Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

I don't deny the immaculate conception. I don't think you know what that means. The rapture is nonsense. You don't know what that means either.

LOL. As you can see below you deny the Virgin Bith and by extension the Conception by the Holy Spirit. You are an abject liar. "Epic Myths", your words.

1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.


Diamond Member​

No you aren't. You deny many of the tenets of Christianity. By removing the supernatural from God you deny the story of Creation, you deny the virgin birth, you deny the resurrection. You are a run of the mill deist at best.
Obviously your faith hangs on these epic myths. Do you give much thought to the message?

LOL. As you can see below you deny the Virgin Bith and by extension the Conception by the Holy Spirit. You are an abject liar. "Epic Myths", your words.

1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.


Diamond Member​

Obviously your faith hangs on these epic myths. Do you give much thought to the message?

I've never denied the virgin birth. Mary is the immaculate conception. She was born without stain.

Lol what is homofascism?
LOL! Where have you been? Are you a homofascist?

It has been variously defined by those who live in the real world. Such are capable of sociopolitical empathy. Of course, homofascists, transfascists, and the like are rank narcissists and/or sociopaths, so the reality flies over their heads.


1. The imposition of or the compelled acceptance of homosexuality by the state in violation of or via the suppression of the inalienable rights of liberty and private property.​
2. A way of organizing a society in which homosexualists impose their agenda with which no one is allowed to disagree or have any appeal to the contrary without being subjected to severe consequences of ridicule, slander, libel, fines, public demonstrations, distortions, denial of free speech rights, loss of employment, and having the word 'hate' attached to one in some form.​
3. Entails the advocation of an authoritarian system of government and social organization that enables the enforcement of special privileges for homosexuals and subordinates the rights of others.​
4. Fascism a political system whereby all opposition to and dissent from the government is disallowed and crushed. Fascism is a philosophy which tolerates no deviation from an established norm, that being the dictates of a powerful elite. Fascism is opposed to the eternal, unchanging, objective law of God and is based on the subjective desires and goals of those who have the power to crush their opposition.​
In many Western nations, a form of fascism has taken root and presents a clear, present, and growing danger to Christian liberty and the Church of Jesus Christ.​
This force for evil may justly be referred to as 'homofascism' due to the fact that those espousing and driving it have as their goal to demonize, marginalize, and silence any criticism of or opposition to homosexual acts and the sodomite agenda. Already Christians in many countries are being arrested for preaching what the Bible teaches concerning homosexual acts. The machinery of tyranny is being put into place.​
Simple question

If you believe something must have made the universe…….then something must have made God

It's a stupid question, and my point flew right over your head.

Something does exist rather than nothing!

Are you foolishly implying that's not true?

In other words, and it's sad the obvious has to be spelled out to you, are you stupidly arguing that all things that exist were necessarily created or began to exist?

How could that be, Einstein?
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LOL! Where have you been? Are you a homofascist?

It has been variously defined by those who live in the real world. Such are capable of sociopolitical empathy. Of course, homofascists, transfascists, and the like are rank narcissists and/or sociopaths, so the reality flies over their heads.


1. The imposition of or the compelled acceptance of homosexuality by the state in violation of or via the suppression of the inalienable rights of liberty and private property.​
2. A way of organizing a society in which homosexualists impose their agenda with which no one is allowed to disagree or have any appeal to the contrary without being subjected to severe consequences of ridicule, slander, libel, fines, public demonstrations, distortions, denial of free speech rights, loss of employment, and having the word 'hate' attached to one in some form.​
3. Entails the advocation of an authoritarian system of government and social organization that enables the enforcement of special privileges for homosexuals and subordinates the rights of others.​
4. Fascism a political system whereby all opposition to and dissent from the government is disallowed and crushed. Fascism is a philosophy which tolerates no deviation from an established norm, that being the dictates of a powerful elite. Fascism is opposed to the eternal, unchanging, objective law of God and is based on the subjective desires and goals of those who have the power to crush their opposition.​
In many Western nations, a form of fascism has taken root and presents a clear, present, and growing danger to Christian liberty and the Church of Jesus Christ.​
This force for evil may justly be referred to as 'homofascism' due to the fact that those espousing and driving it have as their goal to demonize, marginalize, and silence any criticism of or opposition to homosexual acts and the sodomite agenda. Already Christians in many countries are being arrested for preaching what the Bible teaches concerning homosexual acts. The machinery of tyranny is being put into place.​

Compelled acceptance of homosexuality? Really? How does that work?
Thank G-d, according to Talmud their suffering will not be eternal.

Imagine constantly experiencing suffering 60 times worse then anything in this life for millennia.
I've never denied the virgin birth. Mary is the immaculate conception. She was born without stain.

Mary got fucked by another guy, while her husband was away.

It's really that simple.

It's not ET's or "god" getting her pregnant. She cheated on her husband! Or maybe got raped. Probably raped. So I don't want to make fun of it.
Mary got fucked by another guy, while her husband was away.

It's really that simple.

It's not ET's or "god" getting her pregnant. She cheated on her husband! Or maybe got raped. Probably raped. So I don't want to make fun of it.

Perhaps. We're talking about the story. Jesus is not the Immaculate Conception.. Mary is. JustAGuy1 didn't know that.

It's a stupid question, and my point flew right over your head.

Something does exist rather than nothing!

Are you foolishly implying that's not true?

In other words, and it's sad the obvious has to be spelled out to you, are you stupidly arguing that all things that exist were necessarily created or began to exist?

How could that be, Einstein?

You are willing to admit God always existed but not the elements of the universe

THIS is God

Sorry Meri, but that is the conclusion. Mary was raped.

Otherwise, she was vitro-inserted by extra terrestrials.

Which one do you want to go for?
The other option is that she just cheated on her husband.... But i don't think you want to believe that.
Lowest level in US history and down 10 percent in the last decade

After decades of liberal indoctrination, it isn't surprising.

I blame largely the left wing so-called "churches" for this. There are plenty of progressive religions that promote ideas like Abortion and Homosexuality. I understand some people think that those ideas are tremendous, but they are obviously against the will of Almighty God.

The members of those churches are more likely to abandon belief in God, because His thoughts about taking it in the caboose are different than what they were taught in church, which makes it inconsistent.

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