Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

Would you care to be a bit more specific given the following:

1. The theory or doctrine that Christians have a divine mandate to assume positions of power and influence over all aspects of society and government.​
2. The belief that God gave humans the right to exercise control over the natural world.​
Yup, that’s a doctrine the Nazi party started off with too.
Everntually, they excluded Jews, gays, queer’s and finally women from positions of much authority. Where did that get them ?
You're damn right I'm judging you! Repent or perish!
I think its pretty obvious that such extremism does a real disservice by linking such judgemental attitudes with an arrogance borne of ignorance. Eventually, creationists will find a way to incorporate science and common sense into their beliefs as they've done with other descrepencies in their holy texts over the last few thousand years. The problem confronting the hyper-religious is not with science and knowledge being incompatible with their Gods, but with science and knowledge being incompatible with a literal reading of the bible. That is a problem you have to work out for yourself.

Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics, Bunkie.

Everyone on this thread has been respectful of others
You are the one throwing a temper tantrum
Bullshit! You're trolling the thread.

You asked me who/what created God?

God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

The Incontrovertible First Principle of Ontology:

1. Something does exist rather than nothing.​
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence.​
3. Hence, something or another has always existed.​

Your response to that:

You can’t insist that someone must have created everything and then assume your creator always existed.​

You drooling 'tard, I never asserted any such stupid thing—i.e., that everything had to be created—in the first place. I argued the very opposite of that. Stop trolling the thread, you lying piece of shit.
Bullshit! You're trolling the thread.

You asked me who/what created God?

God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

The Incontrovertible First Principle of Ontology:

1. Something does exist rather than nothing.​
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence.​
3. Hence, something or another has always existed.​

Your response to that:

You can’t insist that someone must have created everything and then assume your creator always existed.​

You drooling 'tard, I never asserted any such stupid thing—i.e., that everything had to be created—in the first place. I argued the very opposite of that. Stop trolling the thread, you lying piece of shit.
OK ladies and gents. Please join me. Wait for the pickup as the verse comes around.


Here we go:

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.....
I think its pretty obvious that such extremism does a real disservice by linking such judgemental attitudes with an arrogance borne of ignorance. Eventually, creationists will find a way to incorporate science and common sense into their beliefs as they've done with other descrepencies in their holy texts over the last few thousand years. The problem confronting the hyper-religious is not with science and knowledge being incompatible with their Gods, but with science and knowledge being incompatible with a literal reading of the bible. That is a problem you have to work out for yourself.

Rocks of Ages are subject to plate tectonics, Bunkie.
Repent or perish, woman.
He posted the periodic table several times. Here's a hint... It hasn't changed.
rigtwinger was initially talking to James Bond about the periodic table, not me, dummy. rightwinger got his wires crossed and stated babbling about the periodic table with me as if I were James Bond, dummy.

You get with James Bond and rightwinger and go have yourselves a circle jerk with the periodic table, dummy. I'm a married man. Leave me out of it.
Some people just need all the answers. The correct answer for people who tend to use science is, this is the evidence and beyond that, we don’t know.

What is irritating is, they want our lives managed upon their belief system. So to them I say…… So let’s just start off with, Christ was a hippy and probably gay and move on. It makes more sense then just they pretending otherwise.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. :auiqs.jpg:
Yup, that’s a doctrine the Nazi party started off with too.
Everntually, they excluded Jews, gays, queer’s and finally women from positions of much authority. Where did that get them ?

The Judeo-Christian dispensational doctrine of Dominionism is a doctrine of the Nazi Party?! What kind of dope are you on?
Post the verse.

Sodom and Gomorrah was about sexual violence and abusing travelers.
Biblical Judeo-Christianity holds that homosexuality is an abomination. Anyone who claims or insinuates otherwise is a lying, hell-bound enemy of God.
Biblical Judeo-Christianity holds that homosexuality is an abomination. Anyone who claims or insinuates otherwise is a lying, hell-bound enemy of God.

The Levites said it was an abomination. What did Jesus say exactly?
We aren't living in the Bronze Age. Remember, God gave you a brain.
Hey, surada, you shameless, unprincipled kiss-ass, rightwinger is trolling my posts, isn't he? See post #903. Tell the truth, surada. You know the theology. Tell the truth.
Which Bible are you referencing? I have a Comparative Study Bible where, in verse 9, the reference is Jews and Greeks in two translations, Jews and Gentiles in two translations. What exactly does verse 9 say in your Bible?
Verse 9
What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Geeks, are under sin​

He's addressing Jews. Talking about Jews and Greeks, addressing Jews. He doesn't address Gentiles until Chapter 11.
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