Ben Stein: Obama ‘Is The Most Racist President There Has Ever Been’


Many southern Democrats became Republicans at the national level, while remaining with their old party in state and local politics throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

Lee Atwater, who served Reagan's chief strategist in the Southern states, claimed that by 1968, a vast majority of southern whites had learned to accept that racial slurs like "******" were very offensive and that mentioning "states rights" and reasons for its justification had now become the best way to both use the politically valuable race card and appeal to southern white voters.

Show us a list of all the Democrats that turned Republican after the Civil Rights act, Dopeto3!

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a significant event in converting the Deep South to the Republican Party; in that year most Senatorial Republicans supported the Act (most of the opposition came from Southern Democrats), but the Republican Party nominated for the Presidency Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who had opposed it. From the end of the Civil War to 1960 Democrats had solid control over the southern states in presidential elections, hence the term "Solid South" to describe the states' Democratic preference.

After the passage of this Act, however, their willingness to support Republicans on a presidential level increased demonstrably. Goldwater won many of the "Solid South" states over Democratic candidate Lyndon Johnson, himself a Texan, and with many this

Republican support continued and seeped down the ballot to congressional, state, and ultimately local levels.

A further significant item of legislation was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which targeted for preclearance by the U.S. Department of Justice any election-law change in areas where African-American voting participation was lower than the norm (most but not all of these areas were in the South); the effect of the Voting Rights Act on southern elections was profound, including the by-product that some White Southerners perceived it as meddling while Black voters universally appreciated it.

The trend toward acceptance of Republican identification among Southern White voters was bolstered in the next two elections by the "Southern Strategy" of Richard Nixon.
Southern Democrats - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many southern Democrats became Republicans at the national level, while remaining with their old party in state and local politics throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

Lee Atwater, who served Reagan's chief strategist in the Southern states, claimed that by 1968, a vast majority of southern whites had learned to accept that racial slurs like "******" were very offensive and that mentioning "states rights" and reasons for its justification had now become the best way to both use the politically valuable race card and appeal to southern white voters.

Show us a list of all the Democrats that turned Republican after the Civil Rights act, Dopeto3!

The Solid South or Southern bloc was the electoral voting bloc of the Southern United States states for issues that were regarded as particularly important to the interests of the Southern states. The Southern bloc existed especially between 1877 (the end of Reconstruction) and 1964 (the year of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). During this period, the Democratic Party controlled state legislatures and most local and state officeholders in the South were Democrats, as were federal politicians from these states.

The 1960 election was the first in which a Republican presidential candidate received electoral votes in the South while losing nationally. Nixon carried Virginia, Tennessee, and Florida. Though Kennedy also won Alabama and Mississippi. Slates of unpledged electors, representing Democratic segregationists, would award the states' electoral votes to Harry Byrd. The parties' positions on civil rights continued to evolve in the run up to the 1964 election.

The Democratic candidate, Johnson, who had become president after Kennedy's assassination, spared no effort to win passage of a strong Civil Rights Act of 1964. After signing the landmark legislation, Johnson said to his aide, Bill Moyers: "I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come."

That November, Johnson won a landslide electoral victory, and the Republicans suffered significant losses in Congress. Goldwater, however, besides carrying his home state of Arizona, carried the Deep South: voters in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina had switched parties for the first time since Reconstruction. Goldwater notably won only in Southern states that had voted against Republican Richard Nixon in 1960, while not winning a single state that Nixon had carried. This was a complete inversion of the electoral pattern of the previous presidential election

Solid South - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ben without a clue. So what else is new?

In reality it's a tossup between Wilson or Jackson for me, but considering the times in which our country was founder most all the White power elite were racist. Lincoln too.......

Many southern Democrats became Republicans at the national level, while remaining with their old party in state and local politics throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

Lee Atwater, who served Reagan's chief strategist in the Southern states, claimed that by 1968, a vast majority of southern whites had learned to accept that racial slurs like "******" were very offensive and that mentioning "states rights" and reasons for its justification had now become the best way to both use the politically valuable race card and appeal to southern white voters.

Show us a list of all the Democrats that turned Republican after the Civil Rights act, Dopeto3!

The Republican party's base is the South, the historical bastion of slavery, conservatism and white supremacism. This is not a disputable fact.

Southern white conservatives were Democrats before the national party decided to embrace Civil Rights and the GOP began pursuing their Southern Strategy to attract Southern white racists.

Destroying the "Democrats are the real racists" talking point
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“The president is the most racist president there has ever been in America,” Stein said. “He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans.” Stein claimed that Obama and other Democrats are trying to portray the GOP as anti-black. “What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and they’re especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that’s just a complete lie.” Stein continued: “I watch with fascination – with incredible fascination – all the stories about how...

One more example of that the poster of this thread is a liar and an ignorant ass.

Richard Nixon Was Even More Racist Than You Thought
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as “Dixiecrats”. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as “Dixiecrats”. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs
Its a sad thing,that people like this poster,look so hard tto find racists and bigot in others,when all they need to do is look at themselves.

Finger pointers are always guilty of what they claim others of doing,just like little children do,when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

90% of the SOUTHERNERS filibustered the civil rights act? Today's GOP base?

Al Gore's father?


Southern strategy?

1964 Civil Rights Bill vote


Proving that it was a North/South issue still. Not one single Republican from the South voted for it. Further proof that Northern Democrats also supported Civil Rights more than their Republican counterparts.

Good job.

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a significant event in converting the Deep South to the Republican Party; in that year most Senatorial Republicans supported the Act (most of the opposition came from Southern Democrats), but the Republican Party nominated for the Presidency Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who had opposed it. From the end of the Civil War to 1960 Democrats had solid control over the southern states in presidential elections, hence the term "Solid South" to describe the states' Democratic preference.

After the passage of this Act, however, their willingness to support Republicans on a presidential level increased demonstrably. Goldwater won many of the "Solid South" states over Democratic candidate Lyndon Johnson, himself a Texan, and with many this

Republican support continued and seeped down the ballot to congressional, state, and ultimately local levels.

A further significant item of legislation was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which targeted for preclearance by the U.S. Department of Justice any election-law change in areas where African-American voting participation was lower than the norm (most but not all of these areas were in the South); the effect of the Voting Rights Act on southern elections was profound, including the by-product that some White Southerners perceived it as meddling while Black voters universally appreciated it.

The trend toward acceptance of Republican identification among Southern White voters was bolstered in the next two elections by the "Southern Strategy" of Richard Nixon.
Southern Democrats - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where's the list of Democrats that supposedly changed parties after the Civil Rights act, as I requested?
Actually,that my be true. Obama is certainly the most race-obsessed president ever.
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.

But Mustang, he's already a HALFRICAN.... he SHOULD have an idea what HALF of him thinks!
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

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