Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

A religion whose beliefs are enforced by violence is nothing to believe in.
And Christianity, Islam, Judaism we are spread at the point of a spear, sword, gun.

Those caricatures of nuns with rulers is not made up, it is true.

What, about Noah's story, makes sense?
2 of every animal on a boat? Ridiculous.

Christianity like the other monotheistic cults suffers from knowing it is false and the threat that people will realize it. Because, if people stop believing the churches lose their power.
Behind the myths are some valuable teachings but refusing to believe the myths has, over the course of history been a good excuse for execution, torture, excommunication, and a number of punishments.

Why do these religions feel the need to punish doubters?
If the myths were true they could convince the doubters with proof.
But, no, doubters must be punished and made to see the "truth" through punishment.

I realized this when I was 8.
I tried various forms of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam.
They all behaved the same.
"Show no doubt."
"Ask no questions."
"Believe, OR ELSE!"

Remember this Christian?

These people damage the church.

From the article:

Opponents likened Lively and his colleagues to Nazis and lobbed bricks wrapped in swastika flags through the windows of businesses supporting the measure.​

Yep! That's the sort of violence and intimidation leftists routinely engage in: homofascist thugs accusing the righteous of fascism as they actually use fascist tactics. Did they kill anyone with those bricks? And, of course, it was over special, extraconstitutional rights that homos are not entitled to in the first place.

It does sound like Uganda is keeping its pedophiles and homofasicsts in check. Good for them.
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From the article:

Opponents likened Lively and his colleagues to Nazis and lobbed bricks wrapped in swastika flags through the windows of businesses supporting the measure.​

Yep! That's the sort of violence and intimidation leftists routinely engage in: homofascist thugs accusing the righteous of fascism as they actually use fascist tactics. Did they kill anyone with those bricks. And, of course, it was over special, extraconstitutional rights that homos are not entitled to in the first place.

It does sound like Uganda is keeping its pedophiles and homofasicsts in check. Good for them.

They sure don't like him preaching hate.
A religion whose beliefs are enforced by violence is nothing to believe in.
And Christianity, Islam, Judaism we are spread at the point of a spear, sword, gun.

Those caricatures of nuns with rulers is not made up, it is true.

What, about Noah's story, makes sense?
2 of every animal on a boat? Ridiculous.

Christianity like the other monotheistic cults suffers from knowing it is false and the threat that people will realize it. Because, if people stop believing the churches lose their power.
Behind the myths are some valuable teachings but refusing to believe the myths has, over the course of history been a good excuse for execution, torture, excommunication, and a number of punishments.

Why do these religions feel the need to punish doubters?
If the myths were true they could convince the doubters with proof.
But, no, doubters must be punished and made to see the "truth" through punishment.

I realized this when I was 8.
I tried various forms of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam.
They all behaved the same.
"Show no doubt."
"Ask no questions."
"Believe, OR ELSE!"
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Derp, derp, derp, derp, derp, derp.
Remember this Christian?

Hey, another huge court victory for liberty against leftist depravity and tyranny!


The Judeo-Christian dispensational doctrine of Dominionism is a doctrine of the Nazi Party?! What kind of dope are you on?
A fancy name for, fk everyone else, we’ll run the country. Probably more like the Iranian complex. If you had it your way, the David Koresh‘s of the the country would be your secretary of defense. Let’s see, Catholic priests, what could they head up ?
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The Judeo-Christian dispensational doctrine of Dominionism is a doctrine of the Nazi Party?! What kind of dope are you on?
You are obviously poorly read on Nazi party doctrine.
“The Nazi Party program of 1920 included a statement on religion which was numbered point 24. In this statement, the Nazi party demands freedom of religion(for all religious denominations that are not opposed to the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race); the paragraph proclaims the party's endorsement of Positive Christianity.”

So Christianity that supported this political, race culture….sound familiar ?
You are obviously poorly read on Nazi party doctrine.
“The Nazi Party program of 1920 included a statement on religion which was numbered point 24. In this statement, the Nazi party demands freedom of religion(for all religious denominations that are not opposed to the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race); the paragraph proclaims the party's endorsement of Positive Christianity.”
Shut up, just shut up! Your imbecility is unbearable.
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A fancy name for, fk everyone else, we’ll run the country. Probably more like the Iranian complex. If you had it your way, the David Koresh‘s of the the country would be your secretary of defense. Let’s see, Catholic priests, what could they head up ?
By the way, how old were you when you started doing drugs?
By the way, how old were you when you started doing drugs?
The Nazis sought to strengthen the Germanic people, the "Aryan master race", through racial purity and eugenics, broad social welfare programs, and a collective subordination of individual rights, which could be sacrificed for the good of the state on behalf of the people. To protect the supposed purity and strength of the Aryan race,”

David Koresh would have been proud.
The Judeo-Christian dispensational doctrine of Dominionism is a doctrine of the Nazi Party?!
Let’s examine this closely.
Let’s start off with what it means for our country.
The goal of Dominionism—conversion of the United States to a legal theocracy—bears a superficial resemblance to the goal of Judeo-Christianity stated above—Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

Doesn’t sound like any other religion will have much to say.
Of course it’s rude for Evangelical Christians to tell Jews, or anyone of a religion different from their own, that they’re wrong and will go to hell unless they abandon their own beliefs and submit to what Christians believe. Almost everyone resents that type of thing, and if you’ve convinced yourself it’s acceptable to go around telling other people their religion is wrong, well…..that’s on you.

- and your explanation for crucifying the exemplar ... such remorse as your post is less than overwhelming.

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