Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

Prove to me that the Bible isn't what it says it is. Can you?

John tells us what it's about, who the letter is written to and when it will happen. You've learned the Bible by rote without ever thinking.
What about wanting to see evidence of things you believe in is stupid?
The empirical, like the intellectual, evidence for God's existence is all around you. You're swimming in it. As I said before:

The a priori imperatives of logic and mathematics, the fundamental imperatives of physics, and the first principles of ontology tell us that the Universe (the physical world) began to exist in the finite past and that God necessarily exists.​
Snowmelt from the Zagros mountains?
Don't you know when God is warning you? This time, when the non-believers take over as majority and threaten the believers and innocents again, it will be the END OF THE WORLD. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it would be in 2060. I get the feeling that it will be around then as the Biblical prophecies are coming true.
That's not what we're talking about here. You are talking about the four horsemen.

Without the Holy Spriit you cannot understand God. We're talking about it all Surada. You always try and hide behind the minutiae. The Four Horses have yet to be released. The vials and trumpets are coming.

1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Don't you know when God is warning you? This time, when the non-believers take over as majority and threaten the believers and innocents again, it will be the END OF THE WORLD. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it would be in 2060. I get the feeling that it will be around then as the Biblical prophecies are coming true.

She doesn't believe in God.
Without the Holy Spriit you cannot understand God. We're talking about it all Surada. You always try and hide behind the minutiae. The Four Horses have yet to be released. The vials and trumpets are coming.

1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The four horsemen are a description of the conditions between 66-70 AD.
I do believe in God not Cyrus Scofield and Hal Lindsey.

No, you don't.
You can't believe in God and deny the Immaculate Conception.
You can't believe in God if you deny Jesus crucifixtion and resurrection.
You can't believe in God and not believe Jesus will return in the air and catch us all up to Him. Scripture says EVERY eye will see Him come.
Explain, how? Be specific.

I can easily explain how it came to be.

In the end, after I wade through your piles of word salad, we will find you are insisting on the explanation of "why".

And then, your next step is to make something up and to pretend to know "why", not "how".

So let's just save time and get right to it.

You don"t know why, and neither does anyone else. And, in fact, there may be no "why" at all.
You don"t know why, and neither does anyone else --- And, in fact, there may be no "why" at all.

you are obsessed with the latter as your answer than any rational understanding for life's origin on planet earth ... ff proves little different than their claimed advisories.
No, you don't.
You can't believe in God and deny the Immaculate Conception.
You can't believe in God if you deny Jesus crucifixtion and resurrection.
You can't believe in God and not believe Jesus will return in the air and catch us all up to Him. Scripture says EVERY eye will see Him come.

I don't deny the immaculate conception. I don't think you know what that means. The rapture is nonsense. You don't know what that means either.
For millennia humankind had no religion, no deities; belief systems were fundamentally nature-based, devoid of doctrine and dogma.

With the advent of civilization came the development of religion and deities, polytheism, monotheism.

That’s why religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, the same is true of the bible and other works of religious codification.

that's a stretch, the 2 million years prior to the 1st century ... or in fact the initial cellular being and the spiritual revelation that brought life into existence.

or perhaps their decision for self determination did run afoul by incorporating fallacies rather than remaining true too nature.

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