Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

After decades of liberal indoctrination, it isn't surprising.

I blame largely the left wing so-called "churches" for this. There are plenty of progressive religions that promote ideas like Abortion and Homosexuality. I understand some people think that those ideas are tremendous, but they are obviously against the will of Almighty God.

The members of those churches are more likely to abandon belief in God, because His thoughts about taking it in the caboose are different than what they were taught in church, which makes it inconsistent.
All churches are losing members
It has been going on for decades
All churches are losing members
It has been going on for decades

All of the liberal churches have- outfits like but not limited to the Radical Episcopalianists, not so much with conservative mega-churches that stand up for normalcy and life. Tremendous moderate theologians like Rev. John Hagee haven't missed many meals due to lack of members or contributions.
Which one do you want to go for?
Did you do any research on the traditions of Mary's early life? On how she may have come betrothed to Joseph (she wasn't married at the time).

Naturally, down through the ages, many have come up with how Mary conceived naturally.

Coptic tradition has Mary losing her parents at a young age. There was also a tradition that young girls (virgins) tended to some Temple duties, i.e. sewing, washing, etc. When the girls hit puberty, they were betrothed and left Temple service. (Again, tradition.)

In that time, 'Angel' meant messenger. Could a creative young priest (or Roman soldier) come up with a creative pick-up line for a naive Temple virgin?

As a young Jewish girl, she would have known to cause a great fuss if anyone had tried to rape her. The Temple was well traveled. So it wouldn't have likely been rape.

Keep in mind, neither of the above explains Joseph's dream or why he didn't set her aside once she became pregnant when the child was not his.
cmon Meri. Let's look at the facts. Mary got pregnant when her husband was not there. In present times, that means she got raped or cheated.

How can you believe that she was inserted by "god"? And other women today have to claim rape?
cmon Meri. Let's look at the facts. Mary got pregnant when her husband was not there. In present times, that means she got raped or cheated.
You have never experienced a miracle, have you? For those of us who have, we haven't a leg to stand on if we say, "I believe my miracle, but not hers."

Juan Diego; Bernadette; the children of Fatima and others: Mary appeared to all of them.
All of the liberal churches have- outfits like but not limited to the Radical Episcopalianists, not so much with conservative mega-churches that stand up for normalcy and life. Tremendous moderate theologians like Rev. John Hagee haven't missed many meals due to lack of members or contributions.

John Hagee is a monster who bastardizes scripture.
If you look at the 50s and 60s, people would not admit they don’t believe in God, they just wouldn’t attend Church

To have almost 20 percent admit they don’t believe is a major shift

Surprisingly what you call the 'lowest point' is
way beyond how America is portrayed abroad.

Even among the said 20%, how many are atheists,
and how many simply think it's a 'cool thing to say'?
Hasn‘t missed expensive homes, exotic cars and a first class lifestyle either

When you are a success at the top of your field, rolling first class is part of the package.

Same , BTW, with every other field. What is the lifestyle of liberal celebrities?

But that's the point, the fact that millions of people follow a great, God-believing theologians like Hagee, demonstrates that conservative beliefs are what the people want to hear out of the pulpit.
John Hagee is a monster who bastardizes scripture.

You are showing an awful lot of incivility to someone for a theological disagreement. I don't think even Luther and Eck used such inflammatory language to describe each other

Although IMHO, its Rev. Hagee's opponents that are the ones "bastardizing" scripture as Hagee is right. There is nothing in the Bible that even hints toward Gay Marriage or the idea that God put Adam and Steve into the Garden of Eden.
Surprisingly what you call the 'lowest point' is
way beyond how America is portrayed abroad.

Even among the said 20%, how many are atheists,
and how many simply think it's a 'cool thing to say'?

In our society, saying that you believe in God was always “the cool thing to say”

That is why 20 percent is significant
Is there anything wrong with that?
Jesus was a mamzer. Marriage between a mamzer and a Jew was prohibited. Any children of a mamzer who does marry a Jew are also mamzer.

Other than this, a mamzer is still welcome as a Jew; mamzers who are scholars are even considered above the rank of a high priest.
You have never experienced a miracle, have you? For those of us who have, we haven't a leg to stand on if we say, "I believe my miracle, but not hers."

Juan Diego; Bernadette; the children of Fatima and others: Mary appeared to all of them.
Miracles are the result of people calling shit luck divine intervention.

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