Ben Stein: Obama ‘Is The Most Racist President There Has Ever Been’

I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.

But Mustang, he's already a HALFRICAN.... he SHOULD have an idea what HALF of him thinks!

It's funny (AND not so funny at the very same time) listening to people with highly questionable viewpoints which border on what someone could easily classify as being extremist positions THEN accuse president Obama of being an extremist. That's especially true given the fact that the grasp on reality of the people who hold those views and make those charges is FAR from certain when they accuse President Obama of being an extremist with a hatred of white people.

It reminds me of all those times over the years when I've seen some kind of a video where a person in a very highly agitated emotional state accuses a person who appears calm and relaxed of being mentally unbalanced. All I can say is that in such cases it's obvious who the cops should throw the net over and take to Bellevue for observation.
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

President Obama has more important things to do (and worry about) than to pay attention to what a bunch of chuckle-heads say about him just because they're trying to appeal to the ignoramuses who now constitute the base of the GOP.

While a yutz like Rush Limbaugh may very well make twice as much money in salary in one week of being a bombastic rabble-rouser who offers idiotic and simplistic solutions to his generally ignorant audience than the President of the United States makes in salary in an entire year of dealing with all the headaches of governance, it's the president (and other members of gov't) who are ultimately responsible for solving problems and taking the heat that comes with the job.
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

President Obama has more important things to do (and worry about) than to pay attention to what a bunch of chuckle-heads say about him just because they're trying to appeal to the ignoramuses who now constitute the base of the GOP.

While a yutz like Rush Limbaugh may very well make twice as much money in salary in one week of being a bombastic rabble-rouser who offers idiotic and simplistic solutions to his generally ignorant audience than the President of the United States makes in salary in an entire year of dealing with all the headaches of governance, it's the president (and other members of gov't) who are ultimately responsible for solving problems and taking the heat that comes with the job.
Stick to your claim instead of squirming. You essentially admitted that Obama is a racist, or at least he uses the same justification for racism as which liberals claim racist do. If you're a mindless hack, there isnt much point in your responding.
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as “Dixiecrats”. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs
Its a sad thing,that people like this poster,look so hard tto find racists and bigot in others,when all they need to do is look at themselves.

Finger pointers are always guilty of what they claim others of doing,just like little children do,when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

LOL, So you can't refute FACTS that conservatives were the KKK?

Even Without Voter ID Laws, Minority Voters Face More Hurdles to Casting Ballots

Heavily black and Latino precincts often have long lines and fewer voting machines on Election Day. Why?

Even Without Voter ID Laws Minority Voters Face More Hurdles to Casting Ballots Mother Jones

White Americans Are More Likely To Support Voter ID Laws When Shown Photos Of Black People Voting


The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a significant event in converting the Deep South to the Republican Party; in that year most Senatorial Republicans supported the Act (most of the opposition came from Southern Democrats), but the Republican Party nominated for the Presidency Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who had opposed it. From the end of the Civil War to 1960 Democrats had solid control over the southern states in presidential elections, hence the term "Solid South" to describe the states' Democratic preference.

After the passage of this Act, however, their willingness to support Republicans on a presidential level increased demonstrably. Goldwater won many of the "Solid South" states over Democratic candidate Lyndon Johnson, himself a Texan, and with many this

Republican support continued and seeped down the ballot to congressional, state, and ultimately local levels.

A further significant item of legislation was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which targeted for preclearance by the U.S. Department of Justice any election-law change in areas where African-American voting participation was lower than the norm (most but not all of these areas were in the South); the effect of the Voting Rights Act on southern elections was profound, including the by-product that some White Southerners perceived it as meddling while Black voters universally appreciated it.

The trend toward acceptance of Republican identification among Southern White voters was bolstered in the next two elections by the "Southern Strategy" of Richard Nixon.
Southern Democrats - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where's the list of Democrats that supposedly changed parties after the Civil Rights act, as I requested?

You requested???? lol

Sorry Bubba, do you deny my posit? CONSERVATIVES fought the civil rights issue, were the KKK and today STILL are trying to restrict the votes of minorities!!!!
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

Blame what on?

You remember fall of 2008? Eight years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies? The US losing 700,000+ jobs a month? Dubya leaving him a $1.2+ TRILLION deficit?

Obamacares, 5.9% unemployment, $3 gas, doubled the stock markets, cut the deficit by over 60%, brought revenues up to Reagan levels (though not BJ Bill's), Bin Laden, etc

7+ MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in less than 6 years AFTER Dubya lost 1,000,000+ in the private SECTOR

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as “Dixiecrats”. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs

A Democrat
A Democrat
A Democrat.
A Democrat.
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

Blame what on?

You remember fall of 2008? Eight years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies? The US losing 700,000+ jobs a month? Dubya leaving him a $1.2+ TRILLION deficit?

Obamacares, 5.9% unemployment, $3 gas, doubled the stock markets, cut the deficit by over 60%, brought revenues up to Reagan levels (though not BJ Bill's), Bin Laden, etc

7+ MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in less than 6 years AFTER Dubya lost 1,000,000+ in the private SECTOR

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Yep those dems did a lot of damage just to have held the Senate and house for two years.
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a significant event in converting the Deep South to the Republican Party; in that year most Senatorial Republicans supported the Act (most of the opposition came from Southern Democrats), but the Republican Party nominated for the Presidency Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who had opposed it. From the end of the Civil War to 1960 Democrats had solid control over the southern states in presidential elections, hence the term "Solid South" to describe the states' Democratic preference.

After the passage of this Act, however, their willingness to support Republicans on a presidential level increased demonstrably. Goldwater won many of the "Solid South" states over Democratic candidate Lyndon Johnson, himself a Texan, and with many this

Republican support continued and seeped down the ballot to congressional, state, and ultimately local levels.

A further significant item of legislation was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which targeted for preclearance by the U.S. Department of Justice any election-law change in areas where African-American voting participation was lower than the norm (most but not all of these areas were in the South); the effect of the Voting Rights Act on southern elections was profound, including the by-product that some White Southerners perceived it as meddling while Black voters universally appreciated it.

The trend toward acceptance of Republican identification among Southern White voters was bolstered in the next two elections by the "Southern Strategy" of Richard Nixon.
Southern Democrats - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where's the list of Democrats that supposedly changed parties after the Civil Rights act, as I requested?

You requested???? lol

Sorry Bubba, do you deny my posit? CONSERVATIVES fought the civil rights issue, were the KKK and today STILL are trying to restrict the votes of minorities!!!!

. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs
Its a sad thing,that people like this poster,look so hard tto find racists and bigot in others,when all they need to do is look at themselves.

Finger pointers are always guilty of what they claim others of doing,just like little children do,when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

LOL, So you can't refute FACTS that conservatives were the KKK?

:eusa_naughty:Learn your history boy.... Dixiecrats, Democrats ....Same differance

I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

Blame what on?

You remember fall of 2008? Eight years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies? The US losing 700,000+ jobs a month? Dubya leaving him a $1.2+ TRILLION deficit?

Obamacares, 5.9% unemployment, $3 gas, doubled the stock markets, cut the deficit by over 60%, brought revenues up to Reagan levels (though not BJ Bill's), Bin Laden, etc

7+ MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in less than 6 years AFTER Dubya lost 1,000,000+ in the private SECTOR

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Yep those dems did a lot of damage just to have held the Senate and house for two years.

Got the bills they passed that changed Dubya/GOP policy? LOL

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as
Where's the list of Democrats that supposedly changed parties after the Civil Rights act, as I requested?

You requested???? lol

Sorry Bubba, do you deny my posit? CONSERVATIVES fought the civil rights issue, were the KKK and today STILL are trying to restrict the votes of minorities!!!!

. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs
Its a sad thing,that people like this poster,look so hard tto find racists and bigot in others,when all they need to do is look at themselves.

Finger pointers are always guilty of what they claim others of doing,just like little children do,when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

LOL, So you can't refute FACTS that conservatives were the KKK?

:eusa_naughty:Learn your history boy.... Dixiecrats, Democrats ....Same differance

Conservatives in the South you mean? Today's GOP base? lol
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

Blame what on?

You remember fall of 2008? Eight years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies? The US losing 700,000+ jobs a month? Dubya leaving him a $1.2+ TRILLION deficit?

Obamacares, 5.9% unemployment, $3 gas, doubled the stock markets, cut the deficit by over 60%, brought revenues up to Reagan levels (though not BJ Bill's), Bin Laden, etc

7+ MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in less than 6 years AFTER Dubya lost 1,000,000+ in the private SECTOR

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Yep those dems did a lot of damage just to have held the Senate and house for two years.

Got the bills they passed that changed Dubya/GOP policy? LOL

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
look shit stain Dems controlled the house and senate you blame bush that's fine with me, but you left out the other party that caused the mess.
Who started the KKK?

Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate Lieutenant General and war criminal (Fort Pillow massacre). He held no political office during his lifetime, so there is no indication as to what party he belonged to.

Who supported the KKK?

Southern conservatives formerly with the Confederacy.

To make this point perfectly clear, the KKK-affiliated “White Citizens Councils” are now known as the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” and have not changed their racist views at all. Claiming they are associated at all with modern Democrats is pure fantasy.

Who created Jim Crow laws?

Southern conservatives known as “Dixiecrats”. (See “KKK” entry for further details.)

Who enforced them?

Southern governments and law enforcement under the guise of “States’ Rights” - which is still a favorite among the Tea Party Republicans.

Who opposed Civil Rights Legislation?
Who fought against the right of black Americans to vote?

Southern segregationist conservatives. Here’s the actual voting record, broken down by party and geographic region:

As a result of this vote and the one for the Voting Rights Acts - both of which membership of the Republican Party TODAY are fighting tooth and nail to repeal - Harry Dent, Sr, Pat Buchanan and Lee Atwater orchestrated the Southern Strategy to get Southern conservatives into the fold of the Republican Party. With the election of Ronald Reagan, this takeover of the party succeeded.

Demolishing the Right Wing s Democrats are the Party of Racism Meme - Little Green Footballs

A Democrat
A Democrat
A Democrat.
A Democrat.

And those conservatives stood by and watched right? lol

Sorry Bubba, instead of TRYING to lie by omission, know that the KKK was 100% conservatives!
I have to admit one thing.

If President Obama ever took a day off where he tuned into talk radio and logged on to message boards (like this one, for instance) and heard and read many of the things that white conservatives say about him, I must admit that it wouldn't surprise me if he thought white people were crazy and, as a result, developed a very healthy mistrust of crazy Caucasians.
Probably true and also why he's a racist. The liberal mantra which goes that even though some blacks are murders, most are law-abiding applies here.

Obama is ultimately a straight-out race who will invariably claim he failed because of racism.

What else could he blame it on?

Blame what on?

You remember fall of 2008? Eight years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies? The US losing 700,000+ jobs a month? Dubya leaving him a $1.2+ TRILLION deficit?

Obamacares, 5.9% unemployment, $3 gas, doubled the stock markets, cut the deficit by over 60%, brought revenues up to Reagan levels (though not BJ Bill's), Bin Laden, etc

7+ MILLION PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in less than 6 years AFTER Dubya lost 1,000,000+ in the private SECTOR

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Yep those dems did a lot of damage just to have held the Senate and house for two years.

Got the bills they passed that changed Dubya/GOP policy? LOL

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
look shit stain Dems controlled the house and senate you blame bush that's fine with me, but you left out the other party that caused the mess.

Give me ONE bill that changed Dubya/GOP policy Jan 2007 Jan 2009? lol

Fukkking wingnutters

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