Belgian MP Describes Muslim Immigration as “Invasion”

native Americans have no problem with Westerners or Americans Vikrant . Without westerners and the English in particular the western world wouldn't be the 'first world ' paradise that everyone from the 'third world' tries to escape to !! The English put a stop to widow burning in India for just one example Vikrant .
in fact as a 'native American' I consider myself to be an American first Vikrant .
but yeah , looks like Belgium is being invaded by muslim's according to a Belgian MP Vikrant !!

Immigration matters related to Belgium is none of your business. Your business if you indeed are an American is immigration matters related to America. However, you seem to think that you and your ilk are the care takers of the entire "western world". I got news for you: you are not. You are just a poster or a troll. That is it. If you make a post on a public forum with an intent to incite violence against Muslim folks then it is my duty to speak out against you. You should never make gross generalization about people based on their creed or color or national origin or gender. If you really were an American, you would honor that basic American principle. What I find bizarre is that you do not seem to respect any of the guiding principles this country stands for and yet you seem to wear your American citizenship on your sleeve.
and without the English the Indians in India would still have to worry about the 'thugee' !! So western civilization is the best civilization in the world and did a lot for the world and India . Even native Americans admire the English Vikrant , heck , they taught us all about GUNS !!
the thread is about a muslim invasion of Belgium and that's according to a Belgian MP Vikrant !!
and without the English the Indians in India would still have to worry about the 'thugee' !! So western civilization is the best civilization in the world and did a lot for the world and India . Even native Americans admire the English Vikrant , heck , they taught us all about GUNS !!

That was a record low even if we were to go by the standard of your ilk.
nobody is inciting anything Vikrant , just a little conversation going on plus YOU doing some name calling !!

I think I have a very good idea what you are and what you represent but as I said earlier: that is not germane to the topic.
well , get back to talking about the MP of Begium that claims that Belgium is being invaded by 'muslims' if you like Vikrant . I'll watch the thread and correct you when you say something that is incorrect !!
interesting but obvious if a person checks out foreign message boards , newspapers , blogs . Same things going to happen here but hopefully I'll be pushing up daisys by that time and mrobama supporters will get the full force of it !!
Its happening just in a different way. Here its going to be an economic collapse that brings about change. In Europe they are trying to get ahead of that and are kicking the invaders out before the economic collapse happens.
hope that they succeed Odium !!
interesting but obvious if a person checks out foreign message boards , newspapers , blogs . Same things going to happen here but hopefully I'll be pushing up daisys by that time and mrobama supporters will get the full force of it !!
Its happening just in a different way. Here its going to be an economic collapse that brings about change. In Europe they are trying to get ahead of that and are kicking the invaders out before the economic collapse happens.
hope that they succeed Odium !!

This hope of yours belongs in the dustbin.
I cannot really stop you from dealing with "nitty gritty". I am just trying to appeal to your heart. I am under no illusion that my posts will make any difference. But at least I did what an ordinary man can do and that is appeal to your soul.

As far as the dream is concerned, it does exist and it is a good dream. It certainly is better than the nightmare you are proposing.

I haven't proposed anything ... My soul and heart temper things with compassion in the real world.
You cannot stop yourself from dealing with the nitty-gritty once you understand that your dream is just a dream.

Just because someone doesn't run around waving a CareBear flag or have rainbows shooting out of their ass ... Doesn't mean that they need fixing.


I can see your CareBear flag even though you are trying to hide it :)
It is sad that so many people in Europe characterize immigrants as invaders. I think their insecurity has expanded out of proportion.
Why are you wondering. Times have changed. 50 years ago, the immigrants came to work. Today, they come to the land of milk and honey. It is also easy to exploit people.The increase of refugees is another thing. It is a result of the "arab spring". Merciless armed groups with Islamist background, the "glorious rebels" if we believe our politicians and journalists, stormed the places, even with Nato air support (20.000 flights against Libya in 8 month) and still kill and abduct people.


So, we get a lot of refugees. We should help them but we have to fear that those people won´t leave when their evader state has expired because our multicultists in the parliaments and the lower levels can´t get enough.
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think that helping only hurts you guys 'Bleiprester' , helping these so called refugees only encourages them and leads to more so called refugees or their lookalike 'isis' brothers that pose as refugees . I mean , how can you tell the difference between the 2 groups ??
looks like you are in Germany , just team up with PEGIDA and go to work is my advice !! Exclude these so called refugees and start deporting as I see it as your only hope !!
think that helping only hurts you guys 'Bleiprester' , helping these so called refugees only encourages them and leads to more so called refugees or their lookalike 'isis' brothers that pose as refugees . I mean , how can you tell the difference between the 2 groups ??
You´ve got a point there. I wonder why there isn´t someone acting against the development, though the "Islamic State" harvests members in every Sunni Islamist group and whole groups like the Boko Haram join the IS. If I was the Chancellor of Germany, the Bundeswehr would offer help to the affected countries. Not some crappy G 36 rifles that firstly were used by the Kurds and now it came out that the guns get hot to fast.
To fight that threat is the duty of the international society, but occupied by some gangster governments and in the name of it, more supply packets than bombs fall on the "Islamic State".

If we seriously deal with that threat, it will be over soon. But as long as the refugees flow in, and it gets even worse, everybody can see that democracy has not been installed. Except for Tunisia. Tunisia got a moderate Islamist regime, that was weak and unable to solve any problem, mainly the terror threat. The first elections in Tunisia then were praised by the western media as first tangible result of the "arab spring", but what most medias kept secret was the outcome of the elections: A bigwig of the pre-arab spring government won.
agree for the most part but seems to me that you have people in political power that really are the problem Bleiprester , same as the USA , England and most of Europe and the Nordic lands !!

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