Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech

I love how these rightwing "less intrusive government" candidates turn around and propose increasingly intrusive government actions - such as monitoring higher education for "extreme political bias".

I wonder how they will determine what that is?
And propose increasingly intrusive government actions such as the state compelling a woman to give birth against her will, or more government burdening the right to vote, or more government interfering with gay Americans' right to marry.

So much for 'small government' republicans.
"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

Once again Carson succeeds in exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence.

Needless to say, if any such policy were implemented by the Department of Education to subject colleges and universities to punitive measures for engaging in so-called 'extreme political bias,' that policy would be invalidated by the courts.
Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)

Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.
Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.

OH! How nice of you not to refer to black people as "The Blacks".

Reader, as you can see, in rare instances, they are capable of minor indications of 'learning'.

Sadly, it doesn't last long and they quickly regress back down to their normal state.
Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.

OH! How nice of you not to refer to black people as "The Blacks".

Reader, as you can see, in rare instances, they are capable of minor indications of 'learning'.

Sadly, it doesn't last long and they quickly regress back down to their normal state.

Where did I refer to them as "The Blacks" Publius?
How about "drunken slut?"

I see. Specifically, which liberals called who a drunken slut? And how many? You'll have to document it was some significant portion, as opposed to "this guy somewhere on the internet".

In contrast, I don't need to document how so many conservatives here use the term "Moochelle" regularly, since the ones on this thread have very kindly done that for me.
First if you cant recall all of the names used by the left for the Bush women, then you are either very young or very stupid or both.
That being said, the fact that moochelle is an ugly un-American transvestite whore does give people the right to comment.
The Bush women in comparison were all beautiful American women that held great love and respect for their country.
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Your logic is what is strange. Do you have any clue about the nutty, extreme stuff that some college "professors" have said in recent years? Any clue? Such as bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories that claim that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not an airliner, that the WTC buildings were brought down with planted explosives, etc., etc. All Carson is saying is that if a college knowingly allows professors to keep spewing this kind of radicalism, they should lose their federal funding. It's about time.

Those professors would be free to keep teaching their nutty stuff outside the university. They would be free to keep spreading their nuttiness on their personal websites. Etc., etc., etc. But if they wanted to teach at a college that's getting federal money, they would have to stop teaching such stuff to their students. That is hardly an extreme measure.
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Your logic is what is strange. Do you have any clue about the nutty, extreme stuff that some college "professors" have said in recent years? Any clue? Such as bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories that claim that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not an airliner, that the WTC buildings were brought down with planted explosives, etc., etc. All Carson is saying is that if a college knowingly allows professors to keep spewing this kind of radicalism, they should lose their federal funding. It's about time.
I agree.
if I pay for a class in a specific subject, I expect to learn that subject, not be indoctrinated by some POS liberal professor.
If the professors want to teach hate for the country, they might want to develop a specific course to do just that.
maybe, Fuck America 101 or something.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
CORRECT Bripat , all Ben said is that muslims need to put their religion subservient to the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights .

Oh my.

Religion needs to be subservient to the Constitution, eh?

So enough with the religious nuts trying to use their religion to deny gays their constitutional rights.
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Your logic is what is strange. Do you have any clue about the nutty, extreme stuff that some college "professors" have said in recent years? Any clue? Such as bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories that claim that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not an airliner, that the WTC buildings were brought down with planted explosives, etc., etc. All Carson is saying is that if a college knowingly allows professors to keep spewing this kind of radicalism, they should lose their federal funding. It's about time.

Those professors would be free to keep teaching their nutty stuff outside the university. They would be free to keep spreading their nuttiness on their personal websites. Etc., etc., etc. But if they wanted to teach at a college that's getting federal money, they would have to stop teaching such stuff to their students. That is hardly an extreme measure.

Universities are traditionally places of free thought, challenging norms, etc. Why does the government have to mess with them? There are universities that are pure conservative nuttiness and there are universities that are pure liberal nuttiness and there is a lot in between. They aren't federal institutions like public schools. As long as they meet the requirements for accreditation, provide a decent education - who the F cares? If a student doesn't like it they can transfer to another place.

Talk about indoctrination - that is EXACTLY what Carson and others are proposing by attempting to control what they teach from a political perspective. AND WHO is going to determine what is the "correct" politics?
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Your logic is what is strange. Do you have any clue about the nutty, extreme stuff that some college "professors" have said in recent years? Any clue? Such as bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories that claim that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not an airliner, that the WTC buildings were brought down with planted explosives, etc., etc. All Carson is saying is that if a college knowingly allows professors to keep spewing this kind of radicalism, they should lose their federal funding. It's about time.

Those professors would be free to keep teaching their nutty stuff outside the university. They would be free to keep spreading their nuttiness on their personal websites. Etc., etc., etc. But if they wanted to teach at a college that's getting federal money, they would have to stop teaching such stuff to their students. That is hardly an extreme measure.

Universities are traditionally places of free thought, challenging norms, etc. Why does the government have to mess with them? There are universities that are pure conservative nuttiness and there are universities that are pure liberal nuttiness and there is a lot in between. They aren't federal institutions like public schools. As long as they meet the requirements for accreditation, provide a decent education - who the F cares? If a student doesn't like it they can transfer to another place.

Talk about indoctrination - that is EXACTLY what Carson and others are proposing by attempting to control what they teach from a political perspective. AND WHO is going to determine what is the "correct" politics?
So, what's your point??
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Your logic is what is strange. Do you have any clue about the nutty, extreme stuff that some college "professors" have said in recent years? Any clue? Such as bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories that claim that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and not an airliner, that the WTC buildings were brought down with planted explosives, etc., etc. All Carson is saying is that if a college knowingly allows professors to keep spewing this kind of radicalism, they should lose their federal funding. It's about time.

Those professors would be free to keep teaching their nutty stuff outside the university. They would be free to keep spreading their nuttiness on their personal websites. Etc., etc., etc. But if they wanted to teach at a college that's getting federal money, they would have to stop teaching such stuff to their students. That is hardly an extreme measure.

Universities are traditionally places of free thought, challenging norms, etc. Why does the government have to mess with them? There are universities that are pure conservative nuttiness and there are universities that are pure liberal nuttiness and there is a lot in between. They aren't federal institutions like public schools. As long as they meet the requirements for accreditation, provide a decent education - who the F cares? If a student doesn't like it they can transfer to another place.

Talk about indoctrination - that is EXACTLY what Carson and others are proposing by attempting to control what they teach from a political perspective. AND WHO is going to determine what is the "correct" politics?
So, what's your point??

Who, in this pro-"small government" party determines what constitutes "radical" politics that needs to be squashed? Next time, just read the exchanges.
Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)

Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.

No black liberal will ever be elected again. Obama insured that.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
CORRECT Bripat , all Ben said is that muslims need to put their religion subservient to the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights .

Oh my.

Religion needs to be subservient to the Constitution, eh?

So enough with the religious nuts trying to use their religion to deny gays their constitutional rights.
gays have never been denied constitutional rights.
Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)

Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.

No black liberal will ever be elected again. Obama insured that.

I wouldn't bet on it. The right wouldn't have voted for a black liberal no matter what.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
CORRECT Bripat , all Ben said is that muslims need to put their religion subservient to the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights .

Oh my.

Religion needs to be subservient to the Constitution, eh?

So enough with the religious nuts trying to use their religion to deny gays their constitutional rights.
gays have never been denied constitutional rights.

Kim Davis denied them and the Court dealt with her accordingly.
Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)

Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.

No black liberal will ever be elected again. Obama insured that.

No black conservative will ever be elected president. Conservatism insures that.
"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

Once again Carson succeeds in exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence.

Needless to say, if any such policy were implemented by the Department of Education to subject colleges and universities to punitive measures for engaging in so-called 'extreme political bias,' that policy would be invalidated by the courts.

So Democrats pass 800,000 pages of government regulations to control you, whereas some Republicans want to pass one, and the Republicans are the party of big government?

"logic" like that is the reason everyone laughs at liberals.
Yes... that's the Leftist Rumor... except First black congressman: Republican. First black Senator: Republican. First black Sec of State: Republican. First Black Sec of Defense: Republican. First Black Joint Chief of Staff: Republican. First Black Supreme Court Justice: Republican.

Current Republican Presidential Candidates: Include Black, Cuban, Female...

Democrat Peasantpimp Candidates... WHITE AND OLD AS FUCK... and one old white lyin' c u n t .

Dems already elected a black. Suck it up.

Maybe it will be a woman this time ;)

Oh my... Reader... Imagine THAT... and from no less an authority than a Moderator on this very site and a Leftist of the lowest possible order: "the Democrats already elected a black."

LOL! Now there's nothing particularly creepy about THAT!

And you can rest assured that it will be ONE HELLUVA LONG TIME BEFORE THEY ELECT 'ANOTHER ONE'.

Nah, the door is open to black candidates. It's always hardest for the first - they become the scapegoat of every racist fear and conspiracy theory. Now, hopefully, we'll see more black candidates.

No black liberal will ever be elected again. Obama insured that.

No black conservative will ever be elected. Conservatism insures that.

ROFL! That's what they said about Reagan.

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