Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

I don’t discuss it with someone who has already insisted to me that the only way to G-d is through Jesus - knowing he’s talking to a Jew.

Listen. I’ve had Evangelical Christians harrass me for years, insisting that their beliefs, which are in the minority, were the ONLY way to Heaven. Don’t you see how arrogant that is? “I’m right and you’re wrong, and unless you switch over to what I say is the “truth,” you will go to hell!”

I have the misfortune of living driving distance from a massive Bible Church, who sends out its neighbors to sweep the entire area and try to “save” people. It’s beyond obnoxious.

I didn't know you were Jewish, I cam into the conversation late. I actually think you are just a bit full of hate for Christians. Is your position that "all" roads lead to God?
I didn't know you were Jewish, I cam into the conversation late. I actually think you are just a bit full of hate for Christians. Is your position that "all" roads lead to God?
I’m full of hate for Christians? Did you just read what I wrote to that very nice Christian above who defended me?

And after you accuse me of having hate for Christians, I’m not going to engage with you. I will clarify though that I have hate for arrogant, disrespectful Christians who insist that THEIR way is the only right way, and tells everyone else they will go to hell.
There’s only one G-d.

And why do you care if the majority of Americans believe in Him? Why ridicule us when you are in the minority?

which minority, you are who crucified the exemplar, the majority committed that crime and later wrote their c bible to perpetuate their crime - their religion of servitude substituted for the liberation theology, self determination those in the 1st century died for at the hands of the " religious majority".
Besides, Jesus said that he came to help those who were/are lost--that those who are well have no need of a physician. As one who was lost, it is always nice to run across one who stayed on track. :)

really, how convenient to make them disappear then write their book for them 400 years latter, discarding the liberation theology, self determination they died for. as meriweather even alludes too.
Take it up with God, He (they) set the rules.

no, they did not set any rules, the heavens ... only the final goal for spiritual determination.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is a 4th century forgery, to supplement their religion of servitude ...
The Jewish faith does not recognize Jesus as being one with God. One can either be Jew or Christian--but not both. A choice must be made.

what a joke - the choice of neither of the three.

howabout they repent their vicious crime, the exemplar never claimed what they accused him of including the c bibles claims either - all 3 desert religions have abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity and spiritual determination for admission to the everlasting. for their own selfserving agendas.
maybe it only reflects the apostasy of our leftist elites moving to satan worship.
That’s silly. You have to believe in “gods” before you can believe in a “satan“. Geesus, you really aren’t that religious.
down to 81%. Just shows the power of the lies of the left media and schools.
Maybe it shows you that science saves more lives every day then praying to a god. 15,000 children die horribly every day. More then a few pray for a life. There 15,000 times God answered no prayers. Then there are the kids who are molested and scorned by the father “Joseph’s” and David Koresh ‘s of the world. You’re lucky it isn’t 81 % the other way around.
The Periodic Table IS God
The Building Blocks of the Universe

There is no magic Lego Builder in the sky
You continue to be SAF and POS. You are hopeless. How can the elements start the universe?

Compare it to the six days of creation and I realize you do not have an explanation and you are SAF and POS.
You continue to be SAF and POS. You are hopeless. How can the elements start the universe?

Compare it to the six days of creation and I realize you do not have an explanation and you are SAF and POS.

the elements are the first form of life in the universe ...


and are the building blocks for the eventual physiology as it is known on planet earth and during its development a spiritual content of metaphysical forces likewise came into being to guided their path.

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