Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

What makes you think only the religious can have moral values or that the religious are incapable of violating them
I never said anything close to that. Our constitution was based on Judeo/Christian values and the belief in a higher power. The founders were clear about that, they were also clear that each citizen had the right to believe as he/she chooses. You lib seem to want to turn our country into China where the state is the supreme being. If that is your goal maybe you need to secede from this union and form your own state worshiping country.
Jesus was a mamzer. Marriage between a mamzer and a Jew was prohibited. Any children of a mamzer who does marry a Jew are also mamzer.

Other than this, a mamzer is still welcome as a Jew; mamzers who are scholars are even considered above the rank of a high priest.
Banned from the congregation to the 10th generation.

In our society, saying that you believe in God was always “the cool thing to say”

That is why 20 percent is significant

Not in "sophisticated" blue states.

Church attendance, especially at liberal churches in liberal towns, is at a long time low.

Ultralib pastors like Jim Wallis preach about how great sodomy and abortion are according to the Bible allegedly.

But the people really don't believe it as they can read scripture themselves.
So a Mamzer is someone who denies that she fucked someone? And claims it was done by "god"?

Mary didn't "claim" anything.

An angel in the employ of Almighty God, Gabe, explained it all to Mary in Luke 1. You need to look at the historical record, rather than just shoot off your mouth

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."
Mary didn't "claim" anything.

An angel in the employ of Almighty God, Gabe, explained it all to Mary in Luke 1. You need to look at the historical record, rather than just shoot off your mouth

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."
you're fucking kiddin me!
She was ashamed and would not admit it. That's totally believable back then.
It's not ET's or "god" getting her pregnant. She cheated on her husband! Or maybe got raped. Probably raped. So I don't want to make fun of it.

cn - the latent desert dweller ... in fact mary is who made the fact of her pregnancy known.

the 1st century events were heavenly inspired - liberation theology, self determination - mary chose her lifestyle freely, same as joseph and they lived happily together and disdained the legally bound matrimonial relationship and were never "married".

same as the other two lead characters jesus and mary magdalene.
I never said anything close to that. Our constitution was based on Judeo/Christian values and the belief in a higher power. The founders were clear about that, they were also clear that each citizen had the right to believe as he/she chooses. You lib seem to want to turn our country into China where the state is the supreme being. If that is your goal maybe you need to secede from this union and form your own state worshiping country.
Actually, claiming our Constitution was based on Judeo/ Christian values is not accurate. The founding of this country was not established on religious ideology, it was founded on -- in CLEAR terms: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, modeled largely on the Greek system of government.

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