Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

You're only confirming what I've post. You have not the mind of a Hebrew.
You misrepresented my comments. Let's try again and see if you can be honest this time.

Donyou find it reasonable that the Bible contains instructions from a magical God on how and when to beat slaves?
The exchange above is similar to several in this thread:

Confront the religioners with their own ideas, and they tap out almost immediately.

Understandable. It's pretty hard to justify or support a lot of the immoral, wildly magical content of the Bible.

And then they wonder why modern, educated people are discarding these archaic, magical myths.

These silly, outdated, absurd ideas don't sell themselves.

And you guys are really terrible salesmen.
You're really dodging around. Do you understand that Mary is the immaculate conception?

LOL, are you really this stupid? I'm laughing at you Surada. Tell us what/who was the result of "the immaculate conception"? Um, Mary was conceived conventionally. Jesus was conceived immaculately, you do know that right?
A departure is more accurate, but it was a doozy. Does anyone read about Antiochus IV or the Maccabees anymore?
The intertestamental period and the Maccabees should be required study for any Bible student. I'm not sure how relevant Antiochus IV is to Christianity, though, except as a blurb in history.
LOL, are you really this stupid? I'm laughing at you Surada. Tell us what/who was the result of "the immaculate conception"? Um, Mary was conceived conventionally. Jesus was conceived immaculately, you do know that right?
A perfect example

Obviously Surada knows this. Obviously this poster is playing stupid to waste time.
Oh no. Not that rapture nonsense.

LOL. The problem is not whether or not it will happen, but when.

1 Thessalonians 4:17

King James Version

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
For Israeli slaveowners, then.

You are intentionally wasting time.

If you are afraid to talk about this stuff, you shouldn't open the thread.
So now your question is "Do you find it reasonable that the Bible contains instructions from a magical God on how and when ancient Israelites were to beat their slaves?"

Of course. It's right there in black and white. In their autobiography. That's what they did. (I think, anyway. I'm not familiar with slave-beating passages in the Bible.)

What would be unreasonable would be for foreigners to beat their slaves based on that law. It is not their law.
that's a stretch
Actually not.

Prior to the advent of civilization, humans moved freely as hunter/gatherers, following the migration of the fauna humans preyed upon, practicing slash and burn agriculture – in such an environment devoid of structure and hierarchy, faith and belief systems were nature-based, absent ‘gods’ and religious dogma.

For example, death was perceived as a transition from one realm of existence to another, a natural process that happened to each individual regardless his station or condition in life.

With civilization came the establishment of permanent settlements and agricultural developments able to feed larger populations; existence became more complex, structured, and hierarchical – nature-based belief systems were abandoned and replaced with codified religious dogma used as a means to control populations and explain natural phenomena.

Religion and ‘god’ are therefore among humankind’s most disastrous of inventions, a true aberration of human existence.
I never said anything close to that. Our constitution was based on Judeo/Christian values and the belief in a higher power. The founders were clear about that, they were also clear that each citizen had the right to believe as he/she chooses. You lib seem to want to turn our country into China where the state is the supreme being. If that is your goal maybe you need to secede from this union and form your own state worshiping country.
Belief in a ‘higher power’ that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.

And Judeo/Christian ‘values’ were created by man, as were ‘god’ and other religious manifestations.

Judeo/Christian ‘values’ – as with the ‘values’ of other religious dogma – are devoid of divine authority and inspiration, a reflection of theists’ arrogance, fear, and ignorance.
Why are all of the right wing Bible beaters always thinking about gay sex?

Whine like little babies that the homosexual agenda is being forced on you...

...then bring up gay sex at every opportunity, even when it is irrelevant to anything being discussed. When nobody else is talking about it.

And it is ALL of you nutters. Every one of you.

Orwellian authoritarians such as the Christo-fascist right must have some enemy to vilify and attack in order to ‘justify’ their fear of diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

But you knew that already.
Um, Mary was conceived conventionally. Jesus was conceived immaculately, you do know that right?
Perhaps I can help? The Immaculate Conception has nothing to do with the manner either Jesus or Mary were conceived.

Early Christians (and Catholics to this day) hold the belief in the special preparation of the holiness of the person of Mary to bear in her body the most holy person of the Son of God. In short, Mary was born without original sin in preparation that she would continue a life without sin in preparation for bearing the Son of God.

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