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Belgian woman in her 20s 'euthanized' after suffering mental trauma in Brussels airport bombing

You analogy makes no sense.

Why? I heard from a Christian who became an addict of Gladiator games nearly 2000 years ago. To fight against this drug was not easy for him. I saw some years ago a professional assist of euthanasia in TV - and from my point of view this man was psychologically sick - without being able to say what it is concrete what produced in me this intuition. The difference is perhaps not big. In both cases they are perhaps addicts of a "game" which ends with the death of someone.

In case you didn't know this people were not given a CHOICE whether to fight in the Colosseum or not.

Which free choice has someone who is full of psychiatric drugs? That's absurde - nothing else.

And by the way: The real situation of the gladiators is very different from this what the most people think about gladiators. They had been in very most cases on their own free will gladiators.
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Why? I heard from a Christian who became an addict of Gladiator games nearly 2000 years ago. To fight against this drug was not easy for him. I saw some years ago a professional assist of euthanasia in TV - and from my point of view this man was psychologically sick - without being able to say what it is concrete what produced in me this intuition. The difference is perhaps not big. In both cases they are perhaps addicts of a "game" which ends with the death of someone.

Which free choice has someone who is full of psychiatric drugs? That's absurde - nothing else.

And by the way: The real situation of the gladiators is very different from this what the most people think about gladiators. They had been in very most cases on their own free will gladiators.
People are 100% free to choose of they take prescription medication or not.

By law, gladiators were considered property, not people. They could be killed at the whim of whoever was paying for their fight.
Programs cost money.

As Canada has shown us, socialized medicine is about killing people so that they don't consume resources.

TORONTO (AP) — Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.

His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.

Nichols’ family reported the case to police and health authorities, arguing that he lacked the capacity to understand the process and was not suffering unbearably — among the requirements for euthanasia. They say he was not taking needed medication, wasn’t using the cochlear implant that helped him hear, and that hospital staffers improperly helped him request euthanasia.

“Alan was basically put to death,” his brother Gary Nichols said.}

Coming to America - VERY soon..
That's why they want Nationalized Health Care in America! :oops:

So things like that can heppen. :(
No one is force to take prescription drugs.

Who is under drugs is not able to have a free will to die. Psychiatrists had set this lady under drugs and because they did do so they found out that the lady likes to do suicide because the she said: "I like to die". That's totally absurde !!!

Comparable is such a disastrous behavior of "professionals" with someone who builds a sky scraper and is not calculating the stability and carrying capacity of temporary frameworks. When a building breaks down because of such a "mistake" and someone dies then such civil engineers will have to visit a jail for a longer time against their own free will so they will learn to do their job.

Can you understand that with your limited grasp of the English language?

The lady who was killed spoke French or Dutch - or perhaps also German - if she had been a citizen of Belgium. I guess your limited grasp of this three languages is about 100%.
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Who is under drugs is not able to have a free will to die. Psychiatrists had set this lady under drugs and because they did do so they found out that the lady likes to do suicide because the she said: "I like to die". That's totally absurde !!!

Comparable is such a disastrous behavior of "professionals" with someone who builds a sky scraper and is not calculating the stability and carrying capacity of temporary frameworks. When a building breaks down because of such a "mistake" and someone dies then such civil engineers will have to visit a jail for a longer time against their own free will so they will learn to do their job.

The lady who was killed spoke French or Dutch - or perhaps also German - if she had been a citizen of Belgium. I guess your limited grasp of this three languages is about 100%.
How does the language a person speaks relate to their absolute right to decide if they live or die?
How does the language a person speaks relate to their absolute right to decide if they live or die?

How does the English which you speak give you any justification to ignore what others say to you so you take away your own chance to learn something and to change your own mind? This woman was under drugs. Who is under drugs is not able to make a free decision - specially if this decision has to do with health. Death is not health. Death is an absolutelly irreversible decision - better to say situation - or much more better to say: not-situation.

And this is also the answer to this very bad "philosophy" which is anything else than real philosophy. In philosophy we have the chance to correct our mistakes. But this ends with death. The liquidation of the own existance is not any decision at all. It's hopelessness and resignation - that's all. "Resignation" is in German a psychological expression which means also not to be able to fight any longer. Taking action is better than resignation. And as long as someone lives someone has a chance.

Concrete example: I knew in this context once a gay man who drove me angry decades ago because he was infected with the HIV virus. This infection drove me not crazy - it is what it is - but his damned idiotic behavior drove me crazy. In his situation he had the chance to survive the next 20 years - but he spoke continously in a depressive way as if he would have to die tomorrow. One day I lost my composure. I said to him "You don't know whether in some years someone will find a way to help you." - And so it was. Today is an infection with HIV not a big problem any longer. So where is the sense to let someone sink down into depressions on not any reasons to have depressions until this one will do suicide?

And if you remember now this girl who was killed: She had a reactive depression on reason of a typical war trauma. This is normally a more simple psychiatric and/or psychological problem and no need "to shoot with canons on sparrows" - how we say here. Many psychiatric and/or psychologcial problems are like a broken leg. Leg broken - hospital - leg will be repaired - afterwards a rehab. Result: Everything okay. Lifelong. No need to break a leg again.

The death of this girl sounds in my ears like a self-fulfilling prophecy made from idiots like you.
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How does the English which you speak give you any jusrtificiaiont to ignore what others say to you so you take away your own chance to learn something and to change yxour mind? TRhsi wonwe was under drugs. Who is under drugs is not able to make an absolute free decision - specially if this decision has to do wth health. Death is not health. Daeth is an absoluteelly irreversible decision. And thsi is also teh answer to this very bad "philosophy" which is anything else than real philosophy. In philosophy we have the chance to correct our mistakes. But this ends with death. The liquidation of the own existance is not any decision at all.

When you misinterpret what I say because your fluency in English is poor it is not my problem.

So let me state this one more time.

Every single person has the absolute right and authority to choose if they want to live or die.
When you misinterpret what I say because your fluency in English is poor it is not my problem.

You are an extreme and extremistic idiot who is not able to think in his own - that's your problem which not any language in the whole world is able to solve.

So let me state this one more time.

Every single person has the absolute right and authority to choose if they want to live or die.

On what reason? Under which conditions?

By the way: Never anyone choose to live! On the very simple reason because this is impossible! The own life is a gift which depends not on any own free decision. Again: Your problem is that you are a parrot who repeats pathetic words which others used without to think about what this really means.
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You are an extreme and extremistic idiot who is not able to think in his own - that's your problem which not any language in the whole world is able to solve.

On what reason? Under which conditions?

By the way: Never anyone choose to live! On the very simple reason because this is impossible! The own life is a gift which depends not on any own free decision. Again: Your problem is that you are a parrot who repeats pathetic words which others used without to think about what this really means.
I am not an extremist unlike you I recognize that people have absolute sovereignty over their own bodies. YOU want to control people and their choices so it is you who are the extreme control freak.

A person does not have to give you a reason if they choose to commit suicide. It's none of your business.

A person has no choice when it comes to being born but a person does have the choice whether to live or not.
I am not an extremist

You are. You like to kill unknown people on unknown reasons with the excuse "They like to do suicide". In general: Nothing what lives likes to do suicide. Death is a nightmare - an hell - for everything what lives.

unlike you I recognize that people have absolute sovereignty over their own bodies.

Then move your body a half yard from the floor with your sovereignity over your body and your own free will.

YOU want to control people and their choices so it is you who are the extreme control freak.

Who is doing suicide is doing suicide. Another thing is to kill someone - specially if damned unprofessional fake-psychiatrists are doing so far from any control by a real system of justice where a gremium of judges tries to find out what could be the real free will of a person who likes that others do suicide with her.

A person does not have to give you a reason if they choose to commit suicide. It's none of your business.

But it's your "business" - I call this "duty" - to know on what reason and in which conditions you say something what is the right of a person. First of all exists the human right to live and it is not any right of anyone in the world to give someone the order to have to kill someone else.

A person has no choice when it comes to being born

Just a moment ago you proclaimed this not existing right,. But you are still sure you are right without to start to think. A decision of life and death is no automatism !!!

but a person does have the choice whether to live or not.

I'm sure my wife is convinced I have not the right to die now. She will be damned angry when I will do so. So who or what says her right that I have to live is less worth than my right to let me kill from an unknown person on not any reason to have to do so - except the reason I like to test what will happen in case I try to do so (=free will, free choice)?
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You are. You like to kill unknonw people on unknown reasons wiurth the excuse "They like to do suicide". In general: Nothing what lives likes to do suicide. Death is a nightmare - an hell - for everything what lives.

Then move your body a half yard from the floor with your sovereignity ov ert your body and your own free will.

Who is doing suicide is doing suicide. Another thing is to kill someone - specially if damned unprofessional fake-psychiatrists aer ding so far from any contreol by a real system of justice where a gremium of judges tries to find out what coudl be the real free will of a person who likes that others do suicide with her.

But it's you "busisness" - i calö thsi "duty" - to knonw on what reason and in which conditionsd you say something is the right of a person. First of all exists the human right to live and it is not any right of anyone in the world to give someone the order to have to kill someone else.

Just a moment ago you proclaimed thsiu not ecistsin right,. But you are still sure you are right iowtht9u to start to think. A decision of life and death is no automatism !!!

I'm sure my wife is convinced I have not the right to die now. She will be damned angry when I will do so. So who or what says her right that I have to live is less worth than my right to let me kill from an unknown person on not any reason to have to do so - except the reason I like to test what will happen in case I try to do so?

Just because your wife will be angry in no way invalidates your absolute right to control your own body

Just because you have abdicated your right to choose what you do to your own body in no way gives you the right or the authority to control other people.
Just because your wife will be angry in no way invalidates your absolute right to control your own body

Okay. It makes not any sense to try to speak with you. You are lost in brainwashing propaganda. Bye bye.

Just because you have abdicated your right to choose what you do to your own body in no way gives you the right or the authority to control other people.

Kill whomever you like to kill and I will kill every killer I like to kill.
Okay. It makes not any sense to try to speak with you. You are lost in brainwashing propaganda. Bye bye.

Kill whomever you like to kill and I will kill every killer I like to kill.
Where did i ever mention killing anyone else?

This is either you being a fucking liar or just more of your incompetency in the English language.

Personally I think it is the former.

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