Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

She was ashamed and would not admit it. That's totally believable back then.
It would appear that we have two very confused posters on this thread regarding the first principles of ontology. Freedom Crows Nest mindlessly gave rightwinger's question a thumbs up.

They want to know who or what created . . . wait for it . . . God.

I'll ask Freedom Crows Nest the same question I asked rightwinger, who never got back to me, I suspect, because my response snapped him out of his stupefied state. Let's see is my response is enough to snap Freedom Crows Nest out of his zombie-like state of stupidity.

Freedom Crows Nest, your question is stupid.

Something does exist rather than nothing!

Are you foolishly implying that's not true?

In other words, are you stupidly arguing that all things that exist were necessarily created or began to exist?

How could that be, Einstein?

crickets chirping

It would appear that we have two very confused posters on this thread regarding the first principles of ontology. Freedom Crows Nest mindlessly gave rightwinger's question a thumbs up.

They want to know who or what created . . . wait for it . . . God.

I'll ask Freedom Crows Nest the same question I asked rightwinger, who never got back to me, I suspect, because my response snapped him out of his stupefied state. Let's see is my response is enough to snap Freedom Crows Nest out of his zombie-like state of stupidity.

Freedom Crows Nest, your question is stupid.

Something does exist rather than nothing!

Are you foolishly implying that's not true?

In other words, are you stupidly arguing that all things that exist were necessarily created or began to exist?

How could that be, Einstein?

crickets chirping


The "principles" of ontology

That entire rant came out of nothing but the fact that the simple question exposes the dubious premises of your outdated, laughable argument.
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I congratulate you on your faith.

I envy you.
When I was a child a priest asked us what we took away from Mass the week before. I couldn't remember anything from what was said the week before, and judging from some of the expressions on the adults around me, they didn't either. Father told us that we should always find some line to remember and incorporate into our lives. It didn't have to be from the homily or one of the readings, although those were always good. He said we might also find it in a song.

Years later, I heard this hymn:

Verse 1

The love we have for you, O Lord,
Is only a shadow of your love for us;
Only a shadow of your love for us,
Your deep abiding love.

Verse 2

The bread we take and eat, O Lord,
Is your body broken and shared with us;
Your body broken and shared with us,
The gift of your great love.

Verse 3

Our own belief in you, O Lord,
Is only a shadow of your faith in us,
Only a shadow of your faith in us;
Your deep and lasting faith.

Verse 4

The dreams we share today, O Lord,
Are only a shadow of your dreams for us;
Only a shadow of your dreams for us;
If we but follow you.

Verse 5

The joy we share today, O Lord,
Is only a shadow of your joys for us;
Only a shadow of your joys for us;
When we meet face to face.
Have to get up early on Sunday, have to put money in the plate, have to wear uncomfortable clothes and sit there for an hour...

...all for one sentence.

What a rip off. Leave the children at home. Stop making them endure this crap.
How can a loving God embrace the death penalty?
How could Jesus support the Death Penalty after suffering on the cross?

You would think Christians would oppose the Death Penalty….but they support it
All religion is infamous for its hypocrisy – further proof that religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, reflecting man’s ignorance, fear, stupidity, hypocrisy, and hate.
It would appear that we have two very confused posters on this thread regarding the first principles of ontology. Freedom Crows Nest mindlessly gave rightwinger's question a thumbs up.

They want to know who or what created . . . wait for it . . . God.

I'll ask Freedom Crows Nest the same question I asked rightwinger, who never got back to me, I suspect, because my response snapped him out of his stupefied state. Let's see is my response is enough to snap Freedom Crows Nest out of his zombie-like state of stupidity.

Freedom Crows Nest, your question is stupid.

Something does exist rather than nothing!

Are you foolishly implying that's not true?

In other words, are you stupidly arguing that all things that exist were necessarily created or began to exist?

How could that be, Einstein?

crickets chirping

Still waiting for you to explain where God came from

Crickets chirping
Actually, it’s 42 percent per the polling data – belief in a ‘god’ that hears prayers and intercedes on the behalf of humans, the ‘god’ that’s being discussed in this thread.

Consequently, a majority of Americans don’t believe in such a ‘god’ – which is significant.
Well there goes our only plan to prevent school shootings... dang it
To present a promising indication that the beginning of the end of the tyranny of rightwing Christo-fascism may be at hand; perhaps not during our lifetimes, but eventually.
What Christian tyranny have you experienced yourself?
What Christian tyranny have you experienced yourself?
Imagine all the needless conflicts and controversies that would go away, the wedge issues conservatives use to divide the American people and keep the base angry and headed to the polls, if the tyranny of rightwing Christo-fascism were eliminated:


Same-sex marriage

Discrimination against gay and transgender Americans

…just to name a few.
If Republicans don’t have thoughts and prayers……all they have is thoughts
After a mass shooting Republicans’ thoughts turn to lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

And Republicans pray that the voters don’t realize that Republicans couldn’t care less about mass shootings, or at least not enough to try to address the issue in a meaningful and substantive way.
Actually not.

Prior to the advent of civilization, humans moved freely as hunter/gatherers, following the migration of the fauna humans preyed upon, practicing slash and burn agriculture – in such an environment devoid of structure and hierarchy, faith and belief systems were nature-based, absent ‘gods’ and religious dogma.

For example, death was perceived as a transition from one realm of existence to another, a natural process that happened to each individual regardless his station or condition in life.

With civilization came the establishment of permanent settlements and agricultural developments able to feed larger populations; existence became more complex, structured, and hierarchical – nature-based belief systems were abandoned and replaced with codified religious dogma used as a means to control populations and explain natural phenomena.

Religion and ‘god’ are therefore among humankind’s most disastrous of inventions, a true aberration of human existence.
With civilization came the establishment of permanent settlements and agricultural developments able to feed larger populations; existence became more complex, structured, and hierarchical – nature-based belief systems were abandoned and replaced with codified religious dogma used as a means to control populations and explain natural phenomena

more or less the confluence, reversal of the heavenly intervention, the great flood and the dawn of the age of the crucifiers to the present time.

so, from the beginning to the great flood - simply repeated itself after the reprieve from the heavens and without an intervention in the 1st century - as was promised and illustrated by the rainbow.

not a heart warming prognostication for the future - other than - without intervention maybe the crucifiers will be defeated by humanity anyway and the religion of antiquity will be positively resolved in the end ... the triumph of good vs evil.

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