Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice

Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
The Gingrich (R) revolution turned this great nations politics into a snake pit shit stain. You know- the guy who lambasted a sitting-President for having a consensual affair whilst he was having one hisself? Were you not around when that happened?

Newt did not do it in the oval office with an employee and then lie about it under oath. Clinton's lie under oath was the crime, there is no law againse getting a BJ from a young girl. But when the girl is an employee and the act is in the oval office it makes a difference.
The Repubs started the investigation over what shit stain?

They ended up turning into the veritable "fat lady in a malt shop" grasping for any straws they could to give credence to their failed multi-MILLION $$$, tax payer- funded, fishing expedition. Don't act stupid son.

all I can say to your idiotic post is --------------------------- go fuck yourself, boy. Clinton lied under oath, that is the crime

Of course, that's all you can say. You have nothing else.
It is contrary to the norm of mammalian biology, but it persistently pops up.

I say we should ask the queers what they think.

Maybe do a poll, were you born queers, or did some outside influence make you queer.

Less than 10% of Americans now hunt. Does that make hunting a perversion?

Did I use the word perversion?

It is a deviation from the norm.

I have no clue how one becomes gay; I know I was born straight.

I knew that as soon as I laid eyes on Julie across the street.

I was maybe three.

Your rightwing pals, either explicitly or implicitly, are calling it a perversion in the most pejorative sense of that term.
It's a mental disorder.

Why? Is everything that only a minority of people choose to do a mental disorder?
A man that chooses that screwing another man's ass is normal. He is mentally challenged.

I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation.

Interesting choice of words, no doubt carefully considered. He does refer to "sexual orientation", but stays away from angering his base.

Surely he thinks it's a choice, and now he has to watch every word.

Oh well, when your base wants social issues front and center politically, this is the game you have to play..

LOL. Pot, meet kettle. Are you seriously suggesting that the Democrats aren't downright obsessed with certain social issues? You know, like using tax dollars to subsidize Planned Parenthood, like forcing states to accept gay marriage by running to liberal federal judges to subvert the democratic process, like forcing Christian businesses to get coverage for abortion and birth control in their health insurance plans, like opposing even the mildest restrictions on abortion (such as requiring a mother to view a sonogram of her baby before deciding to have him or her killed), like opposing protection for Christian business people who don't want to be punished for politely and respectfully declining to service ceremonies that they find morally offensive?
Summary of the thread so far:

Ben Carson is a good man who scares the shit out of dems.

You guys use that line every time you lose an argument about one of these nuts.

And when that fails, they'll try to derail the thread with Obama and/or Clinton.

SSDD from the nutters but what I want to know is why they have such low standards for the occupants of the Repub Clown Car?

This thread was started by a liberal. When you libs create threads that try to downgrade a conservative, you do it out of fear.

If you believed that Carson was not a threat you would not constantly try to create lies to bring him down.
We understand how you fools "think".

Right..... And you think all those posts laughing at palin are because we fear her too. You keep thinking that if that's what it takes for you to make it through the day.
I knew the moment he made these comments he would spend the next few days walking them back. I think what he said was incorrect but he said it and he should stand by his statements instead of shying away. I would have more respect for him if just said, "hey, I said it and that's what I believe, deal with it."

I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation.

Interesting choice of words, no doubt carefully considered. He does refer to "sexual orientation", but stays away from angering his base.

Surely he thinks it's a choice, and now he has to watch every word.

Oh well, when your base wants social issues front and center politically, this is the game you have to play..

LOL. Pot, meet kettle. Are you seriously suggesting that the Democrats aren't downright obsessed with certain social issues? You know, like using tax dollars to subsidize Planned Parenthood, like forcing states to accept gay marriage by running to liberal federal judges to subvert the democratic process, like forcing Christian businesses to get coverage for abortion and birth control in their health insurance plans, like opposing even the mildest restrictions on abortion (such as requiring a mother to view a sonogram of her baby before deciding to have him or her killed), like opposing protection for Christian business people who don't want to be punished for politely and respectfully declining to service ceremonies that they find morally offensive?
Of course the Dems are obsessed with certain social issues, and the GOP is playing right into their hands.

If a top Republican candidate, let's say Walker or Paul, came out as pro choice or pro gay marriage, they would instantly be disqualified for consideration by many who had them at the top. The media sure as hell knows that, which is why they're going to be asking these kinds of questions all the way.

The more purity the GOP demands from its candidates, the more the media will focus on the social issues.

If the GOP really is sure that pro-life and anti-gay marriage are winning issues for them, great, run with it. But you can't complain when the media jumps on it.

The racist sissy clowns jumped all over him for that one. Actually homosexuality is a mental condition but sodomy, pedophilia and AIDS is a choice.
It is contrary to the norm of mammalian biology, but it persistently pops up.

I say we should ask the queers what they think.

Maybe do a poll, were you born queers, or did some outside influence make you queer.

Less than 10% of Americans now hunt. Does that make hunting a perversion?

Did I use the word perversion?

It is a deviation from the norm.

I have no clue how one becomes gay; I know I was born straight.

I knew that as soon as I laid eyes on Julie across the street.

I was maybe three.

Your rightwing pals, either explicitly or implicitly, are calling it a perversion in the most pejorative sense of that term.
It's a mental disorder.

Why? Is everything that only a minority of people choose to do a mental disorder?
As a hunter, I often ask the same of the deranged anti-hunting crowd.
If the GOP really is sure that pro-life and anti-gay marriage are winning issues for them, great, run with it. But you can't complain when the media jumps on it.

That's great advice for the Republicans. But also don't whine and cry when you get your asses handed to you at the polls either.

Run with what you think are your best positions and then take whatever comes without all the whining and complaining.

And by all means, quit saying something (like a Scott Walker or Ben) that you believe then having to come out and apologize or back track for what was said. Quit doing that..
The racist sissy clowns jumped all over him for that one. Actually homosexuality is a mental condition but sodomy, pedophilia and AIDS is a choice.

I was born in Grundy. Lots of family still in the area. Don't usually run into people saying the stupid shit you just posted. You been living in that area long?
Summary of the thread so far:

Ben Carson is a good man who scares the shit out of dems.

You guys use that line every time you lose an argument about one of these nuts.

And when that fails, they'll try to derail the thread with Obama and/or Clinton.

SSDD from the nutters but what I want to know is why they have such low standards for the occupants of the Repub Clown Car?

This thread was started by a liberal. When you libs create threads that try to downgrade a conservative, you do it out of fear.

If you believed that Carson was not a threat you would not constantly try to create lies to bring him down.
We understand how you fools "think".

Right..... And you think all those posts laughing at palin are because we fear her too. You keep thinking that if that's what it takes for you to make it through the day.

Yep, your obsession with Palin is noted. She has no position, no power, is not running for anything, but you fools still obsess over her. You libs have made her very rich, just shows how stupid you are.
Of course the Dems are obsessed with certain social issues, and the GOP is playing right into their hands.

If a top Republican candidate, let's say Walker or Paul, came out as pro choice or pro gay marriage, they would instantly be disqualified for consideration by many who had them at the top. The media sure as hell knows that, which is why they're going to be asking these kinds of questions all the way.

The more purity the GOP demands from its candidates, the more the media will focus on the social issues.

If the GOP really is sure that pro-life and anti-gay marriage are winning issues for them, great, run with it. But you can't complain when the media jumps on it.
What exactly does pro-gay mean? I think that reveals your own mindset than someone elses. Gee, conservatives want a conservative candidate, go figure. I haven't heard of anyone running on any homosexual or abortion platform. So yes, it's the media's fault for being the dishonest smear mongers they are.
Carson is done.

Never apologize for the truth. Never.

As soon as the Orwellian scum in the dimocrap party have you doing that.... It's over

Carson needs to disappear

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