Benghazi, a snap shop of a failed presidency

will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

What Difference Does It Make?
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.

I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi

So tell us why bringing up the past allows Maobama a free pass on what he's doing now? If anything didn't we learn that we should be holding the president to a higher order of responsibility and truth, rather than allowing him repeat the foibles, mistakes and the errors of previous presidents?
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

Yes...., you are correct in a way. Bush did NOT have the cooperation of Governor Blanco, or Mayor Nagin. In fact Blanco blocked all access to New Orleans, while Nagin refused to utilize all those school buses to evacuate the people. The most damning photo is all those school buses parked and flooded. Imagine if Nagin had utilized those buses in the evacuation of the citizens of New Orleans. More than 800 deaths could have been avoided...
Political Party hate was behind the non-cooperation between Blanco, Nagin and the president of these United States of America.
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.

I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi

So tell us why bringing up the past allows Maobama a free pass on what he's doing now? If anything didn't we learn that we should be holding the president to a higher order of responsibility and truth, rather than allowing him repeat the foibles, mistakes and the errors of previous presidents?

Merely a frame of reference on what the reaction has been after past terrorist attacks

As usual, Obama is expected to pay a higher political price for an attack that killed four than Republican Presidents paid for attacks that killed hundreds and thousands
I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi

But we saw Nixon paying a much higher political price for much, much, much less, where nobody died and no American was callously betrayed and abandoned.

Which would have never been an issue if the President had been Democrat and the place burglarized a Republican head quarters.

Nixon did not pay a political price for his incursion into Cambodia. He paid a price for using his justice department to cover up a crime.

Kind of like what Obama is doing now??
But we saw Nixon paying a much higher political price for much, much, much less, where nobody died and no American was callously betrayed and abandoned.

Which would have never been an issue if the President had been Democrat and the place burglarized a Republican head quarters.

Nixon did not pay a political price for his incursion into Cambodia. He paid a price for using his justice department to cover up a crime.

Kind of like what Obama is doing now??

will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

What does a natural disaster that the fed dealt with by the book have to do with lying to the american public (covering up) an event that 4 Americans were murdered by terrorist on american soil?
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

What does a natural disaster that the fed dealt with by the book have to do with lying to the american public (covering up) an event that 4 Americans were murdered by terrorist on american soil?'re doing a heckuva job
Gay & Wussy Politicians always feel that they can never be blamed for anything, they often just blame it on the most prevalent & previous Republican leader. {kinda like what we have been hearing from the left since 2009?}
Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

What does a natural disaster that the fed dealt with by the book have to do with lying to the american public (covering up) an event that 4 Americans were murdered by terrorist on american soil?'re doing a heckuva job

this is not about katrina
this about BHO and his legacy that you liberals seem to think a huge class 3 hurricane with class 5 water in front of it that hits a place 15 feet below sea level has something to do with?
Benghazi sums his entire performance up
Failure to do the right thing when there was time
The sending some-one else out to lie about it
Then taking the next crises available to not only try and remove the focus, but hell with sandy hook he raised monies from it to line his treasure chest

And some how Katrina has something to do with that?
with all of these thats?
OBAMA CARE (Medicare future savings? really)
Jobs (lack of)
UBL and how much effort it really took and the time to find him

he had nothing to do with either
he has lied about everything, covered it up and then took the next crises to move his agenda on
rubbers over 8 million people leaving the work force
gun rights over the rights of an ambassador, 2 ex seals , a total of 4 Americans HE put in a very bad place and then failed to protect them, lied about it and then still trying to cover it up
What did he know
when did he know
why did no-one do anything?

no-one has answered those simple questions, hell ABC is ignoring it
Benghazi who? The media ignores the truth - PostPartisan - The Washington Post
Why is ABC News ignoring emails related Obama's Libya scandal? | Fox News
I can't wait for the upcoming Rubio speeches. I hope he explains to the Latino viewers that Democrats are taking them for Pawns, that they actually think that all Latino's are just plain dumb and will vote for the Dem's assuming they will be getting "Free Stuff" for the rest of their lives. Like "Free Health Care"?
I can't wait for the upcoming Rubio speeches. I hope he explains to the Latino viewers that Democrats are taking them for Pawns, that they actually think that all Latino's are just plain dumb and will vote for the Dem's assuming they will be getting "Free Stuff" for the rest of their lives. Like "Free Health Care"?

Rubio will be smart to ignore the main stream when they ask him about rubbers, Gays and women who think an abortion of a healthy child is a health issue
keep the truth in the front
He is this countries only hope along with some young conservatives that can take over congress like P Ryan
It is our only hope
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

The OP is claiming that 4 dead in a embassy attack proves that Obama's is a failed presidency. Do you agree?
I can't wait for the upcoming Rubio speeches. I hope he explains to the Latino viewers that Democrats are taking them for Pawns, that they actually think that all Latino's are just plain dumb and will vote for the Dem's assuming they will be getting "Free Stuff" for the rest of their lives. Like "Free Health Care"?

Do you think Obama did so well among Hispanics just because they want free stuff? Are you an idiot?
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

What does a natural disaster that the fed dealt with by the book have to do with lying to the american public (covering up) an event that 4 Americans were murdered by terrorist on american soil?

No one lied about it. This why reasonable people here think you're an asshole.
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.
You're a dumbass. Seriously. Shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself anymore.
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

The OP is claiming that 4 dead in a embassy attack proves that Obama's is a failed presidency. Do you agree?

The op utilizes the series of events as they un folded
There is no better example as to how BHO has run his presidency from day 1
ignore the real issues
No jobs
negative GDP as an example today, what are we talking about on the main stream and the media?
No support for those who really need it
Jobs, Obama-care (what ever that mess is suppose to be doing)
lie about them when the wheels come off, or just ignore it (see Obama-care, GDP, Jobs)
then either create or take the next crises that comes his way to complete the cover up
(rubbers, abortions, gays, Amnesty, GUNS)

US Poverty Rate to Hit Highest Level Since 1965, Economists Say
Poor are poorer
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative |
7 million will lose there ins (CBO)
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
4 million fewer obs than in 08
Rick Santelli Blows Up Over Negative GDP Growth: ?We Have Become Europe? | Mediaite
negative GDP
the main stream is doing there best to cover up Bengahzi, and event that Nixon was impeached for the same
Mainstream Media Caught In Snarl Of Tangled Benghazi Yarns - Forbes

now what exactly is it that your and the rest of you liberals are missing?

and what is BHO and the main stream talking about?
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

The OP is claiming that 4 dead in a embassy attack proves that Obama's is a failed presidency. Do you agree?

The op utilizes the series of events as they un folded
There is no better example as to how BHO has run his presidency from day 1
ignore the real issues
No jobs
negative GDP as an example today, what are we talking about on the main stream and the media?
No support for those who really need it
Jobs, Obama-care (what ever that mess is suppose to be doing)
lie about them when the wheels come off, or just ignore it (see Obama-care, GDP, Jobs)
then either create or take the next crises that comes his way to complete the cover up
(rubbers, abortions, gays, Amnesty, GUNS)

US Poverty Rate to Hit Highest Level Since 1965, Economists Say
Poor are poorer
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative |
7 million will lose there ins (CBO)
Private Jobs Down 4.6 Million From January 2008; Federal Jobs Up 11.4%
4 million fewer obs than in 08
Rick Santelli Blows Up Over Negative GDP Growth: ?We Have Become Europe? | Mediaite
negative GDP
the main stream is doing there best to cover up Bengahzi, and event that Nixon was impeached for the same
Mainstream Media Caught In Snarl Of Tangled Benghazi Yarns - Forbes

now what exactly is it that your and the rest of you liberals are missing?

and what is BHO and the main stream talking about?

Nobody cares.

Did you know that no WMDs were found in Iraq?

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