Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

Stop calling my actions arrogant and disrespectful, and stop judging my Lord's judgement. You're being very mean and rude.

your quote never occurred, was not spoken by the exemplar - that is a 4th century forgery used to subjugate those foolish enough to read the 4th century c bible, written by the crucifiers - ringtone.
Would you care to be a bit more specific given the following:

1. The theory or doctrine that Christians have a divine mandate to assume positions of power and influence over all aspects of society and government.​
2. The belief that God gave humans the right to exercise control over the natural world.​

no, the heavenly events of the 1st century were of liberation theology, self determination that were forsaken - by the crucifiers - ringtone, not by the heavens that chose not the course of events as occurred but the individuals to represent them who were persecuted.
Take some time to learn where your beliefs come from.

Well, if FLOT and SLOT can't happen, then how did the universe, Earth and everything in it come to be?

This is why we have SAF/POS who believe in periodic elements just came to be.
Then you are a dense little moron, because this semantic debate has no bearing on the truth of anything. It's just a discussion of how to use words. Etymology vs. Colloquialism. Two words you probably don't even know.

What "truth" do you imagine I am avoiding?

I said nothing about gay sex
..nobody but you did. You brought it up out of left field,as you always do.

But remember, after your tears have dried and your fake LOLs and laugh emojis have dropped into the USMB dustbin...

All agnostics are atheists.

That is the simple truth you are avoiding, with your bizarre,seemingly irrelevant crybabying.
What truth are you avoiding? All truth when you attempt to use semantics instead of allowing the facts in evidence to conclude in truth.

Semantics: a petty attempt to argue about the language used to describe an event or fact in order to dilute its absolute meaning. Examples were given. A gestating child in the womb is no longer called a child........the left uses semantics to dehumanize this example of humanity by calling it a thing, a fetus unworthy of any human rights, just like Hitler defined the Jews as being inhuman and unworthy of any legal protection. In reality semantics when weaponized are nothing short of FASCISM. Forcing people to use languages that do not actually provide the truth........when any society determines that any single group of peoples (to include the unborn) are not worthy to have the same right they self profess (the right to life, the right to liberty and the right to pursue individual happiness) its FASCISM, plain and simple.

Your semantics attempt to force people to accept perversion as normalcy...........that also is fascism. Who cares what anyone does in the privacy of their protected sphere that is guaranteed by legal decree? No one......but don't present your private information to the public and then accuse others of being intolerant when you attempt to force feed them your personal ideologies by labeling people through rampant political correctness, that is the worse kind of fascism........covert indoctrination of our children. Again as the Nazi's declared........give me your children to indoctrinate and I will change the world.
Bullshit! You're trolling the thread.

You asked me who/what created God?

God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

The Incontrovertible First Principle of Ontology:

1. Something does exist rather than nothing.​
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence.​
3. Hence, something or another has always existed.​

Your response to that:

You can’t insist that someone must have created everything and then assume your creator always existed.​

You drooling 'tard, I never asserted any such stupid thing—i.e., that everything had to be created—in the first place. I argued the very opposite of that. Stop trolling the thread, you lying piece of shit.

as usual ring, you have that wrong, all in the heavens are there through purity - that's all that's required. starting with the elements ... * good luck.
Well, if FLOT and SLOT can't happen, then how did the universe, Earth and everything in it come to be?

This is why we have SAF/POS who believe in periodic elements just came to be.
Puff the magic dragon according to so called fanatic religious zealots.
Hogwash. The general doctrine of human dominion over the Earth, howbeit, under God, is predicated on Genesis 1: 26-28:

And God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'​

have you had a conversation with them - ring ... daily.

the same fallacy and intent used as their claim for tablets etched in the heaves with 10 commandments that never existed.
have you had a conversation with them - ring ... daily.

the same fallacy and intent used as their claim for tablets etched in the heaves with 10 commandments that never existed.

Code of Hammurabi is much older.
No, it can't. You can't even prove the Big Bang.

sure, bb is cyclical.

try the suggested experiment - explode a handgrenade in an area of dormant space and see if the shrapnel projected at a finite angle of trajectory will not eventually return to its origin without changing direction as a mirror image and begin reformulating the grenade inside out.
Code of Hammurabi is much older.

well, how old is from the beginning and sent on their way with the prescribed religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - to be fulfilled or otherwise to simply perish.
What truth are you avoiding? All truth when you attempt to use semantics instead of allowing the facts in evidence to conclude in truth.
That is meaningless psychobabble, because you completely forgot what was even being discussed when you faceplanted.

We were talking about the meaning of words. Discussing the meaning of the words has no bearing on what anyone actually believes about God.

If someone thinks there might be a God, I could call him a Fred-ist, and that person's beliefs will not have changed.

Wipe the foam away from your mouth and pay attention:

Atheist strictly means, "One who does not accept a belief in a personal God".

And that's it. That's the strict meaning of the word, completely supported by its etymology.

As such, all agnostics are atheists.

However, not all atheists are agnostic. Some atheists believe 100% that there is no god.

And that's it. So, you can discuss that, or you can pinch off bumper stickers and hissy fits. Your call.
Clueless ? Compared to your comments, I’m sure I have more of a clue then you.
You're making a comparison, genius. surada, who is also laughing at you as he eggs you on, won't tell you that. Your sentence should read:

I’m sure I have more of a clue then than you.​

And that's just one of your many typos, grammatical farts, mangled thoughts. . . . You write and think like one who has suffered a serious brain injury or engaged in prolonged drug use.
You are obviously poorly read on Nazi party doctrine.
“The Nazi Party program of 1920 included a statement on religion which was numbered point 24. In this statement, the Nazi party demands freedom of religion(for all religious denominations that are not opposed to the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race); the paragraph proclaims the party's endorsement of Positive Christianity.”

So Christianity that supported this political, race culture….sound familiar ?
A universal ESV system would be an excellent means of combating homophobia.
Its a fact
It applies to all faiths not just Christians

Fewer believe than ten years ago
You asked me who/what created God?

God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

The Incontrovertible First Principle of Ontology:

1. Something does exist rather than nothing.​
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence.​
3. Hence, something or another has always existed.​

Your response to that:

You can’t insist that someone must have created everything and then assume your creator always existed.​

You drooling 'tard, I never asserted any such stupid thing—i.e., that everything had to be created—in the first place. I argued the very opposite of that. Stop trolling the thread and answer my question.

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the universe be the eternal existent?

Do you have any idea where your beliefs about Armageddon and the rapture come from. They were not part of Christianity the first 1800 years.

I don't subscribe to that. Stop trolling the thread, and answer my question.

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the universe be the eternal existent?
A universal ESV system would be an excellent means of combating homophobia.
Oh, you mean the condition that runs ramped in the Christian community ?
How would they combat it ? The Catholic Church has supported and condoned such activities ALONG WITH PEDOPHILIA, FOR DECADES. They are the LARGEST sect in Christianity.
Then there is pedophile David Koresh......and who knows how many others in the leadership of the Christian community. You being such an expert, should be able to splain that too.

Splain that Bullwinkle ! “Then” , you can try to rehab your lack of cred.. Impossible task.
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I’m sure I have more of a clue then than you.
Laughable. Do you want to play that game ?
You fools all of a sudden become linguistic experts when your lie and bullshit is revealed...and you have nothing else to say, child.
You drooling 'tard, I never asserted any such stupid thing—i.e., that everything had to be created—in the first place. I argued the very opposite of that. Stop trolling the thread and answer my question.
Clueless, you do get it on with a lot of unrelated, inappropriate punctuation rants when acting like child. You’re just an unrepentant pseudo intellect trying to act superior in a realm where frankly, no one gives a shit.

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