Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech

How about "drunken slut?"

I see. Specifically, which liberals called who a drunken slut? And how many? You'll have to document it was some significant portion, as opposed to "this guy somewhere on the internet".

In contrast, I don't need to document how so many conservatives here use the term "Moochelle" regularly, since the ones on this thread have very kindly done that for me.

Here? So if some libturds on a debate forum used the term "drunken slut" I have to document it, but you don't have to document that people said insulting things about Moochelle?

Zippidy Doo Da: Drunken Slut Jenna Bush

"Drunken Slut Jenna Bush"​

BTW, people refer to her has "Moochelle" because that describers her perfectly. She's never earned an honest dollar in her entire life.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
Sure, he said we can't elect Muslim Presidents.

That would take a consitutional amendment.

Own it Bripat!

You wouldn't allow a Muslim president either.

You righties gotta start backing up your angry old white guy rhetoric
Allow it? I wouldn't disallow a Muslim from becoming President, but I'm not likely to vote for a Muslim that doesn't condemn terrorists.

College campuses these days are socialist training camps where one is forbidden from saying anything that could possibly offend any member of any target Liberal voting block. Why do you defend that and condemn the good doctor's effort to make the discourse fair?
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
Sure, he said we can't elect Muslim Presidents.

That would take a consitutional amendment.

Own it Bripat!

You wouldn't allow a Muslim president either.

You righties gotta start backing up your angry old white guy rhetoric
Allow it? I wouldn't disallow a Muslim from becoming President, but I'm not likely to vote for a Muslim that doesn't condemn terrorists.

College campuses these days are socialist training camps where one is forbidden from saying anything that could possibly offend any member of any target Liberal voting block. Why do you defend that and condemn the good doctor's effort to make the discourse fair?
Ben Carson didn't say he wouldn't vote for a Muslim, he said they shouldn't be allowed to be the President
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Ben is crazy, that's for sure.

And not "like a fox."
You know people.....

This whole thing is tied into the fact that when Republicans reveal their true colors...and get all kinds of fallout for it...they act like the consequences of expressing their platforms is somehow unfair.

When they tell the truth, like Kevin McCarthy did, or Ben Carson, or Mitt Romney...the problem is that people are hearing their message, not that they've been misunderstood
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Ben is crazy, that's for sure.

And not "like a fox."
I actually think Ben Carson is quite rational, but he's a Republican version of Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter used compassion and logic as President, and Americans don't respond well to that.

Ben Carson would make decisions with cause and effect in mind, but Presidents need t be much sneakier than that.

One of Obama's shortcomings is expecting his opponents, of all kinds, to embrace his logically sound inspirational rhetoric, and do the right thing because it's logical. The response he got on "yes we can", was "even if we could, we won't"
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Ben Carson never said anything about prohibiting Muslims from becoming President by any means other than not voting for them.

You're a pandering numskull.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Ben is crazy, that's for sure.

And not "like a fox."

You're obviously off your Thorazine.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Ben Carson never said anything about prohibiting Muslims from becoming President by any means other than not voting for them.

You're a pandering numskull.
The question was, do you think a Muslim should be allowed to be President, and Carson said no

If Americans elected a Muslim President, do you think that would be wrong?
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "
PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.


GOP isn't gonna elect a...Person like him. :)
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

Just rip up the constitution....??

You'd more conservatives would be against this sorta thing.

What does the Constitution have to do with what employees are allowed to say by their employers?
Right now, the constitution does not prohibit someone being elected President based on religion.

Ben Carson wants to prohibit Muslims from being elected President.

So you'd have to pass an amendment, banning Muslims from the Presidency, just like you guys want a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage

Ben Carson never said anything about prohibiting Muslims from becoming President by any means other than not voting for them.

You're a pandering numskull.
The question was, do you think a Muslim should be allowed to be President, and Carson said no

If Americans elected a Muslim President, do you think that would be wrong?

Wrong, you lying asshole, that is not what he was asked. Here is the exact text of the interview:

Chuck Todd: Let me wrap this up by finally dealing with what’s been going on—Donald Trump, and a deal with a questioner that claimed that the president was Muslim. Let me ask you the question this way. Should a president’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?

Ben Carson: Well, I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the Constitution, no problem.

CT: So do you believe that Islam is consistent with the Constitution?

BC: No, I don’t, I do not. I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.

Nowhere does he say what you claim he said.

No one is surprised that you lied. RINO's have no principles, so lying is par for the course for you.
I love how these rightwing "less intrusive government" candidates turn around and propose increasingly intrusive government actions - such as monitoring higher education for "extreme political bias".

I wonder how they will determine what that is?

Government education is nothing more than brainwashing. How much more "intrusive" can you get?

Ah what a convenient excuse! :)
GOP isn't gonna elect a...Person like him. :)

Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except Republicans freed the Blacks from Slavery... SPECIFICALLY: Republican CHRISTIANS... First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .
GOP isn't gonna elect a...Person like him. :)

Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)
Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)

Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.
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You gotta give the racist left credit for it's ability to twist the truth and pablum feed it to the left wing masses. Dr. Carson is well aware that college campuses used to be centers for the free exchange of ideas and opinions. Today they are closed minded creepy Orwellian centers where only progressive thought is tolerated. Every single high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime in his or her career. It's a fact of life that college campuses have been hijacked by marxists and the 1st Amendment is a dismal remnant of the once great Constitutional values that established institutes of higher learning.

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