Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice

Summary of the thread so far:

Ben Carson is a good man who scares the shit out of dems.
The Gingrich (R) revolution turned this great nations politics into a snake pit shit stain. You know- the guy who lambasted a sitting-President for having a consensual affair whilst he was having one hisself? Were you not around when that happened?

Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.

A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.

Perjury is a crime in civil court also.

No. We have civil court and criminal court.

And perjury is a crime with a very specific and limited definition, which obviously a good many of you don't know.
All humans choose their sexual activity.

Yes, they do. Normal human sexual activity involves one penis and one vagina. Anything else is abnormal and contrary to mammalian biology.
It is contrary to the norm of mammalian biology, but it persistently pops up.

I say we should ask the queers what they think.

Maybe do a poll, were you born queers, or did some outside influence make you queer.

Maybe we should calculate the norm when it comes to promiscuity and human males, i.e., the natural desire to have lots of sex with lots of different women,

as opposed to the natural desire to have just one and only one,

forever. lolol

the topic is biology, not promiscuity.

Mammalian males in large part are biologically predisposed to mate with multiple females. There are very few if any mammals whose males are instinctively programmed to limit mating to one female partner.

and that somehow makes homosexuality normal?????????????????
It was foolish for Carson to say that homosexuality is a choice, but it's also foolish when liberals say that homosexuality is an inherent trait.
I didn't hear that comment, what I heard was:

Cuomo then asked if Carson believed people had control over their sexuality and if being gay was a choice. "Absolutely," said Carson.

"A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight, and when they come out, they're gay," Carson said. "So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."

Is there another comment people are talking about? Because that one doesn't exactly say everyone has a choice.

Then maybe you should remove your partisan blinders. There is no substantial difference. If you cannot learn how two different sets of words can express the same essential idea, then you will not do well when you get to 6th grade reading.
Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.

A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.

Perjury is a crime in civil court also.

No. We have civil court and criminal court.

And perjury is a crime with a very specific and limited definition, which obviously a good many of you don't know.

My husband is an attorney.

Child support cases are civil matters, try lying about how much money you make and see what the results are if the court finds out you're lying. It's a crime
All humans choose their sexual activity.

Yes, they do. Normal human sexual activity involves one penis and one vagina. Anything else is abnormal and contrary to mammalian biology.
It is contrary to the norm of mammalian biology, but it persistently pops up.

I say we should ask the queers what they think.

Maybe do a poll, were you born queers, or did some outside influence make you queer.

Less than 10% of Americans now hunt. Does that make hunting a perversion?

Did I use the word perversion?

It is a deviation from the norm.

I have no clue how one becomes gay; I know I was born straight.

I knew that as soon as I laid eyes on Julie across the street.

I was maybe three.

Your rightwing pals, either explicitly or implicitly, are calling it a perversion in the most pejorative sense of that term.

I don't have any political pals here.

My "friends" here are mostly lefty women, and we do not talk politics.
Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC

Chickenshit. If you say something and apologise, why should anyone listen to you ever again? Giuliani is a moron but at least he has some guts. Certainly more admirable than some tool who flipflops which ever way the polls blow.
Kinda like Obama did on gay marriage?
Summary of the thread so far:

Ben Carson is a good man who scares the shit out of dems.
My take: Ben Carson is out of his league, and does not have the strength of conviction to stick with what he says.

I am not voting for any son of a bitch that has to apologize for what he says.
Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC

Maybe Carson just evolved.
Summary of the thread so far:

Ben Carson is a good man who scares the shit out of dems.

You guys use that line every time you lose an argument about one of these nuts.

And when that fails, they'll try to derail the thread with Obama and/or Clinton.

SSDD from the nutters but what I want to know is why they have such low standards for the occupants of the Repub Clown Car?
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
The Gingrich (R) revolution turned this great nations politics into a snake pit shit stain. You know- the guy who lambasted a sitting-President for having a consensual affair whilst he was having one hisself? Were you not around when that happened?
He also balanced the budget.
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
The Gingrich (R) revolution turned this great nations politics into a snake pit shit stain. You know- the guy who lambasted a sitting-President for having a consensual affair whilst he was having one hisself? Were you not around when that happened?

Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.
The Repubs started the investigation over what shit stain?

They ended up turning into the veritable "fat lady in a malt shop" grasping for any straws they could to give credence to their failed multi-MILLION $$$, tax payer- funded, fishing expedition. Don't act stupid son.

all I can say to your idiotic post is --------------------------- go fuck yourself, boy. Clinton lied under oath, that is the crime
So you :up: have nothing. Figures. Way to go RedMinnow :thup:
Summary of the thread so far:

Ben Carson is a good man who scares the shit out of dems.

You guys use that line every time you lose an argument about one of these nuts.

And when that fails, they'll try to derail the thread with Obama and/or Clinton.

SSDD from the nutters but what I want to know is why they have such low standards for the occupants of the Repub Clown Car?

This thread was started by a liberal. When you libs create threads that try to downgrade a conservative, you do it out of fear.

If you believed that Carson was not a threat you would not constantly try to create lies to bring him down.
We understand how you fools "think".
Al Sharpton....."
`White folks was in caves while we was building empires ... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.`"

Did you hear all the liberals ranting and raving over this Sharptonism?
Carson is a great surgeon
Not so great politician

OK, Obama and Clinton are great politicians, but terrible human beings.

Personally I would prefer a good successful person to a corrupt lying politician.
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
The Gingrich (R) revolution turned this great nations politics into a snake pit shit stain. You know- the guy who lambasted a sitting-President for having a consensual affair whilst he was having one hisself? Were you not around when that happened?

Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.
yeah. He cheated on his terminally ill wife while she lay dying in the hospital. Partisan much Redminnow? Gawd but you're a tool.

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