Ben Carson Blames Holocaust On Gun Control

The guy is quite slow and probably is this way because he took tons of drugs in his youth. How sad.

Crazy fucker.

I agree! And I can't get over how ugly his wife is. Damn, she is ugly.

why don't you put your kisser up there and we can vote guilty or not guilty
Better to die in Battle then to be led to the slaughter like animals

To Live and Die with Honor: The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

2013 marks 70 years since a small band of Jewish fighters launched the heroic Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, on April 19, 1943. 13,000 Jews were killed in the ghetto during the uprising - some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from other causes. The Germans had planned to liquidate the Warsaw ghetto in three days, but the heroic ghetto fighters held out for more than a month.

Throughout Europe, Jewish partisan and resistance units displayed remarkable courage in resisting the enemy despite the overwhelming military superiority of the Nazi war machine. Over 30,000 Jewish men and women served as partisans in the forests of Eastern Europe. Armed Jewish resistance took place in approximately 60 ghettoes, 5 major concentration/death camps & 18 forced labour camps
Do you think that many people would have been slaughtered if they had a way to fight back?

Most evil dictators did disarm people they sought to control or murder.

You just have a problem with facts... Hitler didn't disarm germans...
Do you think that many people would have been slaughtered if they had a way to fight back?

Most evil dictators did disarm people they sought to control or murder.

You just have a problem with facts... Hitler didn't disarm germans...
who gives a shit idiot?..maybe they needed those weapons to shoot the Jews in the head..STFU:slap:
"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," Carson elaborated in the interview. "There's a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first."

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being comprehensively ignorant as to the factors giving rise to rightist fascism in Germany and the causes of the Holocaust.

What Carson 'thinks' is factually wrong, nothing more than the demagoguery of the ignorant.
The Anti-Defamation League says these sorts of comments are "historically inaccurate and offensive."

Ben Carson, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, blamed the Holocaust on Nazi gun control in an interview on CNN Thursday.

Host Wolf Blitzer read a section from Carson's book, A More Perfect Union, in which Carson writes:

German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s, and by the mid-1940s Hitler's regime had mercilessly slaughtered six million Jews and numerous others whom they considered inferior ... Through a combination of removing guns and disseminating deceitful propaganda, the Nazis were able to carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance.​

"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," Carson elaborated in the interview. "There's a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first."

The Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and responds to anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has long opposed the use of Nazi comparisons in the U.S. gun control debate. "The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families," Abraham Foxman, the ADL's national director at the time, said in 2013.

Conservatives have a history of comparing gun control advocates to Hitler and the Nazis. The ADL's 2013 comments were provoked by The Drudge Report's choice to use an image of Hitler to illustrate news that President Barack Obama was pursuing limited gun control measures after 20 first-graders and six school staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were murdered by a gunman.

Who gives a fuck what the ADL thinks about anything? They are a professional victims group and they have no authority to say what is and is not aloud. They really need to get the fuck over themselves.

I know I don't give a flying fuck what they think and I don't personally know anyone who has any regard for them either. They certainly have no right to tell other people what they can and cannot say about any topic from the Holocaust to Santas ride on Christmas eve. The ADL is nobody.

Many historians disagree with the idea that armed German Jews could have prevented the Holocaust. And as Alex Seitz-Wald, a journalist then writing for Salon, explained in 2013, the full story of Nazi gun regulation is more complicated than Carson and his ilk might like:

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them....
And some dumbass libtard professor from who gives a shit University thinks that had the Jews been armed the Nazis would have still run them over...blah, blah, blah. What the fuck is a law professors expertise in law that makes him qualified as an expert on insurgency or partisan warfare?

If this stupid ass hat wants an example of how a primitively equipped population can beat the hell out of a far more advanced war machine, just look at how the Taliban has kicked the USA's ass in Afghanistan and worn down our will to win there.

If the Taliban can do it to a nuclear power circa 2015, the far more educated and resourceful Jews of Europe could have won against a non-nuclear Nazi Germany circa 1944.

Sheesh, talk about a big pile of bullshit from the libtard's delusional world view, it is hard to beat this one.
Do you think that many people would have been slaughtered if they had a way to fight back?

Most evil dictators did disarm people they sought to control or murder.

You just have a problem with facts... Hitler didn't disarm germans...

Yes he did effectively be requiring all guns be kept in public armorys.

Good Gawd, where do all you fucking morons come from?
The Anti-Defamation League says these sorts of comments are "historically inaccurate and offensive."

Ben Carson, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, blamed the Holocaust on Nazi gun control in an interview on CNN Thursday.

Host Wolf Blitzer read a section from Carson's book, A More Perfect Union, in which Carson writes:

German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s, and by the mid-1940s Hitler's regime had mercilessly slaughtered six million Jews and numerous others whom they considered inferior ... Through a combination of removing guns and disseminating deceitful propaganda, the Nazis were able to carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance.​

"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," Carson elaborated in the interview. "There's a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first."

The Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and responds to anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has long opposed the use of Nazi comparisons in the U.S. gun control debate. "The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families," Abraham Foxman, the ADL's national director at the time, said in 2013.

Conservatives have a history of comparing gun control advocates to Hitler and the Nazis. The ADL's 2013 comments were provoked by The Drudge Report's choice to use an image of Hitler to illustrate news that President Barack Obama was pursuing limited gun control measures after 20 first-graders and six school staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were murdered by a gunman.

Who gives a fuck what the ADL thinks about anything? They are a professional victims group and they have no authority to say what is and is not aloud. They really need to get the fuck over themselves.

I know I don't give a flying fuck what they think and I don't personally know anyone who has any regard for them either. They certainly have no right to tell other people what they can and cannot say about any topic from the Holocaust to Santas ride on Christmas eve. The ADL is nobody.

Many historians disagree with the idea that armed German Jews could have prevented the Holocaust. And as Alex Seitz-Wald, a journalist then writing for Salon, explained in 2013, the full story of Nazi gun regulation is more complicated than Carson and his ilk might like:

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them....
And some dumbass libtard professor from who gives a shit University thinks that had the Jews been armed the Nazis would have still run them over...blah, blah, blah. What the fuck is a law professors expertise in law that makes him qualified as an expert on insurgency or partisan warfare?

If this stupid ass hat wants an example of how a primitively equipped population can beat the hell out of a far more advanced war machine, just look at how the Taliban has kicked the USA's ass in Afghanistan and worn down our will to win there.

If the Taliban can do it to a nuclear power circa 2015, the far more educated and resourceful Jews of Europe could have won against a non-nuclear Nazi Germany circa 1944.

Sheesh, talk about a big pile of bullshit from the libtard's delusional world view, it is hard to beat this one.

Yeah, ain't facts a bitch.
The Anti-Defamation League says these sorts of comments are "historically inaccurate and offensive."

Ben Carson, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, blamed the Holocaust on Nazi gun control in an interview on CNN Thursday.

Host Wolf Blitzer read a section from Carson's book, A More Perfect Union, in which Carson writes:

German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s, and by the mid-1940s Hitler's regime had mercilessly slaughtered six million Jews and numerous others whom they considered inferior ... Through a combination of removing guns and disseminating deceitful propaganda, the Nazis were able to carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance.​

"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," Carson elaborated in the interview. "There's a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first."

The Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and responds to anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has long opposed the use of Nazi comparisons in the U.S. gun control debate. "The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families," Abraham Foxman, the ADL's national director at the time, said in 2013.

Conservatives have a history of comparing gun control advocates to Hitler and the Nazis. The ADL's 2013 comments were provoked by The Drudge Report's choice to use an image of Hitler to illustrate news that President Barack Obama was pursuing limited gun control measures after 20 first-graders and six school staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were murdered by a gunman.

Who gives a fuck what the ADL thinks about anything? They are a professional victims group and they have no authority to say what is and is not aloud. They really need to get the fuck over themselves.

I know I don't give a flying fuck what they think and I don't personally know anyone who has any regard for them either. They certainly have no right to tell other people what they can and cannot say about any topic from the Holocaust to Santas ride on Christmas eve. The ADL is nobody.

Many historians disagree with the idea that armed German Jews could have prevented the Holocaust. And as Alex Seitz-Wald, a journalist then writing for Salon, explained in 2013, the full story of Nazi gun regulation is more complicated than Carson and his ilk might like:

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them....
And some dumbass libtard professor from who gives a shit University thinks that had the Jews been armed the Nazis would have still run them over...blah, blah, blah. What the fuck is a law professors expertise in law that makes him qualified as an expert on insurgency or partisan warfare?

If this stupid ass hat wants an example of how a primitively equipped population can beat the hell out of a far more advanced war machine, just look at how the Taliban has kicked the USA's ass in Afghanistan and worn down our will to win there.

If the Taliban can do it to a nuclear power circa 2015, the far more educated and resourceful Jews of Europe could have won against a non-nuclear Nazi Germany circa 1944.

Sheesh, talk about a big pile of bullshit from the libtard's delusional world view, it is hard to beat this one.

Yeah, ain't facts a bitch.

You have no facts, just a gagle of professional whiners and libtard conjecture.

What makes a law professor an expert on partisan warfare? Tell me that, you putz.
Ben Carson is living rent free in your head OP :laugh:

He's just so funny...and stupid. He may even be dumber than Sarah Palin. I'm still evaluating...
Your evaluation is rather hilarious. Didn't you guys win the Battle of the Little Big Horn with superior fire power, yet you think Carson stupid in his reasoning if the Jews had superior fire they wouldn't win ####
I find that rather odd reasoning,
The guy is quite slow and probably is this way because he took tons of drugs in his youth. How sad.

Crazy fucker.
Shut up moron. Carson has more intellect in his little finger, then you have in your whole stupid body ...Let me know when you've been one of the foremost neurosurgeons in the country:slap:

I love when the crazies double down as well....

Is there any nut job statement that RWers will not support...
Do you think that many people would have been slaughtered if they had a way to fight back?

Most evil dictators did disarm people they sought to control or murder.

Hitler probably would of sent the SS after them. There isn't enough jews in all of Germany to of fought and won. The thing is the russian army had tanks+ planes and much more. What happened is tens of millions were killed to stop the germans on the eastern front.

The thing is if they would of fought on the battle field = much less likely they would of gotten international outrage over being slaughtered in the camps.

Jews fight in Israel and leftist nujobs like yourself attack them for it... People like you aren't too bright. Russians lost so many because of the incompetence of Stalin. Go look in your telescope boy
The Anti-Defamation League says these sorts of comments are "historically inaccurate and offensive."

Ben Carson, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, blamed the Holocaust on Nazi gun control in an interview on CNN Thursday.

Host Wolf Blitzer read a section from Carson's book, A More Perfect Union, in which Carson writes:

German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s, and by the mid-1940s Hitler's regime had mercilessly slaughtered six million Jews and numerous others whom they considered inferior ... Through a combination of removing guns and disseminating deceitful propaganda, the Nazis were able to carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance.​

"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," Carson elaborated in the interview. "There's a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first."

The Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and responds to anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has long opposed the use of Nazi comparisons in the U.S. gun control debate. "The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families," Abraham Foxman, the ADL's national director at the time, said in 2013.

Conservatives have a history of comparing gun control advocates to Hitler and the Nazis. The ADL's 2013 comments were provoked by The Drudge Report's choice to use an image of Hitler to illustrate news that President Barack Obama was pursuing limited gun control measures after 20 first-graders and six school staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were murdered by a gunman.

Many historians disagree with the idea that armed German Jews could have prevented the Holocaust. And as Alex Seitz-Wald, a journalist then writing for Salon, explained in 2013, the full story of Nazi gun regulation is more complicated than Carson and his ilk might like:

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them....

[Hitler's] "1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,” Harcourt wrote. Meanwhile, many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether, while the legal age of purchase was lowered from 20 to 18, and permit lengths were extended from one year to three years.​

The 1938 law did ban Jews from owning guns. But as the ADL explained in 2013, "the small number of personal firearms in the hands of the small number of Germany’s Jews (about 214,000) remaining in Germany in 1938 could in no way have stopped the totalitarian power of the Nazi German state," which eventually conquered most of Europe.

There was some armed Jewish resistance to the power of the Nazi war machine. But it often ended in death for the Jews involved.

In January 1943, Jews in the Warsaw ghetto rose up against the Nazis. Some 13,000 Jews died in the uprising. (They killed around 20 Nazis.) The rest were deported to concentration and extermination camps, where most were murdered.

My grandfather and grandmother had escaped from the ghetto before the uprising and gone into hiding in the countryside. They survived.

More: Ben Carson Blames Holocaust On Gun Control

Ben Carson should learn some factual history.

Yo, anybody with a small brain would know he is right on point! But I guess that leaves you out! You Mini Socialist will never get it? The U.S.A. has a Constitution, and Obama, or any other asshole who wants to takeover this Country are mistaken!!! As long as we have our GUNS? You Socialist can KISS OUR ASS!!!

The Anti-Defamation League says these sorts of comments are "historically inaccurate and offensive."

Ben Carson, a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, blamed the Holocaust on Nazi gun control in an interview on CNN Thursday.

Host Wolf Blitzer read a section from Carson's book, A More Perfect Union, in which Carson writes:

German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s, and by the mid-1940s Hitler's regime had mercilessly slaughtered six million Jews and numerous others whom they considered inferior ... Through a combination of removing guns and disseminating deceitful propaganda, the Nazis were able to carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance.​

"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," Carson elaborated in the interview. "There's a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first."

The Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and responds to anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has long opposed the use of Nazi comparisons in the U.S. gun control debate. "The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families," Abraham Foxman, the ADL's national director at the time, said in 2013.

Conservatives have a history of comparing gun control advocates to Hitler and the Nazis. The ADL's 2013 comments were provoked by The Drudge Report's choice to use an image of Hitler to illustrate news that President Barack Obama was pursuing limited gun control measures after 20 first-graders and six school staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were murdered by a gunman.

Many historians disagree with the idea that armed German Jews could have prevented the Holocaust. And as Alex Seitz-Wald, a journalist then writing for Salon, explained in 2013, the full story of Nazi gun regulation is more complicated than Carson and his ilk might like:

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them....

[Hitler's] "1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,” Harcourt wrote. Meanwhile, many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether, while the legal age of purchase was lowered from 20 to 18, and permit lengths were extended from one year to three years.​

The 1938 law did ban Jews from owning guns. But as the ADL explained in 2013, "the small number of personal firearms in the hands of the small number of Germany’s Jews (about 214,000) remaining in Germany in 1938 could in no way have stopped the totalitarian power of the Nazi German state," which eventually conquered most of Europe.

There was some armed Jewish resistance to the power of the Nazi war machine. But it often ended in death for the Jews involved.

In January 1943, Jews in the Warsaw ghetto rose up against the Nazis. Some 13,000 Jews died in the uprising. (They killed around 20 Nazis.) The rest were deported to concentration and extermination camps, where most were murdered.

My grandfather and grandmother had escaped from the ghetto before the uprising and gone into hiding in the countryside. They survived.

More: Ben Carson Blames Holocaust On Gun Control

Ben Carson should learn some factual history.

No, it is you who needs to learn some factual history. The German gun control laws disarmed anyone who was not a member of the NAZI party which was less than ten percent of the population. I have been to many graveyards in Germany that are filled with Germans who were killed by the GESTAPO. As far as your assertion that only 20 Germans were killed during the uprising that is totally wrong. The facts are that in one battle they lost that many. There were more than one battle fought during the uprising and it was so bad for the Germans that they resorted to the use of GUSTAV a huge railway cannon that fired shells that weighed ten times as much as the 16" shells that our battleships fire.

They fired around 45 shells into the ghetto and utterly destroyed it because there were 1100 armed Jews. Your assertion is wrong.

No, it is you who needs to learn some factual history. The German gun control laws disarmed anyone who was not a member of the NAZI party which was less than ten percent of the population. I have been to many graveyards in Germany that are filled with Germans who were killed by the GESTAPO. As far as your assertion that only 20 Germans were killed during the uprising that is totally wrong. The facts are that in one battle they lost that many. There were more than one battle fought during the uprising and it was so bad for the Germans that they resorted to the use of GUSTAV a huge railway cannon that fired shells that weighed ten times as much as the 16" shells that our battleships fire.

They fired around 45 shells into the ghetto and utterly destroyed it because there were 1100 armed Jews. Your assertion is wrong.

I think it is very unfair of you to disrespect lakhota's learning disability. Would you tell a blind man to look, or a deaf man to listen? Same kind if thing with asking Lakhota to learn.

Mighty unfair of you.


:bowdown::bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3: :iagree:
I held my nose and read this from a leftwing site.

"The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general."

They do admit that there was a ban on people buying weapons that preceded Hitler's rise. While Hitler didn't start it, he did take advantage of it. Hitler did indeed disarm those he intended to murder. Clearly, the mindset of Hitler and his supporters was far more dangerous than anything. I bet most were afraid to speak against the state. Not just because of ridicule, but because of what Hitler did to those who opposed him.

For a dictator to rise, many things need to happen. The gun control was just that- control. It was merely another facet of the mind control. Same thing is happening right now.

Now, in America, we are at the stage where those speaking against the state are ridiculed and called unintelligent. They are using shame to try and silence people. If you disagree with Obama, you are racist and you don't care about the poor. If you argue that we need border security, you are afraid of or hate brown people. It's all so incredibly stupid, but the minions repeat this anytime they hear someone disagree. I see it here every day. Anyone who disagrees with liberal policies is called greedy, uncaring, racist or just mean. This despite the left not helping the minorities that have been under their wing for decades. The more help the people receive from government, the more miserable and permanent their situation becomes. Generations of poverty and high crime is the result of all that help from those caring liberals. Did they think they were helping people by trying to do everything for them and absolve people of any personal responsibility? Luring people into dependency, dumbing them down and keeping them loyal by making false promises is as cruel as it gets. Those aren't actions taken by people who truly want to help people out of poverty. They are actions taken by people who seek to use those people to their own advantage.

While the left preaches gun control laws that more or less target law abiding people who are not responsible for the violence, the liberal dependents in inner cities bear most responsibility for the murders using guns. The top 5 cities for murder have a vast majority of minority citizens, according the Census Bureau. I linked to that in another thread. It's the government's own statistics, so I am not being racist or mean, just honest.

It's not difficult to see why the left hates discussing the real gun problem in America. It's the criminals who would still have weapons even if all the laws the libs dream of were passed.

One should be wary when a government targets the law abiding citizens and take them to task for the wrongdoing of the criminals. You can punish the innocent all day without ever affecting those who commit the crimes.

It is true that disarming the people facilitates a dictatorship. In America we have over 100 million gun owners. And those are the legal ones. And the vast majority of gun owners will not harm anyone. Why does the left see that as such a problem? And how will me being forced to register my gun stop the next Christian hater or lunatic who wants to shoot up a recruiting office or school?

The left's argument is that disarming citizens has nothing to do with wanting to control the people, yet virtually every dictator preferred a disarmed population. Gun control tends to be selective. No one wants their enemies to have weapons. Obama would love to ban weapons and force those legal gun owners to give them up. Again, it wouldn't affect the criminals, but that never seems to matter to the left. Most of their policies are ineffective and don't achieve the stated goals, but the politicians make them sound good and manage to fool their loyal sheeple into supporting them because the rhetoric, meaningless as is it, makes the fools feel good about themselves.

The criminals are the enemy, whether it's a lowlife thug or a high level politician. The legal gun owners don't want to become victims. Police cannot protect everyone and usually arrive after disaster strikes. If a liberal prefers to be a victim, fine. Most of us choose not to be one.
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I held my nose and read this from a leftwing site.

"The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general."

They do admit that there was a ban on people buying weapons that preceded Hitler's rise. While Hitler didn't start it, he did take advantage of it. Hitler did indeed disarm those he intended to murder. Clearly, the mindset of Hitler and his supporters was far more dangerous than anything. I bet most were afraid to speak against the state. Not just because of ridicule, but because of what Hitler did to those he persecuted.

For a dictator to rise, many things need to happen. The gun control was just that- control. It was merely another facet of the mind control. Same thing is happening right now.

Now, in America, we are at the stage where those speaking against the state are ridiculed and called unintelligent. They are using shame to try and silence people. If you disagree with Obama, you are racist and you don't care about the poor. If you argue that we need border security, you are afraid of or hate brown people. It's all so incredibly stupid, but the minions repeat this anytime they hear someone disagree. I see it here every day. Anyone who disagrees with liberal policies is called greedy, uncaring, racist or just mean. This despite the left not helping the minorities that have been under their wing for decades. The more help the people receive from government, the more miserable and permanent their situation becomes. Generations of poverty and high crime is the result of all that help from those caring liberals. Did they think they were helping people by trying to do everything for them and absolve people of any personal responsibility? Luring people into dependency, dumbing them down and keeping them loyal by making false promises is as cruel as it gets. Those aren't actions taken by people who truly want to help people out of poverty. They are actions taken by people who seek to use those people to their own advantage.

While the left preaches gun control laws that more or less target law abiding people who are not responsible for the violence, the liberal dependents in inner cities bear most responsibility for the murders using guns. The top 5 cities for murder have a vast majority of minority citizens, according the Census Bureau. I linked to that in another thread. It's the government's own statistics, so I am not being racist or mean, just honest.

It's not difficult to see why the left hates discussing the real gun problem in America. It's the criminals who would still have weapons even if all the laws the libs dream of were passed.

One should be wary when a government targets the law abiding citizens and hold them to task for the wrongdoing of the criminals. You can punish the innocent all day without ever affecting those who commit the crimes.

It is true that disarming the people facilitates a dictatorship. In America we have over 100 million gun owners. And those are the legal ones. And the vast majority of gun owners will not harm anyone. Why does the left see that as such a problem? And how will me being forced to register my gun stop the next Christian hater or lunatic who wants to shoot up a recruiting office or school?

The left's argument is that disarming citizens has nothing to do with wanting to control the people, yet virtually every dictator preferred a disarmed population. Gun control tends to be selective. No one wants their enemies to have weapons. Obama would love to ban weapons and force those legal gun owners to give them up. Again, it wouldn't affect the criminals, but that never seems to matter to the left. Most of their policies are ineffective and don't achieve the stated goals, but the politicians make them sound good and manage to fool their loyal sheeple into supporting them because the rhetoric, meaningless as is it, makes the fools feel good about themselves.

The criminals are the enemy, whether it's a lowlife thug or a high level politician. The legal gun owners don't want to become victims. Police cannot protect everyone and usually arrive after disaster strikes. If a liberal prefers to be a victim, fine. Most of us choose not to be one.

One of Obama's Jews now runs the ADL

White House aide Jonathan Greenblatt to succeed Abe Foxman as ADL chief


The Anti-Defamation League’s new national director will be social entrepreneur Jonathan Greenblatt — a special assistant to President Obama who earlier in his career co-founded the bottled water brand Ethos.

Greenblatt, 43, will succeed Abraham Foxman, who announced in February that he would be stepping down effective July 2015. Foxman, 74, has been the ADL’s national director since 1987.

The news was first reported by JTA on Thursday and followed shortly afterward by a formal announcement at the ADL’s annual meeting in Los Angeles
White House aide Jonathan Greenblatt to succeed Abe Foxman as ADL chief | Nation

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