian to end our life?

Obviously, I believe that we should have ALL rights over our own body. That includes abortion, sex change and assisted suicide. None of that is the business of the state. No government should be able to legally control our bodies.


What about people who want no medical treatment because of religious beliefs?
The story saddens me I feel like there was more of a psychological issue going on rather than a terminal illness that diminishes the quality of life leading to eventual death anyway.

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