Belgian MP Describes Muslim Immigration as “Invasion”

Hezbollah in the middle east is a bigger threat than is ISIS
Only reason you say that is because Hezbollah are freedom fighters fighting Israel yet shockingly ISIS as NEVER touched Israel...why ya think that is?

Isis is much weaker than is Hezbollah------where have you been the last few decades? Hezbollah is a brutally terrorist organization-----for all decent people---for people like you who enjoy dancing on the smashed brains of children, Hezbollah is "allah-sent"
Hezbollah in the middle east is a bigger threat than is ISIS
Only reason you say that is because Hezbollah are freedom fighters fighting Israel yet shockingly ISIS as NEVER touched Israel...why ya think that is?

Isis is much weaker than is Hezbollah------where have you been the last few decades? Hezbollah is a brutally terrorist organization-----for all decent people---for people like you who enjoy dancing on the smashed brains of children, Hezbollah is "allah-sent"
Not even close. ISIS is very powerful and control THOUSANDS of miles of land. SO again why haven't they so much as TOUCHED Israel? Maybe its because ISIS is a Mossad/CIA creation.
Hezbollah in the middle east is a bigger threat than is ISIS
Only reason you say that is because Hezbollah are freedom fighters fighting Israel yet shockingly ISIS as NEVER touched Israel...why ya think that is?

Isis is much weaker than is Hezbollah------where have you been the last few decades? Hezbollah is a brutally terrorist organization-----for all decent people---for people like you who enjoy dancing on the smashed brains of children, Hezbollah is "allah-sent"
Not even close. ISIS is very powerful and control THOUSANDS of miles of land. SO again why haven't they so much as TOUCHED Israel? Maybe its because ISIS is a Mossad/CIA creation.

you are having wet dreams----ISIS is already wrecked. Most sunnis reject ISIS----
just about ALL SHIITES embrace Hezbollah ----and even some sunnis do and various other and odd and sundry sects-----including the alawite pigs----and---in
general---lots of Baathist pigs
ISIS are Sunnis. Baathists are secular. You are full of crap.

wrong again ----Baathists are sunnis-----your hero of the infant slit throat and companion of adolf hiter "GRAND MUFTI AL HUSSEINI was a Baathist pig
sunni. Your hero, murderer of hundreds of thousands (mostly Shiites and kurds)
SADDAM HUSSEIN was a sunni -----even your best hero murderer of his own army and used of nitrogen mustard gas on the heads of children
GAMAL ABDUL NASSER----was a sunni----Baathist bastard ----gee you are dim
The Arab Baath Party's was founded by three people, one was a Christian, one was an Atheist and one was a Sunni. It was religiously, pardon the pun, secular. It is you that haven't a clue, your lack of formal education shows. As they say it's better to be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
The Arab Baath Party's was founded by three people, one was a Christian, one was an Atheist and one was a Sunni. It was religiously, pardon the pun, secular. It is you that haven't a clue, your lack of formal education shows. As they say it's better to be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

you are quite a joke--------all sorts of things were founded by this and that person---of this or that "ideology"----Karl Marx never harmed a soul His writings formed the basis for a genocidal cult that has murdered in the hundreds of millions The writings of Charles Darwin-----an accomplished and brilliant BIOLOGIST were used to create the filth of your hero ADOLF HITLER ----"as they say" -----
"a little knowledge in the hands of filth (like you) is a dangerous thing"
The Arab Baath Party's was founded by three people, one was a Christian, one was an Atheist and one was a Sunni. It was religiously, pardon the pun, secular. It is you that haven't a clue, your lack of formal education shows. As they say it's better to be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

you are quite a joke--------all sorts of things were founded by this and that person---of this or that "ideology"----Karl Marx never harmed a soul His writings formed the basis for a genocidal cult that has murdered in the hundreds of millions The writings of Charles Darwin-----an accomplished and brilliant BIOLOGIST were used to create the filth of your hero ADOLF HITLER ----"as they say" -----
"a little knowledge in the hands of filth (like you) is a dangerous thing"

Personal attacks with no basis in fact that have nothing to do with the OP, does not make the bullshit you post any more credible, Trust me.
The Arab Baath Party's was founded by three people, one was a Christian, one was an Atheist and one was a Sunni. It was religiously, pardon the pun, secular. It is you that haven't a clue, your lack of formal education shows. As they say it's better to be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

you are quite a joke--------all sorts of things were founded by this and that person---of this or that "ideology"----Karl Marx never harmed a soul His writings formed the basis for a genocidal cult that has murdered in the hundreds of millions The writings of Charles Darwin-----an accomplished and brilliant BIOLOGIST were used to create the filth of your hero ADOLF HITLER ----"as they say" -----
"a little knowledge in the hands of filth (like you) is a dangerous thing"

Personal attacks with no basis in fact that have nothing to do with the OP, does not make the bullshit you post any more credible, Trust me.

I attacked neither Charles Darwin nor Marx Is there something that I wrote about either which you wish to claim is NOT TRUE? It is true that I did attack
Adolf Hitler------if that attack offended you------I have no condolences to offer
ISIS are Sunnis. Baathists are secular. You are full of crap.

wrong again ----Baathists are sunnis-----your hero of the infant slit throat and companion of adolf hiter "GRAND MUFTI AL HUSSEINI was a Baathist pig
sunni. Your hero, murderer of hundreds of thousands (mostly Shiites and kurds)
SADDAM HUSSEIN was a sunni -----even your best hero murderer of his own army and used of nitrogen mustard gas on the heads of children
GAMAL ABDUL NASSER----was a sunni----Baathist bastard ----gee you are dim
We need a party that is committed to guarding public morals looks like the NSDAP or Hezbollah - pious men under arms enforcing the natural order. There really isn't a middle ground in the modern state on these kinds of questions.
The Arab Baath Party's was founded by three people, one was a Christian, one was an Atheist and one was a Sunni. It was religiously, pardon the pun, secular. It is you that haven't a clue, your lack of formal education shows. As they say it's better to be thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

you are quite a joke--------all sorts of things were founded by this and that person---of this or that "ideology"----Karl Marx never harmed a soul His writings formed the basis for a genocidal cult that has murdered in the hundreds of millions The writings of Charles Darwin-----an accomplished and brilliant BIOLOGIST were used to create the filth of your hero ADOLF HITLER ----"as they say" -----
"a little knowledge in the hands of filth (like you) is a dangerous thing"

Personal attacks with no basis in fact that have nothing to do with the OP, does not make the bullshit you post any more credible, Trust me.

Personal attacks are flaming attacks on other posters. I could give a crap what you think about Marx or Hitler.
those euros and English can't kick them out quick enough IMO Odium , here in the USA I hear that muslims are very small , tiny percentage wise . Latest I've heard though is that pretty soon so called refugees will be arriving in the USA to be spread out throughout the USA . From what I've read Texas looks like it is a target . Just read about this new North Texas push yesterday !!
Here in America its mostly Mexicans but IMO White America has been smashed in the head with white guilt and nothing short of a complete collapse will wake America up. Unfortunate but true.

Exactly. German guilt about the holocaust means that they still feel duty bound to accept the highest proportion of muslim immigrants of all western nation bar Sweden (which seems to have a very strange desire to commit cultural suicide). In Europe we have gone insane.
As for America, at least the Mexicans share a common religion, and their second/3rd generations won't be seeking to destroy the very nation that gave them sanctuary.
Finally, a warning from history. Maybe our time has come, and just like Europeans stole America from the Indians, maybe Africans and Muslims will displace us from our homelands. (Can I have a green card now? - just kidding;))
those euros and English can't kick them out quick enough IMO Odium , here in the USA I hear that muslims are very small , tiny percentage wise . Latest I've heard though is that pretty soon so called refugees will be arriving in the USA to be spread out throughout the USA . From what I've read Texas looks like it is a target . Just read about this new North Texas push yesterday !!
Here in America its mostly Mexicans but IMO White America has been smashed in the head with white guilt and nothing short of a complete collapse will wake America up. Unfortunate but true.

Exactly. German guilt about the holocaust means that they still feel duty bound to accept the highest proportion of muslim immigrants of all western nation bar Sweden (which seems to have a very strange desire to commit cultural suicide). In Europe we have gone insane.
As for America, at least the Mexicans share a common religion, and their second/3rd generations won't be seeking to destroy the very nation that gave them sanctuary.
Finally, a warning from history. Maybe our time has come, and just like Europeans stole America from the Indians, maybe Africans and Muslims will displace us from our homelands. (Can I have a green card now? - just kidding;))
Gotta love the lefty logic. Feels guilty about killing jews, so you must bring in rabidly anti-semitic muslims to assuage the guilt. Brilliant!
thing with me is that I dislike the population growth rather than the Mexicans or other South of the border groups . As you say , mostly they are Christian . I really only care for my life time . If my reasoning is ignored by the new younger generations I don't care if they and their kids live in a third world USA of their making . USA population was about 200 million in 1970 when I was a very young adult , now its 320 million not counting illegals '8326' . So , that's where I'm coming from at least as far as massive immigration into the USA . As far as importing an alien religion like 'islam' I don't understand it even going on in the USA but at least its minimal and can still be avoided if that's what is wanted . As an older adult in 2015 the USA is pretty big with lots of nice lightly populated areas if you can afford them .
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and hey '8326' sorry about me calling you muhamed , I saw your picture and just made a mistake so I apologize '8326' !!
those euros and English can't kick them out quick enough IMO Odium , here in the USA I hear that muslims are very small , tiny percentage wise . Latest I've heard though is that pretty soon so called refugees will be arriving in the USA to be spread out throughout the USA . From what I've read Texas looks like it is a target . Just read about this new North Texas push yesterday !!
Here in America its mostly Mexicans but IMO White America has been smashed in the head with white guilt and nothing short of a complete collapse will wake America up. Unfortunate but true.

Exactly. German guilt about the holocaust means that they still feel duty bound to accept the highest proportion of muslim immigrants of all western nation bar Sweden (which seems to have a very strange desire to commit cultural suicide). In Europe we have gone insane.
As for America, at least the Mexicans share a common religion, and their second/3rd generations won't be seeking to destroy the very nation that gave them sanctuary.
Finally, a warning from history. Maybe our time has come, and just like Europeans stole America from the Indians, maybe Africans and Muslims will displace us from our homelands. (Can I have a green card now? - just kidding;))
Gotta love the lefty logic. Feels guilty about killing jews, so you must bring in rabidly anti-semitic muslims to assuage the guilt. Brilliant!
I aint German or lefty. I'm a Brit, so why would I have a guilt-sense? Although I dont like Islam, you seem to have turned my post into something strange in your head!
and hey '8326' sorry about me calling you muhamed , I saw your picture and just made a mistake so I apologize '8326' !!
Lol no prob. Its the anti islam piss take cartoon from Jyllands posten. Mo with an exploding head. Cheers
those euros and English can't kick them out quick enough IMO Odium , here in the USA I hear that muslims are very small , tiny percentage wise . Latest I've heard though is that pretty soon so called refugees will be arriving in the USA to be spread out throughout the USA . From what I've read Texas looks like it is a target . Just read about this new North Texas push yesterday !!
Here in America its mostly Mexicans but IMO White America has been smashed in the head with white guilt and nothing short of a complete collapse will wake America up. Unfortunate but true.

Exactly. German guilt about the holocaust means that they still feel duty bound to accept the highest proportion of muslim immigrants of all western nation bar Sweden (which seems to have a very strange desire to commit cultural suicide). In Europe we have gone insane.
As for America, at least the Mexicans share a common religion, and their second/3rd generations won't be seeking to destroy the very nation that gave them sanctuary.
Finally, a warning from history. Maybe our time has come, and just like Europeans stole America from the Indians, maybe Africans and Muslims will displace us from our homelands. (Can I have a green card now? - just kidding;))
Gotta love the lefty logic. Feels guilty about killing jews, so you must bring in rabidly anti-semitic muslims to assuage the guilt. Brilliant!
I aint German or lefty. I'm a Brit, so why would I have a guilt-sense? Although I dont like Islam, you seem to have turned my post into something strange in your head!

It is bizarre that Brits don't have sense of guilt considering all the crimes they have committed against humanity. I guess this is what propaganda does to a society.

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