Ben Carson: Vomits more homophobic crap

Ben Carson: Congress Should Remove Judges Who Rule For Gay Marriage

The left is loving this guy -- another RW nut job extremist dragging the brand into the sewer of backwards bigotry.

"When judges do not carry out their duties in an appropriate way, our Congress actually has the right to reprimand or remove them," Carson said. Any law on marriage should be decided by a popular referendum, and any decisions made by courts are "unconstitutional," justifying dismissal of judges, he added.

Later on in the interview, Carson agreed with Deace that ongoing spread of legalized gay marriage would make it “open season on Christians."

This mothertruckers need to stop calling themselves "christian" -- their twisted backwards version of the bible is no longer acceptable.

The state should not even be in the business of marriage. Why should they care if they are polygamists or monogomous. It's pretty creepy.
Queers, Fags, tranny's, and pedophiles.... all the left is concerned about! Fuck the muslim terrorists, and they'll get all jerked out of shape again, now that CIVIL RIGHTS CHARGES against officer Wilson, have been dropped... even scumbucket, bigot, and racist AG Eric "The RED" Holder couldn't get a case together that was provable.... Another slap in Obuma's face.

Ben's right, keep this shit in your own pants, and not blowing farts at the nation!
This mothertruckers need to stop calling themselves "christian" -- their twisted backwards version of the bible is no longer acceptable.
He is absolutely correct, religion has nothing to do with it. His point was that some judges over reach their authority and they should be removed. I guess it was like waving a red cape in front of a bull for you.
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I can't believe Carson is that politically naive that he thinks people should vote on the rights others are allowed to have

How would that have worked out in the Civil Rights era?

Sorry Negroes, we had a vote and you lost

Should we have dismissed the judges in Brown vs Board of Education?
I can't believe Carson is that politically naive that he thinks people should vote on the rights others are allowed to have

How would that have worked out in the Civil Rights era?

Sorry Negroes, we had a vote and you lost

Should we have dismissed the judges in Brown vs Board of Education?
Actually the answer is yes. While segregation was wrong the means to end it were arguably worse.
I can't believe Carson is that politically naive that he thinks people should vote on the rights others are allowed to have

How would that have worked out in the Civil Rights era?

Sorry Negroes, we had a vote and you lost

Should we have dismissed the judges in Brown vs Board of Education?
Actually the answer is yes. While segregation was wrong the means to end it were arguably worse.
Good god

Are you ever an insufferable prick
Wait, so Christians who support homosexuality, which the Bible explicitly condemns and Christianity traditionally has, are real Christians?
Do you hate Carson because he's black?
This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Figure it out, for fuck's sake. For once in your life, figure it out. This has nothing to do with your religion.

And for fuck's sake, take a course in Logic. How many times have I begged you? Your posts are a pile of illogical goo.
Asshole, it has everything to do with religion. You have a bunch of fucking homo's suing business' because they won't sell them something their religion deems wrong. If that wasn't happening I may be more on your side but for right now fuck you people. Respect for peoples religion is so low on your list it doesn't even register.
Wait, so Christians who support homosexuality, which the Bible explicitly condemns and Christianity traditionally has, are real Christians?
Do you hate Carson because he's black?
This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Figure it out, for fuck's sake. For once in your life, figure it out. This has nothing to do with your religion.

And for fuck's sake, take a course in Logic. How many times have I begged you? Your posts are a pile of illogical goo.

"Among the most inestimable of our blessings, also, is that... of liberty to worship our Creator in the way we think most agreeable to His will; a liberty deemed in other countries incompatible with good government and yet proved by our experience to be its best support." --Thomas Jefferson: Reply to John Thomas et al., 1807. ME 16:291

I can't believe Carson is that politically naive that he thinks people should vote on the rights others are allowed to have

How would that have worked out in the Civil Rights era?

Sorry Negroes, we had a vote and you lost

Should we have dismissed the judges in Brown vs Board of Education?
Actually the answer is yes. While segregation was wrong the means to end it were arguably worse.
Good god

Are you ever an insufferable prick
Translation: I never thought of that.
You're a pitiful pathetic moron, Nutjobber.
This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

And? Do we have to condone homosexuality? We don't have to believe in your version of morality either. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. God isn't something you can mold to your own preferences. Ironic though, in Romans, it says that one Christian shouldn't cause another to stumble. Guess what you're doing?

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

And why would it be any different? Do you want it to be? Do I detect an aura of discontent in your words? To marry in the sense that straights do, they would have to submit to a religion they condemn as being homophobic. What an colossal irony.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Our government rains "cash and prizes" on anyone looking for a handout. Rather indiscriminate if you ask me.
This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

And? Do we have to condone homosexuality? We don't have to believe in your version of morality either. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. God isn't something you can mold to your own preferences. Ironic though, in Romans, it says that one Christian shouldn't cause another to stumble. Guess what you're doing?

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

And why would it be any different? Do you want it to be? Do I detect an aura of discontent in your words? To marry in the sense that straights do, they would have to submit to a religion they condemn as being homophobic. What an colossal irony.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Our government rains "cash and prizes" on anyone looking for a handout. Rather indiscriminate if you ask me.

Why would anyone have to "submit" to any religion in order to get married "in the sense that straights do"?
This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

And? Do we have to condone homosexuality? We don't have to believe in your version of morality either. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. God isn't something you can mold to your own preferences. Ironic though, in Romans, it says that one Christian shouldn't cause another to stumble. Guess what you're doing?

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

And why would it be any different? Do you want it to be? Do I detect an aura of discontent in your words? To marry in the sense that straights do, they would have to submit to a religion they condemn as being homophobic. What an colossal irony.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Our government rains "cash and prizes" on anyone looking for a handout. Rather indiscriminate if you ask me.

Why would anyone have to "submit" to any religion in order to get married "in the sense that straights do"?

Do you like cherrypicking my posts?

Uh, because the only people who do weddings in America (as far as I know) are Pastors or leaders of a Christian church. I doubt gays would go for a civil marriage, given that they want the same weddings the straights do. If they are tired of hiding, they would do a traditional wedding. Marriages officiated by Christian leaders (pastors, reverends and etc) are the most common form of espousal in America. By using a religious ritual to get married, you are making that vow according to the edicts of that religion, in this case Christianity.

Therefore, it is ironic for a same sex couple to become espoused under the blanket of a religion of whom they claim is supposedly bigoted and homophobic for condemning homosexuality as a sin.
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This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

And? Do we have to condone homosexuality? We don't have to believe in your version of morality either. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. God isn't something you can mold to your own preferences. Ironic though, in Romans, it says that one Christian shouldn't cause another to stumble. Guess what you're doing?

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

And why would it be any different? Do you want it to be? Do I detect an aura of discontent in your words? To marry in the sense that straights do, they would have to submit to a religion they condemn as being homophobic. What an colossal irony.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Our government rains "cash and prizes" on anyone looking for a handout. Rather indiscriminate if you ask me.

Why would anyone have to "submit" to any religion in order to get married "in the sense that straights do"?

Do you like cherrypicking my posts?

Uh, because the only people who do weddings in America (as far as I know) are Pastors or leaders of a Christian church. I doubt gays would go for a civil marriage, given that they want the same weddings the straights do. If they are tired of hiding, they would do a traditional wedding. Marriages officiated by Christian leaders (pastors, reverends and etc) are the most common form of espousal in America. By using a religious ritual to get married, you are making that vow according to the edicts of that religion, in this case Christianity.

Therefore, it is ironic for a same sex couple to become espoused under the blanket of a religion of whom they claim is supposedly bigoted and homophobic for condemning homosexuality as a sin.

Now I understand why religion is involved with marriage. Religion dictates that there is a spiritual aspect to sexuality.

However, having the state involved is just plain strange. Sex is just a physical act like going to the bathroom in the view of the secular state. Why would you then want to make special laws and give special rights to those who go to the bathroom a certain way and not to others?

You kids really don't think this through, do you?
This is not a Christian government, dumbass. That's the whole point. I don't have to believe in your version of God, and you don't have to believe in mine.

And? Do we have to condone homosexuality? We don't have to believe in your version of morality either. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. God isn't something you can mold to your own preferences. Ironic though, in Romans, it says that one Christian shouldn't cause another to stumble. Guess what you're doing?

If you don't want homos getting married in your church, that's fine.

And why would it be any different? Do you want it to be? Do I detect an aura of discontent in your words? To marry in the sense that straights do, they would have to submit to a religion they condemn as being homophobic. What an colossal irony.

But that has fuck-all to do with the earthly cash and prizes our government showers on married people the State recognizes.

Our government rains "cash and prizes" on anyone looking for a handout. Rather indiscriminate if you ask me.

Why would anyone have to "submit" to any religion in order to get married "in the sense that straights do"?

Do you like cherrypicking my posts?

Uh, because the only people who do weddings in America (as far as I know) are Pastors or leaders of a Christian church. I doubt they would go for a civil marriage, given that they want the same weddings the straights do. If they are tired of hiding, they would do a traditional wedding. Marriages officiated by Christian leaders (pastors, reverends and etc) is the most common form of espousal in America. By using a religious ritual to get married, you are making that vow according to the edicts of that religion, in this case Christianity.

That's far from true - I have performed weddings, and I'm not a Pastor. There are thousands of Justices of the Peace, not to mention Rabbis, Imams, Scientologists, and representatives of every other religion you could possibly imagine who perform marriages all the time.

Even Satanic Priests perform marriages in the US.

Not to mention, there are plenty of denominations of Christianity that have no problem performing same sex marriages.
Even Satanic Priests perform marriages in the US

So? By what percent of the total marriage rate in America?

That's far from true - I have performed weddings, and I'm not a Pastor.

So, that makes you an authority on marriage? That statement is nothing but an anecdotal argument.

Not to mention, there are plenty of denominations of Christianity that have no problem performing same sex marriages.

Thus my point. If Christianity is so homophobic and bigoted, then it serves as an irony that they would get married under it's precepts and commandments.

Sure, but doesn't Islam condemn homosexuality outright?

who perform marriages all the time.

I'm looking for statistics here, not unsubstantiated assertions. Given that over 75%of America professes to be Christian, it's natural to assume most of the marriages are performed by those who belong to Christianity. We call it a plurality.

Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion Public Life
Even Satanic Priests perform marriages in the US

So? By what percent of the total marriage rate in America?

That's far from true - I have performed weddings, and I'm not a Pastor.

So, that makes you an authority on marriage? That statement is nothing but an anecdotal argument.

Not to mention, there are plenty of denominations of Christianity that have no problem performing same sex marriages.

Thus my point. If Christianity is so homophobic and bigoted, then it serves as an irony that they would get married under it's precepts and commandments.

Sure, but doesn't Islam condemn homosexuality outright?

who perform marriages all the time.

I'm looking for statistics here, not unsubstantiated assertions. Given that over 75%of America professes to be Christian, it's natural to assume most of the marriages are performed by those who belong to Christianity. We call it a plurality.

Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion Public Life

In case you forgot what you had previously claimed, you said that Christian Pastors are the "only" people who perform marriages in the US. Now you're moving the goalposts.

There are no national statistics of what percentage of marriages are performed by various different religions or civil ceremonies, but various states have reported that 40% of marriages are non-religious, civil marriages - which kinda goes against your point.

As to what you said was your point - no one has claimed that "Christianity is so homophobic and bigoted". It's a straw man.
Even Satanic Priests perform marriages in the US

So? By what percent of the total marriage rate in America?

That's far from true - I have performed weddings, and I'm not a Pastor.

So, that makes you an authority on marriage? That statement is nothing but an anecdotal argument.

Not to mention, there are plenty of denominations of Christianity that have no problem performing same sex marriages.

Thus my point. If Christianity is so homophobic and bigoted, then it serves as an irony that they would get married under it's precepts and commandments.

Sure, but doesn't Islam condemn homosexuality outright?

who perform marriages all the time.

I'm looking for statistics here, not unsubstantiated assertions. Given that over 75%of America professes to be Christian, it's natural to assume most of the marriages are performed by those who belong to Christianity. We call it a plurality.

Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion Public Life

In case you forgot what you had previously claimed, you said that Christian Pastors are the "only" people who perform marriages in the US. Now you're moving the goalposts.

Well it's not as bad a creating a law and then ignoring it.

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