Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

I have no idea what you're talking about.
You don't know what I'm talking about? So why did you give a thumbs up to rightwinger's various posts expressing sentiments related to my question and give my posts a thumbs down?

That's what I thought. You're just mindlessly affirming personalities, not ideas or thoughts. You're such a phony-ass.
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A religion whose beliefs are enforced by violence is nothing to believe in.
And Christianity, Islam, Judaism we are spread at the point of a spear, sword, gun.
Where is this happening? Which denominations, and where?
Christianity like the other monotheistic cults suffers from knowing it is false and the threat that people will realize it. Because, if people stop believing the churches lose their power.
Behind the myths are some valuable teachings but refusing to believe the myths has, over the course of history been a good excuse for execution, torture, excommunication, and a number of punishments.
Shrug. I am sorry your church focused on threatening people. All the churches I have attended have been helping people with real-life situations and being a meeting/organizing place to gather people to help those in need.

Dig deeper than the mythology. There is grand advice and deep wisdom about human nature and how your life can be a blessing to yourself and others.
I realized this when I was 8.
I tried various forms of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam.
They all behaved the same.
"Show no doubt."
"Ask no questions."
"Believe, OR ELSE!"
It is too bad you had such a sorry experience. I grew up in parishes that expected us to raise doubts, to question, and to have faith that the narrow way Christ taught is the path of life.

If your assessment of Noah's story is two of all animals in a boat, I am guessing you put very little effort into Judaism either. I may be wrong, but I don't think you tried in any faith with much heart. Too busy looking for the escape route? :)
And it only takes six days…..with one day of rest. Oh, that’s just the earth, which to early man, was their universe. Really, we don’t have enough gods to make everyone happy.
Take time to study the Bible. Put aside that nineteenth century idea that the Bible should be taken literally. Join the sixty to seventy percent of us who completely ignored that nonsense.
That’s what YOUR religion teaches. Other religions teach differently. Mine teaches there is more than one way to G-d.
I envision a circle. I once heard a Rabbi explain that love of God's law leads to love of God. In Christianity we are more or less taught that love of God leads to love of God's laws/ways. Same circle to the same location--just different entry points into that circle.
So like your friends surada and rightwinger you're okay with the psychosexual pedophilia of public school teachers and public librarians but have a hang up with the pedophilia of Catholic priests? Why should the pedophiles of public institutions have all the fun?

When you're losing you sure are a nasty character.
You don't know what I'm talking about? So why did you give a thumbs up to rightwinger's various posts expressing sentiments related to my question and give my posts a thumbs down?

That's what I thought. You're just mindlessly affirming personalities, not ideas or thoughts. You're such a phony-ass.

I think you are harsh and self righteous. The type that enjoys hurting others . It masquerades as intellectual. It's not.
And yours is wrong. Religion is man's feeble attempt to try to get to G-d. True faith in Messiah recognizes man's sin and the way G-d Himself provided.
Complete arrogance. Yours isn’t the only religion In the world. You are actually claiming that only your religion is right - and the majority of people are wrong in their religions?

Yours is merely an opinion.
And yours is wrong. Religion is man's feeble attempt to try to get to G-d. True faith in Messiah recognizes man's sin and the way G-d Himself provided.
Seeking God is not feeble. Jesus said, Seek and you will find. The Hebrew Bible says the same, more than once. One example is in 2 Chronicles: The Lord is with you while you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you.

The only question we need to ask anyone (if for some reason it is appropriate) is, "Is your faith bringing you closer to God?"


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