Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice

That congress balanced the budget. Also if the Clinton's didn't do dirty dealings in real estate deals, hiding evidence. They wouldn't of ran across Bill bj. So it's all the Clinton's fault, also if Bill didn't lie under oath he could've made a fool of Ken Starr.
what illegal real estate dealings were they convicted of in that rw witch hunt son? I'll wait.
It was foolish for Carson to say that homosexuality is a choice, but it's also foolish when liberals say that homosexuality is an inherent trait.
I didn't hear that comment, what I heard was:

Cuomo then asked if Carson believed people had control over their sexuality and if being gay was a choice. "Absolutely," said Carson.

"A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight, and when they come out, they're gay," Carson said. "So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."

Is there another comment people are talking about? Because that one doesn't exactly say everyone has a choice.

Then maybe you should remove your partisan blinders. There is no substantial difference. If you cannot learn how two different sets of words can express the same essential idea, then you will not do well when you get to 6th grade reading.
LOL. You couldn't answer the question so you threw a hissy fit. No, that isn't the same as saying all homosexuals have a choice, the blinders are all yours.
Hillary is now a criminal, you want to run her. Oh, and Bill is a pedophile. They represent liberals well.
^ this is the type of mouth-breathing, puppet that reliably votes republicorp.

Please don't reply to anymore of my posts. I beg you. Life is too short to waste reading your inane scrivenings.
Two points:

One, your OP and the MSNBC article are distorting what Carson's Facebook statement says. He is not backing away from his belief that homosexuality is a choice. He is saying that he regrets the particular language that he used to express his view. Funny that you failed to quote the following statement from Carson's Facebook post:

Some of our brightest minds have looked at this debate, and up until this point there have been no definitive studies that people are born into a specific sexuality.​

Two, homosexuality most certainly is a choice, and there is a ton of evidence of this fact. For one thing, how do you account for the thousands of former gays walking around, who are now heterosexual? Ever heard of PFOX, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays?

How about the fact that about one-fourth of self-identified gays admit in surveys to having regular sex (sex with women) on a frequent basis. Gee, were they "born that way" too?

There is not one shred of hard genetic evidence that anyone is born homosexual. The so-called "evidence" is pure speculation and inference.
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying

I apologize for tearing this nation apart. There, takes care of that. As far as the homo threads..... nobody is forcing you to read them, right?
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying

I apologize for tearing this nation apart. There, takes care of that. As far as the homo threads..... nobody is forcing you to read them, right?
It isn't always obvious. They really should have a separate forum but health and lifestyles isn't good enough I guess. You'd think it was the most important issue facing mankind today given the plethora of posts.
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
If you are Irish, why are you so upset about the United States?

What? I'm of Irish descent and a US citizen. That was dumb
I have lived in Ireland for almost 20 years. You are an American, as far as the Irish are concerned.

What's your problem? Stay on point

I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation.

Interesting choice of words, no doubt carefully considered. He does refer to "sexual orientation", but stays away from angering his base.

Surely he thinks it's a choice, and now he has to watch every word.

Oh well, when your base wants social issues front and center politically, this is the game you have to play.

Yes, they do. Normal human sexual activity involves one penis and one vagina. Anything else is abnormal and contrary to mammalian biology.
It is contrary to the norm of mammalian biology, but it persistently pops up.

I say we should ask the queers what they think.

Maybe do a poll, were you born queers, or did some outside influence make you queer.

Less than 10% of Americans now hunt. Does that make hunting a perversion?

Did I use the word perversion?

It is a deviation from the norm.

I have no clue how one becomes gay; I know I was born straight.

I knew that as soon as I laid eyes on Julie across the street.

I was maybe three.

Your rightwing pals, either explicitly or implicitly, are calling it a perversion in the most pejorative sense of that term.
It's a mental disorder.

Why? Is everything that only a minority of people choose to do a mental disorder?
The Gingrich (R) revolution turned this great nations politics into a snake pit shit stain. You know- the guy who lambasted a sitting-President for having a consensual affair whilst he was having one hisself? Were you not around when that happened?

Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.

A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.


WASHINGTON, April 21— President Clinton has all but decided not to appeal a civil contempt of court ruling for what a Federal judge called intentional false testimony in the Paula Jones lawsuit, senior Clinton advisers say.

Appeal Unlikely in Clinton Contempt Case -

I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation.

Interesting choice of words, no doubt carefully considered. He does refer to "sexual orientation", but stays away from angering his base.

Surely he thinks it's a choice, and now he has to watch every word.

Oh well, when your base wants social issues front and center politically, this is the game you have to play.
Huh? His "base" which would probably be the TEA Party vs established Republican types typically consider the financial mess we are in. The left pushes the social agenda, when the right pushes back the hysteria breaks out. This story is a perfect example. A guy answers a question honestly and the left pretends he want to string homosexuals up in trees.
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
If you are Irish, why are you so upset about the United States?

What? I'm of Irish descent and a US citizen. That was dumb
I have lived in Ireland for almost 20 years. You are an American, as far as the Irish are concerned.

What's your problem? Stay on point
Just trying to establish your truthfulness.
“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

Liberals cannot comprehend even simple concepts if there is ANY emotional appeal. The emotions will wipe out the message every time. This thread serves as more evidence.

Let me break it down to liberal sized pieces for some of you.

1. He said he doesn't know how everyone gets their sexual orientation.
2. He regrets that some people were hurt and found it divisive.
3. He appologized to all who got butthurt over that simple fact.

That's it! It doesn't mean what you think. I heard part of an interview with the lefty CNN (redundant, I know) opinionator and his point was that some people go to prison heterosexual and leave years later homosexual. So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

He's right of course. I believe an acclaimed neurosurgeon know more about the human brain than butthurt liberals that need to have their ears pleased above all else.

well said, and totally correct. But remember, liberals must destroy all conservative minority candidates, all conservative women candidates, and anyone who supports them must be called a bigot, homophobe, or idiot.

They know that obozo had failed, they know that liberalism has failed, so all they have is personal attacks and lies. They are pathetic creatures.

Liberals don't have to destroy republicans. The republicans are willing to do it themselves.
Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.

A scumbag adulterer is a scumbag adulterer, whether he sits in the White House or in the Congress.

sure, but adultery is not illegal. lying under oath is a crime.

Actually Clinton's lie under oath was a civil offense, which is not a crime.


WASHINGTON, April 21— President Clinton has all but decided not to appeal a civil contempt of court ruling for what a Federal judge called intentional false testimony in the Paula Jones lawsuit, senior Clinton advisers say.

Appeal Unlikely in Clinton Contempt Case -
"Judge Wright could have leveled criminal contempt charges or referred the matter to the Justice Department for perjury prosecution."
Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
If you are Irish, why are you so upset about the United States?

What? I'm of Irish descent and a US citizen. That was dumb
I have lived in Ireland for almost 20 years. You are an American, as far as the Irish are concerned.

What's your problem? Stay on point
Just trying to establish your truthfulness.


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