Ben Carson: CAIR Broke the Law in Its Political Attacks (sics IRS on them)

Ben Carson needs to go back to telling white people how shiftless them other Negroes are.

IBD and Pew show Trump declining, and Uncle Tom Carson surging.

You're quite the racist, aren't you, Joe?

No, I just have no patience for Step'n'fetchits like Ben Carson trying to curry favor with white people. I didn't even like it when I used to be a Republican.

Carson is where he is at today because someone insisted on affirmative action and gave him a shot. Yes, he worked hard, but he wouldn't be where he is if conservatives got their way on things.
Oh, so NOW you're against affirmative action? Keep digging, racist.

Where did I say that I was against AA?

In fact, Carson is exactly a case of AA doing what it is supposed to do, give black folks a shot at opportunities.

It's just too bad he turned out to be an Uncle Tom... but you often see this is black conservatives who can't stand to think they benefited from government largess.
Oh, I get it. You SUPPORT AA but only if it's used by blacks who STAY on the plantation. Got it.
When he was kid he believed in the fairytale that is progressivism... Now he is all grown up.
As your boy can gain no traction, the booming hammer of defeat, grows closer. :lol:

The third party effort will give the entire country to the Dems.

And the Fema Walmarts' completion grow ever closer.


As your boy can gain no traction, the booming hammer of defeat, grows closer. :lol:

The third party effort will give the entire country to the Dems.

And the Fema Walmarts' completion grow ever closer.

Libertarian all the way... The actions of the federal government nudged me.

And a little hope and change...
The Duke was talking about you, Vigi.


The Duke also had a quote about you, American hater...

“Give the American people a good cause, and there’s nothing they can’t lick.”'re going down! :321:
Oh, I get it. You SUPPORT AA but only if it's used by blacks who STAY on the plantation. Got it.

Uh, no. I just have no patience for Uncle Toms who deny they got a boost up when they obviously did.
That's right. The far right race haters like S. J. are losing big time, as they have admitted earlier on the Board. The Trump has plateaued and can only go down. The GOP far right is tearing the party to pieces.

The Dems will sweep next year.
That's right. The far right race haters like S. J. are losing big time, as they have admitted earlier on the Board. The Trump has plateaued and can only go down. The GOP far right is tearing the party to pieces.

The Dems will sweep next year.
More hope and change??

It has worked so well the last 7 1/2 years...
That's right. The far right race haters like S. J. are losing big time, as they have admitted earlier on the Board. The Trump has plateaued and can only go down. The GOP far right is tearing the party to pieces.

The Dems will sweep next year.
We'll see.
I love watching you racist liberals squirm when you get called out. Keep digging. LOL

I love watching inbred Rednecks demonstrate their lack of reading comprehension...

Derp, derp, derp.
That's right. The far right race haters like S. J. are losing big time, as they have admitted earlier on the Board. The Trump has plateaued and can only go down. The GOP far right is tearing the party to pieces.

The Dems will sweep next year.
We'll see.
If so that is the final nail in the coffin... Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, insanity .

No more hope and change... The country can't survive it. Been there done that... It has all failed.

Put fork in it, game set match, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars....

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