Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

And then we grew up. Not you.
Expected..........the old personal ad hominem insult when faced with something that has no defense. The quint essential response of all liars.

Truth does not grow...........truth does not evolve.......truth does not favor one party over another........truth has no agenda. Truth is the same for everyone, regardless, if one accepts it or dismisses it because of some predetermined bias based personal agenda. Some simply refuse to accept the truth.

Truth? Truth is persuasive to "reasonable" people..........people who are willing to actually accept the facts in evidence in order to make a reasonable and logical conclusion. But those with a personal agenda are not reasonable, their hearts are hardened against the truth.......and as just DEMONSTRATED................those with a hardened heart will respond not with logic or reason, but with abusive language, some to the point of engaging in violence while projecting their own actions onto others by making the charge that those who present the truth are the one's that are INTOLERANT.
That depends on semantics. Which definition you prefer.

I prefer the strictly correct definition, as indicated by the etymology.

"Not adopting a belief in gods"

Just as "amoral" does not mean asserting that morals do not exist.

Just as "asexual" does not mean asserting sex does not exist.

The definition I use is found in all dictionaries, right next to the one you are using. Yours is the colloquial meaning, mine is the strict definition.

One who does not adopt belief in personal gods but who also does not assert with confidence that no gods exist is an agnostic atheist. One who asserts that no gods exist is a gnostic atheist.

Convention would dictate that the latter is the special case of atheism, just as a square is the special case of a rectangle.

But we do not call rectangles, "non square rectangles", by convention.

So we can just say atheist instead of agnostic. If we want to denote the more rare and special case of gnostic atheism,then we add the modifier "gnostic".

All agnostics are strictly atheists. The only thing stopping us from shedding the word "agnostic" in general use is colloquialism.
As demonstrated. When confronted with the simple truth..........the left's only alternative is to play semantics and attempt to the change the truth by changing the descriptive language. Saul Alinsky 101.

Thanks for the presentation. :abgg2q.jpg: Just say it, "A queer is not a queer..........a queer is a gay person who practices abnormal sex in a NORMAL FASHION. How think do you stupid the average person to be:twirl: with your circular logic?

Look it up:


Its used to suppress guilt.
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Transexuals commit suicide because they are ostracized by their families and society. That is changing.
I suspect this matter is a bit more complicated than that. What sort of “transexuals” are we speaking about?

In any case, this is not a religious question, or a question of “belief in God.” Are transexuals who “believe in God” less likely to commit suicide?

On a related note the Texas Conservative Convention just banned the “Log Cabin Republicans” from setting up their traditional booth, though even Trump has supported them. These very conservative (and often wealthy) LGBT Republicans oppose many radical gender policies that other Republicans (and Democrats) also oppose, but have actively fought in their party to win support for same-sex marriage and other important democratic rights. Many Log Cabin Republicans wage the same struggle in their Churches and Synagogues.
you are obsessed with the latter as your answer than any rational understanding for life's origin on planet earth ... ff proves little different than their claimed advisories.
Of the two of us, I am not the one tossing about meaningless metaphysical nonsense to pretend to explain the "why".

You are. In fact, I only brought it up (just once) to save us both time, because it is where you are going. It is YOUR obsession.

I don't have to pretend to have all the answers. You do.
As demonstrated. When confronted with the simple truth..........the left's only alternative is to play semantics and attempt to the change the truth by changing the descriptive language. Saul Alinsky 101.

Thanks for the presentation. :abgg2q.jpg: Just say it, "A queer is not a queer..........a queer is a gay person who practices abnormal sex in a NORMAL FASHION. How think do you stupid the average person to be:twirl: with your circular logic?

Look it up:


Its used to suppress guilt.
Then you are a dense little moron, because this semantic debate has no bearing on the truth of anything. It's just a discussion of how to use words. Etymology vs. Colloquialism. Two words you probably don't even know.

What "truth" do you imagine I am avoiding?

I said nothing about gay sex
..nobody but you did. You brought it up out of left field,as you always do.

But remember, after your tears have dried and your fake LOLs and laugh emojis have dropped into the USMB dustbin...

All agnostics are atheists.

That is the simple truth you are avoiding, with your bizarre,seemingly irrelevant crybabying.
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so you are a gay lib? not surprised
Why are all of the right wing Bible beaters always thinking about gay sex?

Whine like little babies that the homosexual agenda is being forced on you...

...then bring up gay sex at every opportunity, even when it is irrelevant to anything being discussed. When nobody else is talking about it.

And it is ALL of you nutters. Every one of you.

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Well said.

Atheism is the default setting. For example, if Christian parents did not brainwash their children, Christianity would all but disappear within a couple of generations.
Psalm 14:1 "The fool in his heart says 'there is no God'". This is the great "falling away" that Christ Himself predicted, just before the Rapture of the Church.
Psalm 14:1 "The fool in his heart says 'there is no God'". This is the great "falling away" that Christ Himself predicted, just before the Rapture of the Church.
Quote the Bible to prove God?

Psalm 14:1 "The fool in his heart says 'there is no God'". This is the great "falling away" that Christ Himself predicted, just before the Rapture of the Church.
Wow, how can you tell?

You know, since the vast majority of people who ever have lived and ever will live are not Christians.

That was even true when those words were allegedly uttered.

Humans were around for 200,000 years or more before the idea of monotheism even occurred to any of them.

When you consider these simple facts, it makes that little prophecy seem pretty...well...stupid.
Wow, how can you tell?

You know, since the vast majority of people who ever have lived and ever will live are not Christians.

That was even true when those words were allegedly uttered.

Humans were around for 200,000 years or more before the idea of monotheism even occurred to any of them.

When you consider these simple facts, it makes that little prophecy seem pretty...well...stupid.
The only one atupid here is you. You fell for Satan's lies.
We have the most depressed society in history.
Try to find a psychotherapist; they are all booked.
And more than 50% of transsexuals related to anyone in my community committed suicide at least 6.
You are thrilled because you have a good pension and spend your entire life sucking up to your club.

who's depressed ...


looks like the desert religions lost their teddy bear ...
I will not debate Atheists.

Just one question. What would happen to you if you are wrong? Can you imagine experiencing millennia of constant suffering 60 times greater then worst suffering possible in this life?
I will not debate Atheists.

Just one question. What would happen to you if you are wrong? Can you imagine experiencing millennia of constant suffering 60 times greater then worst suffering possible in this life?

I’m skeered :ack-1:

If I don’t believe your fantasy ……..Your God will send me to eternal damnation

What kind of petty God would do that?
Is his ego really that fragile?

Why would you worship a God like that over a loving and forgiving God?
the founders made it clear the desert religions would have nothing to do with their secular gov't ... the 1st line of the 1st amendment.
"endowed by their creator" I rest my case

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"

a long nap isn't going to change the desert religions involvement in the secular gov't.

as hard as you riot to take over the gov't will make no difference for what presently exists.

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