Belichick makes bizarre claim a news conference

Blah Blah Blah.....Billy is a sore loser.

Enjoy the Super Bowl!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Blah Blah Blah.....Billy is a sore loser.

Enjoy the Super Bowl!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Between this and your response of "whatever" when I asked you to tell me which Pats corner had knee issues, I'm thinking you know less about football than you think you do (hint: you DEFINITELY know less about the Patriots than you apparently think you do.)
Oh, and by the way, I will enjoy watching the Superbowl. Not as much as I would have had the Patriots made it in, but hell, I love watching the NFL, and it's my last chance to watch a real game for months so I'll enjoy every minute of it.
The Patriots are not in the Super Bowl. That is the bottom line. Nuff said
Bill Belichick: Wes Welker's block was 'deliberate' -

Like the Patriots never run a pick play....please. He does not deserve a fine and if he does get one it will be because Robert Kraft calls the, so called, Commissioner and tells him to.

You message for you loser Bill:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

GAAWWWDDDD... I pray that runt tries to "rub" a Seattle DB in the Superbowl. I can goddamgaurantee that the next play finds Welker curled up in a ball fetal position style wishing he took up golf instead of football. He REALLY doesn't want to piss off Seattle cheating like that. They don't call Chancellor "The Enforcer" for nothing.
If Welker broke the rule, and I don't know, then it should've been called by the refs. But it was not a dirty play. Bellicek just has sour grapes that Welker left him.
I'm reading other comments online. Apparently, the Pats did the same damn exact same thing on the series before.
I'm reading other comments online. Apparently, the Pats did the same damn exact same thing on the series before.

I've heard that too. Funny in the NFC and specifically the NFC West you rarely see the "pick" or the "rub" attempted. The boys in our neck of the woods just play too rough. Payback is swift and violent. If Welker thinks he will gain any advantage with sleazy tricks like that his asperations will be met suddenly with the need to gasp for air and the feeling that his chest won't allow him to breath. He isn't big enough to "rub" Kam Chancellor or Richard Sherman. He will just get himself hurt. A reciever needs to put on his big boy pads to function in the Seattle defensive backfield. This is equipment Welker does not possess.
I'm reading other comments online. Apparently, the Pats did the same damn exact same thing on the series before.

I've heard that too. Funny in the NFC and specifically the NFC West you rarely see the "pick" or the "rub" attempted. The boys in our neck of the woods just play too rough. Payback is swift and violent. If Welker thinks he will gain any advantage with sleazy tricks like that his asperations will be met suddenly with the need to gasp for air and the feeling that his chest won't allow him to breath. He isn't big enough to "rub" Kam Chancellor or Richard Sherman. He will just get himself hurt. A reciever needs to put on his big boy pads to function in the Seattle defensive backfield. This is equipment Welker does not possess.

The Saints took out Harvin, no problem.
I'm reading other comments online. Apparently, the Pats did the same damn exact same thing on the series before.

Billicheat is a Hypocrite and a Whiner. His crying makes the Patriots loss much sweeter. If the, so called, Commissioner fines Welker, the Broncos can pull our dozens of times that the Patriots did the same thing. Only difference they were more violent and launched themselves at the DB. H Y P O C R I T E :eusa_boohoo:
I'm reading other comments online. Apparently, the Pats did the same damn exact same thing on the series before.

I've heard that too. Funny in the NFC and specifically the NFC West you rarely see the "pick" or the "rub" attempted. The boys in our neck of the woods just play too rough. Payback is swift and violent. If Welker thinks he will gain any advantage with sleazy tricks like that his asperations will be met suddenly with the need to gasp for air and the feeling that his chest won't allow him to breath. He isn't big enough to "rub" Kam Chancellor or Richard Sherman. He will just get himself hurt. A reciever needs to put on his big boy pads to function in the Seattle defensive backfield. This is equipment Welker does not possess.

The Saints took out Harvin, no problem.

Not the same thing. We are talking about recievers running pick or rub plays to injure defensive players.
I'm reading other comments online. Apparently, the Pats did the same damn exact same thing on the series before.

Not the same thing at all. First, the play on the previous drive WAS called a penalty on Hoomanawanui. Second, the legality isn't about whether Welker ran a pick play. It's about the fact that he made contact with Talib before the ball reached Thomas. That's textbook OPI.

I haven't found the footage yet to confirm, but IIRC, the OPI call on Hoomanawanui was iffy. I believe that the ball had already reached the receiver when contact was made. I could be wrong on that though, but regardless, OPI was called on the Pats there and it killed that drive for them.

OPI should have been called on Welker and wasn't.

There's no hypocrisy in acknowledging that.
I am so tired of watching billicheat whining about a pick play that his team does multiple times each game! Grow up billicheat!

I'm sick of listening to the cheating liar whine after every game he loses.
I was for the Broncos more than the Patriots, I am a fan of Welker, and Welker hit him deliberately, I think, up high. Foul? Maybe? But a cheap shot at the knees, no.

Coach B is pissed that WW jumped ship is part of the issue. In 13 games, WW scored 10TDs receiving, the most in any of his seasons.

Right on, Wes.

It is debatable if Wes hit him deliberately..if so...I thought in football players DO hit on purpose?? :eusa_eh:
"Deliberate hit to purposely injure another player", as in hell no. Wes is coming off of TWO concussions...why the hell would he put himself out there and risk a serious injury to himself?? :eusa_hand:

Also Belicheat needs to grow up.Like Welker is REALLY going to intentionally hurt one of his old teammates from last year that he has nothing but great respect.Like you said,he is hardly going to intentionally try and hurt someone when he understands how frustrating it is missing games because of a concussion he recently had,let alone take out a player intentionally that he is friends with.:cuckoo:
I was for the Broncos more than the Patriots, I am a fan of Welker, and Welker hit him deliberately, I think, up high. Foul? Maybe? But a cheap shot at the knees, no.

Coach B is pissed that WW jumped ship is part of the issue. In 13 games, WW scored 10TDs receiving, the most in any of his seasons.

Right on, Wes.

Actually,it was the Patriots decision to let Welker walk. That was not a good decision...

Whether they win or lose, Patriots made right decision in letting Wes Welker go - Touching All the Bases -

Wes Welker, who in six seasons with the Patriots averaged 112 catches per season as a featured player in one of the most electrifying offenses in pro football history, is on on the other side now. He traded in the Flying Elvis for the flyin' Elways, joining forces with the second-greatest quarterback of this generation after a contentious departure from the Patriots.

It takes Boston ignorance and arrogance to call Peyton Manning the second best quarterback in this generation. Manning is the best to ever stand behind center.

Now thats funny:lol::lol: Manning has always choked in the big game.Puts up amazing stats during the regular season but when its crunch time in the BIG game,he is mr choke.:lol: and this is a guy from the midwest who hates the cheatriots. Manning panics in big games,Brady is mr calm. dont be surprised if manning has the worst game of his career since his first game in his rookie season superbowl sunday in the fact he will be facing a defense like none he has faced all season long.:lol:
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It has nothing to do with Boston ignorance or arrogance. There's a perfectly legitimate case to be made for Brady over Manning, and vice versa.

I would have said it was debatable until I saw that game......

Peyton Manning is the best QB to ever step on the field, to include my faves Staubach and Aikman. Brady is great, but Manning is carrying his team far more than Brady does.

I completely disagree that Manning is carrying his team more than Brady. These two guys are, hopefully, going to both be playing for a few more years and when it's all said and done Manning may well be the GOAT. But what Brady and the Pats have accomplished this year is pretty phenomenal. They shouldn't have even made it to the AFCCG. That's reality. A lot of people had them going 9-7 and missing the playoffs when the season started.

They lost their top 5 receivers before the season even started. Those 5 guys accounted for 85% of the TDs and 84% of the receptions last year (Welker, Woodhead, Lloyd, Hernandez, Gronk). They replaced these guys with mostly UDFA's, castoffs and draft picks (Thompkins, Dobson, Boyce, Sudfeld, Hoomanawanui), basically, players that nobody has ever heard of. Amendola was the heralded new guy and immediately went out for multiple games with a torn groin. Edelman was the consistent playmaker all season who couldn't find a single team willing to sign him in the offseason. Not to mention that Thompkins, Dobson and Boyce have all been on and off the field all year with injuries. Matt Mulligan? Austin Collie? You can't honestly look at anyone in their receiving corp and tell me that they come close to matching the talent of players like Demaryius Thomas. Julian Edelman would be, at BEST, 4th on the Broncos depth chart (behind Decker, Thomas and Welker).

Vereen could've had a breakout year if he hadn't broken his hand on the first play of the first game of the season. Ridley couldn't gain Belichick's trust and Blount only really began to gel toward the end, but really, everyone thought he was dead in the water before the Pats signed him (they gave up Demps and a 7th round pick).

And we haven't even touched on the majority of the injuries yet, the ones that really did this team in. Mayo, Wilfork, Vollmer, Kelly, Gronk, etc etc.

In addition, the Pats have one of the youngest teams in the NFL. 17 players had never been in a playoff game before the Colts game.

Somehow, in spite of all of the above, the Patriots still averaged the 2nd most points per game in 2013 (tied for 2nd with Chicago at 27.8) and scored the 3rd most points in the NFL (444).

They overachieved in a pretty remarkable way this year. This is, in my opinion, the best coaching job Belichick has ever done. I think that it gets dismissed because at this points, the Pats are simply expected to do this well (which is quite remarkable in and of itself), but I'm hard pressed to think of another team in the NFL that could have accomplished what they did this year.

agreed that this was belecheats best coaching job but the donkeys could have done the same i said on another thread,Brady is one of those extreme rare quarterbacks who make everybody on the team much better players than they really are.He makes average players above avererage,good players,great players.

His presence was felt the in his first game for the pats.they were on the verge of having another losiing season with washed up Drew Bledsoe as the starter again who Belecheat didnt even think was good enough to be the opeing starter yet that year.:lol: Manning has that effect on players as well. Wilson is starting to become that special type of quarterback for the seahawks also.Just look at how he has turned that franchise around in two short years just like brady did.

The donkeys and the seahawks could have done that as well.The Hawks and the donkeys have had some critical injurys as well the whole season but they got a special great quarterback who makes the other players on that team feed off of him as well and be better players than they really are.
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I've heard that too. Funny in the NFC and specifically the NFC West you rarely see the "pick" or the "rub" attempted. The boys in our neck of the woods just play too rough. Payback is swift and violent. If Welker thinks he will gain any advantage with sleazy tricks like that his asperations will be met suddenly with the need to gasp for air and the feeling that his chest won't allow him to breath. He isn't big enough to "rub" Kam Chancellor or Richard Sherman. He will just get himself hurt. A reciever needs to put on his big boy pads to function in the Seattle defensive backfield. This is equipment Welker does not possess.

The Saints took out Harvin, no problem.

Not the same thing. We are talking about recievers running pick or rub plays to injure defensive players.

So the manner of dirty play decides whether Seattle will man up or not. Got it.

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