Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

How can an infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present, i.e., how could the Universe (the physical world) be the eternal existent? Or perhaps your position is that the Universe just popped into existence out of an ontologically impossible state of nonexistence.

It's a simple question. Stop trolling the thread and answer the question.

because they exist their regression is infinite. and are eternal.

and - why would your question have any correlation to the contrived, false desert religions ... the phony monotheistic religions of servitude. no one but a moron or sissy would believe in.
Shrug. I am sorry your church focused on threatening people. All the churches I have attended have been helping people with real-life situations and being a meeting/organizing place to gather people to help those in need.

Dig deeper than the mythology. There is grand advice and deep wisdom about human nature and how your life can be a blessing to yourself and others.

that's your response to recorded history ...


to this day the bible belt is the symbol of religious, christian despotism ...
because they exist their regression is infinite. and are eternal.

and - why would your question have any correlation to the contrived, false desert religions ... the phony monotheistic religions of servitude. no one but a moron or sissy would believe in.
That doesn't make any sense. First of all, the regression in time is singular, not plural. But as you say, the regression would be eternal; i,.e., it would go on forever into the eternal past, according to you and, presumably, surada, Dagosa, and rightwinger.

Hence, my question: since the regression in time would go on forever into the eternal past, how could this infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present?

crickets chirping

It's a simple question.
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Religious zealots such as evangelicals are a fringe. They are single-handedly responsible for the decline of religiosity in America.
Why do you say that? I think it's more because of the LGBTQ growing in popularity and the need to get rid of God in America.
19% aren't afraid to say they don't believe in the god.

And about another 30% in America don't go to church or have any connection to religious superstitious beliefs.
That statement doesn't make sense. If you believe there is a God, then that means you believe in something that hasn't been scientifically been proven and would mean superstitious belief in the minds of an atheist like yourself, right? And, how are you connecting those that don't go to church with religious superstitious belief? See the problem with your statements?
That statement doesn't make sense. If you believe there is a God, then that means you believe in something that hasn't been scientifically been proven and would mean superstitious belief in the minds of an atheist like yourself, right? And, how are you connecting those that don't go to church with religious superstitious belief? See the problem with your statements?
Atheism isn't a system of belief in anything, it's a lack of belief in sky fairies and earth fairies.
Why can't both spirit and matter be eternal? Why does it have to be one or the other?
That's a good question! It entails the very problem I've been trying to get at. :)

But the other posters who, like you, apparently, subscribe to an eternal regress of matter/energy (which would be an infinite regress of causality/temporality, a regress that went on forever into the past) refuse to address my question regarding this potentially. It's almost as if they don't really understand the implications of what they claim to believe and, therefore, do not understand my question. It's as if they're mindlessly trolling the thread as they denigrate me and my question, as they denigrate and evade my question.

Perhaps you can answer my question without attacking me for asking it. That would be refreshing. Please see post #1,024.
Atheism isn't a system of belief in anything, it's a lack of belief in sky fairies and earth fairies.
Enough with the fart and nonsense that atheism is a lack of belief in God when you're equating God to sky and earth fairies, dumbass.

You're saying God doesn't exist. Prove that negative or shut the hell up.

No one believes in the existence of sky or earth fairies, or believes that the God of classical theism is a sky or earth fairy.

This is a Zone 1 thread. Stop trolling it. Do it again, and I'll report your post.
Why do you say that? I think it's more because of the LGBTQ growing in popularity and the need to get rid of God in America.
I say that because Evangelicals have become the face of American Christianity and it's a very angry face. Only people who are already assholes would be attracted to this political movement masquerading as a religion.
19% aren't afraid to say they don't believe in the god.

And about another 30% in America don't go to church or have any connection to religious superstitious beliefs.
Reading your post more carefully, you point out your concept of God by saying they don't believe in "the" God. What do you mean? The God of the OT, NT, Muslims, Hindus? There are other forms of "gods" like idolatry. Worshiping your boats, football, Obama and so on. Perhaps the drop is due to idolatry of science. Worshiping the words of Darwin, Twain or some poor sap like that. Millennials worship their Iphones and libertard leaders in schools and universities where they get indoctrinated with Satan's laws and commandments. Or, maybe just worship themselves. None of that is "real" or "empirical." It's all based on what someone else tells them from books, teachers to TV programs. It's all ideology. There is a shift on which one people are following. There are still 81% saying there is that unseen God. ONLY 19% disagree. Has nothing to do with fear. I'm just not going to follow you as my god.

As far as people attending Church, there are several reasons for why church membership and attendance decline. Start with inflation. To attend churches, for most, you have to belong and many require membership dues. Right now, with 77% of the population cutting back on many things just to eat and get to work, churches will have to decide how to handle the loss of revenue or close. The much larger churches will stay open but will also have to reallocate the funds and condense churches shutting down some. With attendance, during the pandemic, churches found ZOOM and other ways to communicate instead of personally attending a building. That is still going on. We find people stay home and hop on ZOOM for Church meetings saving money to help pay their membership dues or tithing in some churches.

Then, there are lots of attacks, mostly false, on many of the larger churches that cause some weaker members to fall away. Which is mostly Satan's work of indoctrination.
Perhaps you can answer my question without attacking me for asking it. That would be refreshing. Please see post #1,024.
I don't understand the question, or the point you wish to make.

since the regression in time would go on forever into the eternal past, how could this infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present?
Haven't a clue. Are you trying to relate this to the Law of Gravity--i.e., there is no proof of it, gravity simply is. We can relate that to God--there is no proof of God, He simply is.

Or, some scientists argue that just as gravity simply is, the universe can operate under a similar premise. Gravity (even though we don't know how/where it originates) can and will collect matter. Therefore, in like fashion the universe can and will create something from nothing.

Sorry, can't do any better. I often teach middle and high school science, but if students study this in more depth, I haven't been there to guide them through it.
Atheism isn't a system of belief in anything, it's a lack of belief in sky fairies and earth fairies.
Not so. You have been indoctrinated by your atheist teachers to believe you don't believe. But, you do! You believe there is no God. You have no proof but you still believe you are correct based on the fact others haven't been able to empirically prove the existence of God. It's the same thing in reverse. Your gods are each other, books on the subject and idolatry.
Hence, my question: since the regression in time would go on forever into the eternal past, how could this infinite regress of causality/temporality be traversed to the present?
You’re not qualified to ask such a question.
I say that because Evangelicals have become the face of American Christianity and it's a very angry face. Only people who are already assholes would be attracted to this political movement masquerading as a religion.
Perhaps we need to look beneath the surface of Christianity in America, not just what the media highlights?
I don't understand the question, or the point you wish to make.

Haven't a clue. Are you trying to relate this to the Law of Gravity--i.e., there is no proof of it, gravity simply is. We can relate that to God--there is no proof of God, He simply is.

Or, some scientists argue that just as gravity simply is, the universe can operate under a similar premise. Gravity (even though we don't know how/where it originates) can and will collect matter. Therefore, in like fashion the universe can and will create something from nothing.

Sorry, can't do any better. I often teach middle and high school science, but if students study this in more depth, I haven't been there to guide them through it.
He’s using terms in science incorrectly not based upon any thing he knows. It’s called woo woo. Non science people often use woo woo just to sound like they know wtf they are talking about when they don’t.
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No one believes in the existence of sky or earth fairies, or believes that the God of classical theism is a sky or earth fairy.

This is a Zone 1 thread. Stop trolling it. Do it again, and I'll report your post.
Enough with the fart and nonsense that atheism is a lack of belief in God when you're equating God to sky and earth fairies, dumbass.

You're saying God doesn't exist. Prove that negative or shut the hell up.
I base my belief that a god doesn't exist on the fact that (his) bible has to be a word of fiction and no other proof of a god is available.

Even the catholic church has accepted evolution now and that kills the entire theory of the creation and the 6000 year old earth theory. There's no more substance in the bibles than there is in stories about Santa, Easter Bunny, Peter Pan. Hobbits, Superman, or Mole in Wind in the Willows.

That's not my belief system, it's my lack of belief in fictitious characters.

I think that if you don't want to hear the opinions of others who don't believe in a religion then you could appeal to the moderators for a new section that offers that protection.

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