Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

I never said anything close to that. Our constitution was based on Judeo/Christian values and the belief in a higher power. The founders were clear about that, they were also clear that each citizen had the right to believe as he/she chooses. You lib seem to want to turn our country into China where the state is the supreme being. If that is your goal maybe you need to secede from this union and form your own state worshiping country.
Judeo Christian values and beliefs are based on even older philosophies
physiology is the product of the above - the metaphysical forces in their combination created the functionality for life, their spiritual content that guides them as living beings. their heavenly origin.
The Periodic Table provides the building blocks of the Universe
You know what it said about Periods..... (It's the point where someone stopped thinking.) ;)

Mary had her story, and that should also be given consideration. Joseph had a dream, which should also be given consideration. Mary's appearances in modern times should also be given consideration.
Did you do any research on the traditions of Mary's early life? On how she may have come betrothed to Joseph (she wasn't married at the time).

Naturally, down through the ages, many have come up with how Mary conceived naturally.

Coptic tradition has Mary losing her parents at a young age. There was also a tradition that young girls (virgins) tended to some Temple duties, i.e. sewing, washing, etc. When the girls hit puberty, they were betrothed and left Temple service. (Again, tradition.)

In that time, 'Angel' meant messenger. Could a creative young priest (or Roman soldier) come up with a creative pick-up line for a naive Temple virgin?

As a young Jewish girl, she would have known to cause a great fuss if anyone had tried to rape her. The Temple was well traveled. So it wouldn't have likely been rape.

Keep in mind, neither of the above explains Joseph's dream or why he didn't set her aside once she became pregnant when the child was not his.
Keep in mind, neither of the above explains Joseph's dream or why he didn't set her aside once she became pregnant when the child was not his.

they were the 1st century heavenly exemplars, not the rehtoric of 4th century judeo / christian dissemination. they were all three the same.
The Periodic Table provides the building blocks of the Universe

in fact they are the 1st forms of life as well ...


the above is controlled - metaphysically, a compound includes external variables and is a nucleus for a spiritual content required for the future metaphysical substance - physiology.
You know what it said about Periods..... (It's the point where someone stopped thinking.) ;)

Mary had her story, and that should also be given consideration. Joseph had a dream, which should also be given consideration. Mary's appearances in modern times should also be given consideration.
cmon meri. The truth is that she cheated on him or got raped. Joseph was away for more than 9 months. Cmon, do the math.
I never said anything close to that. Our constitution was based on Judeo/Christian values and the belief in a higher power. The founders were clear about that, they were also clear that each citizen had the right to believe as he/she chooses. You lib seem to want to turn our country into China where the state is the supreme being. If that is your goal maybe you need to secede from this union and form your own state worshiping country.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

the founders made it clear the desert religions would have nothing to do with their secular gov't ... the 1st line of the 1st amendment.
Perhaps. We're talking about the story. Jesus is not the Immaculate Conception.. Mary is. JustAGuy1 didn't know that.

You really are not very bright sweetie. "Epic Myths". Your words. Once again you try to deflect and hide from your lies, you wouldn't have to do that if you'd simply stop lying. Were you to stop lying I'd quit embarrassing you.

Surada? "Epic Myths". Your words, you do not believe in God.
You really are not very bright sweetie. "Epic Myths". Your words. Once again you try to deflect and hide from your lies, you wouldn't have to do that if you'd simply stop lying. Were you to stop lying I'd quit embarrassing you.

Surada? "Epic Myths". Your words, you do not believe in God.

The flood myth has nothing to do with the identity of the Immaculate Conception. The flood myth is borrowed from Sumer.
Given the image that most people have of "God", it is valid to say that almost no one has a genuine faith in a genuine supreme deity. They believe in a modified form of Santa Claus.
No, the sperm that created Jesus came from a man that is not Joseph.

The other option is that Jesus was created by aliens by infertile impregnation.

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