Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

And the rest of the Muslim community? How do gays fare in their countries? Let's not pretend that gays aren't oppressed in Muslim countries, or women being oppressed, for that matter. But in colleges across America, Muslims are the oppressed, and Christians are the oppressors. There is a war on Christianity in this country.
Liar. You believe that because you not only have had no higher education, but you actually hold disdain for it.
Moron. You know 0 about my higher education or where I obtained it. College is a continuation of high school in this family, and not going isn't a consideration. My girls got through right before the indoctrination process took over.
I wouldn't send my children to any public school or college now. They are nothing more than indoctrination centers, churning out idiots who know nothing but their preferred fake pronoun...

Top 10 Smartest Countries Based on Students' Test Scores in Reading, Math and Science - OECD PISA 2018:​

  1. China - 555, 591, 590
  2. Singapore - 549, 569, 551
  3. Macau (China) - 525, 558, 544
  4. Hong Kong (China) - 524, 551, 517
  5. Estonia - 523, 523, 530
  6. Canada - 520, 512, 518
  7. Finland - 520, 507, 522
  8. Ireland - 518, 500, 496
  9. Korea - 514, 526, 519
  10. Poland - 512, 516, 511
You're 21 years old and have no education plus you come from some sad Fundy background.

LOL, that's best you have? I run scriptural rings around you. You never answered, can you show me where John said he didn't take Revelation literally?
More like gloating that all of the proselytizing of the atheists has come to so little result for so much effort.

Why would I be fretting? The OP is an announcement of defeat for the atheist side, with a rather bitter tone.
Arrogant theists who seek to vilify those free from religion is further proof that religion is the bane of humankind.
Na, some guy decided that the Bible wasn't real and you jumped on the bandwagon. Were the Scriptures not literal they would be useless, just like your belief system.

The bible and ‘god’ real, both are creations of man and examples of acculturation.

But the former is not the word of a deity, and the latter does not exist as perceived by theists.
You don't take the Revelation letter literally.
Did John believe what he wrote, yes or no?

The Four Horseman will be loosed.
The Antichrist is coming.
A massive WW is coming.
A New World Order is coming.
It is bringing with it a new economic order.

I can go on and on and on. You are about to see it all unfold even though you won't believe it's happening.
Did John believe what he wrote, yes or no?

The Four Horseman will be loosed.
The Antichrist is coming.
A massive WW is coming.
A New World Order is coming.
It is bringing with it a new economic order.

I can go on and on and on. You are about to see it all unfold even though you won't believe it's happening.

None of that is in revelation.
Honey, all of it is. Revelation, Thessalonians. It's all in Scripture. I'm beginning to think you are retarded. Rev 6 is all about the Horseman

Read it in context. The four horsemen are figurative language of what happened between 66 AD and 70 AD. ...war, famine, disease and death. The Christians had fled Jerusalem for Pella.
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