Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

Your response to that:

You can’t insist that someone must have created everything and then assume your creator always existed.
BTW, you use a colon only when listing. One statement is not a list.
Clueless, you do get it on with a lot of unrelated, inappropriate punctuation rants when acting like child. You’re just an unrepentant pseudo intellect trying to act superior in a realm where frankly, no one gives a shit.
LOL! You're a joke on USMB, a laughingstock, a 'tard, a living byword as to why children should just say no to drugs or wear protective gear to avoid brain injury. The truth is that I've always been kind to you, encouraged you when you were right and disregarded your incoherencies, while others manipulated you and snickered at you, as they pretended to take your craziness seriously and encouraged you to elaborate on it, knowing it all just flew right over your head.

Okay, Einstein, answer the question. Understanding and answering it should be a snap for you. Obviously, there's no need to dumb it down for you. After all, you found me out with your superior intellect and understanding of things.

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.​

crickets chirping
BTW, you use a colon only when listing. One statement is not a list.
Wrong again!

Often a colon can be used to introduce an appositive that renames or defines some part of the information that comes before the colon. In this case, the colon acts as a substitute for a word like i.e. or a phrase like that is to say.

It's typically a mark of introduction, used to let the reader know that what follows the colon has been pointed to or described by what precedes the colon.

In the running prose that we encounter in books, magazines, articles, and the like, colons are mostly used to introduce a clause or a phrase that explains, illustrates, amplifies, or restates what precedes them.

And, as you say, it's also used to set off lists, sometimes indented, or short quotes/passages. It's also used to set off long, indented quotes/passages.

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Oh, you mean the condition that runs ramped in the Christian community ?
How would they combat it ? The Catholic Church has supported and condoned such activities ALONG WITH PEDOPHILIA, FOR DECADES. They are the LARGEST sect in Christianity.
Then there is pedophile David Koresh......and who knows how many others in the leadership of the Christian community. You being such an expert, should be able to splain that too.

Splain that Bullwinkle ! “Then” , you can try to rehab your lack of cred.. Impossible task.
Homophobia "runs ramped in the Christian community," eh?

What's wrong with pedophilia, anyway? Some pedophiles are reportedly born with that sexual orientation. Accordingly, it's genetic. Why in the world would we set up a government ESV system to aggressively encourage pedophobia? That strikes me as a bit dark, inhumane, intolerant, if not outright fascist.
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Homophobia "runs ramped in the Christian community," eh?

What's wrong with pedophilia, anyway? Some pedophiles are reportedly born with that sexual orientation. Accordingly, it's genetic. Why in the world would we set up a government ESV system to aggressively encourage pedophobia? That strikes me as a bit dark, inhumane, intolerant, if not outright fascist.
You’re a confused little puppy. “ it’s genetic” without references is a pretty dumb assumption. You’re now inferring that all those child molesting priests need to be scanned to what, guranntee they won’t molest children. Christianity is a shameful institution when it comes to child molestation and pedophilia. .

Theocracy and fascism are both foreign terms to you I see.
LOL! You're a joke on USMB, a laughingstock, a 'tard, a living byword as to why children should just say no to drugs or wear protective gear to avoid brain injury. The truth is that I've always been kind to you, encouraged you when you were right and disregarded your incoherencies, while others manipulated you and snickered at you, as they pretended to take your craziness seriously and encouraged you to elaborate on it, knowing it all just flew right over your head.

Okay, Einstein, answer the question. Understanding and answering it should be a snap for you. Obviously, there's no need to dumb it down for you. After all, you found me out with your superior intellect and understanding of things.

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.​

crickets chirping
Sure, you have a reference for excusing your own language deficiencies.
Didn’t think so, you pompous dip shit.
God, by definition, is the eternally self-subsistent, transcendent, immutable, and timeless being of incomparable greatness Who created everything else that exists. God is not a creature. God is the Creator.

Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

God can be timeless but the universe needs to be created
And your personal opinion matters NOT to the Sovereign G-d of Creation. He made one, and ONLY one way to Him.
thats what you believe and thats just fine. I believe otherwise and thats also fine. God gave us brains and the ability to think and reason. He accepts each of us because He made us.
I lived in Saudi Arabia, Libya and Kuwait for many years.
Great, then you know that bringing a Bible into Saudi will get you beheaded. You should also know that madrassas teach little kids to hate and kill non muslims. Religion of peach? bullshit
Great, then you know that bringing a Bible into Saudi will get you beheaded. You should also know that madrassas teach little kids to hate and kill non muslims. Religion of peach? bullshit

I have brought many Bibles in and out of Saudi Arabia. We had Sunday school, church, vacation Bible school etc.

We even had live Christmas pageants with real camels, donkeys and goats. The Arabs managed the livestock. Santa arrived on a camel. One street in Dhahran is named Christmas tree circle.

They don't have Madrassas in Arabia. Those are small schools for boys between ages 6 and 12... Mostly in Pakistan.

People gossip and spread lies, but 40,000 American expats know Saudi Arabia.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

God can be timeless but the universe needs to be created
And it only takes six days…..with one day of rest. Oh, that’s just the earth, which to early man, was their universe. Really, we don’t have enough gods to make everyone happy.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner

God can be timeless but the universe needs to be created
How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.

It's a simple question. Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.
And it only takes six days…..with one day of rest. Oh, that’s just the earth, which to early man, was their universe. Really, we don’t have enough gods to make everyone happy.
How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.

It's a simple question. Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.
How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.

It's a simple question. Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.
You keep asking the same stoooopid questions thinking you’ll get a answer you want. That’s early onset dementia or blissful I ignorance.
I have brought many Bibles in and out of Saudi Arabia. We had Sunday school, church, vacation Bible school etc.

We even had live Christmas pageants with real camels, donkeys and goats. The Arabs managed the livestock. Santa arrived on a camel. One street in Dhahran is named Christmas tree circle.

They don't have Madrassas in Arabia. Those are small schools for boys between ages 6 and 12... Mostly in Pakistan.

People gossip and spread lies, but 40,000 American expats know Saudi Arabia.
How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.

It's a simple question. Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.
You keep asking the same stoooopid questions thinking you’ll get a answer you want. That’s early onset dementia or blissful I ignorance.
So you're saying that the Universe (the physical world) is the eternal existent?
How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.

It's a simple question. Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

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