Ben Sasse Calls for Repealing 17th Amendment, Eliminating Popular-Vote Senate Elections

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I like Sasse. I disagree with him on this but I like him. His speech at the Kav hearings should be required listening for all Poli-sci majors and anyone interested in federal government.
Yes!!!! It's about time to get rid of the 17th amendment and give states there rights back!!!

He also recommended abolishing standing committees, requiring senators to show up for debates, implementing 12-year term limits, and requiring senators to live together in dorms when in Washington.

It would return power to the states that the Founders intended, making a better system of checks and balances.

However, it isn't going to happen any time soon if ever. Even back when the 17th came along and people knew more about civics they demanded this and so today with the ignorance we have of civics among the populace it isn't happening.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that he says this as massive gerrymandering has caused quite a few majority-liberal states to have conservative dominated legislatures.

That is, he's just a shameless partisan hack.

That was some fine doublespeak, claiming that removing the power of the people to elect senators is increasing the power of the people. Stalin would be proud of him.
We are a constitutional republic the people vote for the house it's idiotic to have the Senate where people vote for them. Why bother having a Senate?
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that he says this as massive gerrymandering has caused quite a few majority-liberal states to have conservative dominated legislatures

What the hell does that have to do with the Senate, Man Boobs?
What the hell does that have to do with the Senate, Man Boobs?

Hilarious. Out of weepy butthurt, you reflexively typed without thinking, and now you look like an even bigger cult moron than usual.

What was proposed was to have state legislatures pick senators instead of having direct elections.

If the legislature in a Democratic-majority state that usually elects Democratic senators (such as MI, WI, PA, NC, and others) has been gerrymandered to be majority-Republican, and state legislatures pick the senators, then the Republicans can get Republican senators instead of Democratic senators in that state.

If you need that explained in smaller words, I can't help. I can only dumb things down so far, and I may not be able to reach your level.
Yes!!!! It's about time to get rid of the 17th amendment and give states there rights back!!!

He also recommended abolishing standing committees, requiring senators to show up for debates, implementing 12-year term limits, and requiring senators to live together in dorms when in Washington.

It would return power to the states that the Founders intended, making a better system of checks and balances.

However, it isn't going to happen any time soon if ever. Even back when the 17th came along and people knew more about civics they demanded this and so today with the ignorance we have of civics among the populace it isn't happening.

It actually would have another big benefit to it. There would be better voter turnouts for state elections.

The state legislatures would be picking the State's Senators. Senators were picked that way for our first 138 years, or whatever
the number is. That's why Senators have longer terms. They are the bedrock image of the State they represent.
The House is just a 2-year whim with folks able to dump them if they don't react to the needs of their districts...both locally
and nationally.

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