Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

They were NOT, but again, I’m not going to tell you the obvious. It is rude to tell people of a different religion that they’re wrong.
You're wrong!

Now it's your turn to stupidly and hypocritically tell me that I'm wrong. In other words. stop beating around the bush. You do believe and you are saying that I'm wrong. Go gaslight somebody else with your relativist baby talk.

Show some respect and stop insulting our intelligence. And stop judging my judgement.
Even throughout the OT, man's true nature of wickedness and sin is revealed and recorded.

just those of the three desert religions and their lies they were given tablets etched in the heavens with 10 commandments, madeup by them, they use to persecute and victimize the innocent - gmc.
I don't recall having any problems with rightwinger. Rightwinger and I see things from different perspectives, and I think he has been remarkably patient with me. Perhaps we both understand we have lived through different experiences.
This is a Zone 1 thread, and rightwinger is trolling it.

He stupidly and dishonestly asked me who created God? He knows damn well that's a rhetorical question of a troll intended to rerail the natural flow of honest and open discourse. Indeed, he knows what my answer is, as this is not the first time he's trolled others with it. The difference in this case is that he's trolling a Zone 1 thread with insincere questions and refusing to answer counter observations in good faith. Only a total lowlife does that on a Zone 1 thread. In fact, we wouldn't have to have Zone 1 threads in the first place if it weren't for children like rightwinger.

Virtually all he ever does on this board is troll. Fine. But his phony ass needs to be reported and booted from Zone 1 threads when he flouts the rules, especially from Zone 1 threads he himself starts.

As I and others have told him before on open, unprotected threads, God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

He knows that's my answer to his rhetorical question. which is actually a statement that irrationally asserts that in order for something to exist it must necessarily be created or begin to exist.

How could that be?

Instead of answering my question in good faith, he unresponsively repeats the rhetorical question.

The Incontrovertible First Principle of Ontology:

1. Something does exist rather than nothing.
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence.
3. Hence, something or another has always existed.

Instead of repeating is falsified insinuation, he needs to either responsively discuss the matter, shut up, or be booted from the thread. This is supposed to be a Zone 1, troll-free thread, not a rightwinger troll thread of mindless, unresponsive bullshit.
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The religious right wants the right to discriminate against gays and gay marriage because of their religious beliefs

That s not secular
False. Yours is the homofascist propaganda of tyrannical statist bootlicks whose intent is to empower the state to criminalize and violate the natural and constitutional rights of persons who reject the sexual, religiopolitical ideology of homosexualism. The only thing that sociopaths like you will ever understand about the inalienable rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at your stupid heads.

And before you go reporting my post as a threat of violence, behold my statement goes, not to the intent of those who respect the principle of live and let live of natural and constitutional law, but to the sociopathic mindset of the homofascist, who does not only demand that others accept him and his filth but demands that others actively participate in his filth.

Ideological discrimination, including the dissent and free association thereof, is the essence of liberty, you sociopath.
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Who created God?
See post #749.

Now answer my question: Given that something does exist rather than nothing, given that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, given that something has necessarily always existed: how could everything that exists been created?

This is supposed to be a Zone 1, troll-free thread, not a rightwinger troll thread of mindless, unresponsive bullshit.
You're wrong!

Now it's your turn to stupidly and hypocritically tell me that I'm wrong. In other words. stop beating around the bush. You do believe and you are saying that I'm wrong. Go gaslight somebody else with your relativist baby talk.

Show some respect and stop insulting our intelligence. And stop judging my judgement.
I never said you were wrong, although some of you have insistent that I am wrong. I have said repeatedly that it is a matter of opinion, and that I am as likely to be right as you are.

Your disdain and contempt for those of us who won’t submit to YOUR opinion is horrible.

Now start showing respect for other people’s religion. When you act with such intolerance toward those of a different religion, especially Jews, you are giving the anti-religion atheists ammunition that Christians are not nice people.
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Even throughout the OT, man's true nature of wickedness and sin is revealed and recorded.
What is revealed is that man is far from perfect, and some are worse than others, but G-d forgives those who seek forgiveness from Him, and from those they have wronged. It’s what Yom Kippur is all about - absolution from our sins.

Of course you don’t have to wait until Yom Kippur. G-d forgives throughout the year.
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"God" has not even been defined, so the argument is totally moot. Further, when we consider that, by definition, "God" could not be defined, the argument is very much lost, in the sense of lost in the wilderness.
Belief based upon hearsay is hollow. Knowing directly is not belief. If one does not know, one should be honest with oneself and either search or let the question rest, awaiting more input.
It is only surprising that so many people express "belief" in something so poorly understood and discussed.
I never said you were wrong, although some of you have insistent that I am wrong. I have said repeatedly that it is a matter of opinion, and that I am as likely to be right as you are.

Your disdain and contempt for those of us who won’t submit to YOUR opinion is horrible.

Now start showing respect for other people’s religion. When you act with such intolerance toward those of a different religion, especially Jews, you are giving the anti-religion atheists ammunition that Christians are not nice people.
My disdain has nothing to do with you having a different opinion. My disdain is for this happy-slap nonsense that it's rude to tell someone they're wrong.
My disdain has nothing to do with you having a different opinion. My disdain is for this happy-slap nonsense that it's rude to tell someone they're wrong.
Of course it’s rude for Evangelical Christians to tell Jews, or anyone of a religion different from their own, that they’re wrong and will go to hell unless they abandon their own beliefs and submit to what Christians believe. Almost everyone resents that type of thing, and if you’ve convinced yourself it’s acceptable to go around telling other people their religion is wrong, well…..that’s on you.
This is a Zone 1 thread, and rightwinger is trolling it.

He stupidly and dishonestly asked me who created God? He knows damn well that's a rhetorical question of a troll intended to rerail the natural flow of honest and open discourse. Indeed, he knows what my answer is, as this is not the first time he's trolled others with it. The difference in this case is that he's trolling a Zone 1 thread with insincere questions and refusing to answer counter observations in good faith. Only a total lowlife does that on a Zone 1 thread. In fact, we wouldn't have to have Zone 1 threads in the first place if it weren't for children like rightwinger.

Virtually all he ever does on this board is troll. Fine. But his phony ass needs to be reported and booted from Zone 1 threads when he flouts the rules, especially from Zone 1 threads he himself starts.

As I and others have told him before on open, unprotected threads, God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

He knows that's my answer to his rhetorical question. which is actually a statement that irrationally asserts that in order for something to exist it must necessarily be created or begin to exist.

How could that be?

Instead of answering my question in good faith, he unresponsively repeats the rhetorical question.

The Incontrovertible First Principle of Ontology:

1. Something does exist rather than nothing.
2. Existence cannot arise from nonexistence.
3. Hence, something or another has always existed.

Instead of repeating is falsified insinuation, he needs to either responsively discuss the matter, shut up, or be booted from the thread. This is supposed to be a Zone 1, troll-free thread, not a rightwinger troll thread of mindless, unresponsive bullshit.
Sorry, didn’t bother reading your screed but you can’t have it both ways

You can’t insist that someone must have created everything and then assume your creator always existed

You can’t claim your creator created everything out of nothing (presumption of magic) when matter cannot be created or destroyed

Your tantrum does not change anything
Now answer my question: Given that something does exist rather than nothing, given that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, given that something has necessarily always existed: how could everything that exists been created?

I have already shown you the building blocks of the universe. The periodic table.
Per Einstein matter and energy are interrelated and created the universe
Elements combine and breakup using and creating energy

This is not trolling, this is basic science

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