Ben Carson's Wife Sings the Star Spangled Banner

She sings the national anthem and Mooch utters BS like "for the first time in my life I'm proud of my country" and "all this for a flag". Mrs Carson is First Lady material....Mooch is a depressing asshole
Listen to the anti-Christian, anti-Blacks chirrup and try to get it buried. They don't want anyone to be uplifted by the sight of a patriotic, Christian woman singing our national anthem.

What scum you low lifes are.
BTW, her singing is fine. She hit the notes and obviously has sung a few songs.

Christians don't sing to please anti-Christian goobers, incidentally. They sing as a form of praise to God himself. They do their best, and it is a point of pride to stand up and sing their God, and in this case, to country. It's not about getting a record contract. It's about praising something praiseworthy.

Get it gurl! :rock:

Pretty awful but I thought you hated it when people talked shit on Michelle?
For the record I have claimed Michelle's FAT ASS and manly stature is off limits. Can you not do the same for Mrs. Carson?


I said get it gurl. Did I talk shit? Or do you believe I'm talking shit because the singing wasn't that good?

Guess who's fault that is? Hint: not mine
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