Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

A manifestation of YHWH, as I understand it...
Trinity: Three Biblical Manifestations of God
  • Father (Creator)
  • Word (Jesus is known as the Word of God, the Son of God)
  • Holy Spirit
There is power in God's creation; there is power in His Word (i.e. Let there be light); there is power in His Spirit.

Imagine if your words had power of their own; that when you said, "I'll be with you in spirit" you were truly there. Yet both word and spirit came from the essential you.

Trinity has always been difficult to explain--to help us to in a small way understand how God differs from humans. His ways are as far above our ways as the heavens are from the earth. Keeps us from imagining God as some kind of magical genii, mostly like us, whose only purpose is to answer human prayers.
Yet you were commenting on the attributes of Jesus.

Oh well.
I wasn’t commenting on the attributes of Jesus.

You sure do get argumentative with people who won’t submit to what you see as the truth. Different people have different beliefs, and the majority of people in this world don’t believe in Jesus.

It doesn’t matter to G-d. Be the best person you can be, follow His commandments, and He will be pleased with you. That’s it.
You’re free to be wrong as well. No skin off my nose.

At least I don’t insult people who believe in Jesus, as you do with those who don’t. That’s not a very Christian way to behave.

Ahhh, a glaring lack of self awareness. Tell, does your belief system follow the Torah?
Ahhh, a glaring lack of self awareness. Tell, does your belief system follow the Torah?
I’m not going to start explaining myself to a Christian who has already warned me about the ”wide gates“ of Hell. You’re completely disrespectful of any religion that doesn’t subscribe to your particular belief system, and you state your opinion as if it were fact.
I’m not going to start explaining myself to a Christian who has already warned me about the ”wide gates“ of Hell. You’re completely disrespectful of any religion that doesn’t subscribe to your particular belief system, and you state your opinion as if it were fact.

No disrespect at all. Are you afraid to discuss your belief system?
No disrespect at all. Are you afraid to discuss your belief system?
I don’t discuss it with someone who has already insisted to me that the only way to G-d is through Jesus - knowing he’s talking to a Jew.

Listen. I’ve had Evangelical Christians harrass me for years, insisting that their beliefs, which are in the minority, were the ONLY way to Heaven. Don’t you see how arrogant that is? “I’m right and you’re wrong, and unless you switch over to what I say is the “truth,” you will go to hell!”

I have the misfortune of living driving distance from a massive Bible Church, who sends out its neighbors to sweep the entire area and try to “save” people. It’s beyond obnoxious.
Actually, true Jews are those who accepted Yeshua. They are Messianic Jews.
Oye. Another one.

They’re only Jews by birth. They have abandoned the key tenent of Judaism. It’s really quite sad, from a traditional Jewish perspective.
The Jewish faith does not recognize Jesus as being one with God. One can either be Jew or Christian--but not both. A choice must be made.
Thank you. I find it quite insulting for a Christian to tell a traditional Jew that she is not a “real” Jew, and that only Jews who believe in Jesus are true Jews.

I believe you are a Christian, and I appreciate your comment.
Thank you. I find it quite insulting for a Christian to tell a traditional Jew that she is not a “real” Jew, and that only Jews who believe in Jesus are true Jews.

I believe you are a Christian
Yes, I am Christian, specifically Catholic.

The Hebrew Bible, when studied and properly understood is amazing. Christians don't understand what they are missing when they see it as mere prophecy of things that came later or are still to come. I see why you love it so much and how it stands perfectly well on its own.
Yes, I am Christian, specifically Catholic.

The Hebrew Bible, when studied and properly understood is amazing. Christians don't understand what they are missing when they see it as mere prophecy of things that came later or are still to come. I see why you love it so much and how it stands perfectly well on its own.
Thank you so much. You can understand then how insulting it is for some Christians, like a couple on this forum, to demean or argue with a Jew who follows the traditional Hebrew Bible and appreciates it as a full and magnificent work it is, and not serving as merely a prelude.

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