Benghazi, a snap shop of a failed presidency

this one os not going to get you people anything but an idiots crown just like Fast and furious thing did for the republicans
Doubtful, Moonbat......Seeing as though your beloved Dianne Feinstein is admittedly deeply disturbed by what went down, and the lack of the Presidents leadership when the shit was hitting the fan.

Pannetta let the cat out of the bag regarding Obama's lack of leadership that day, and in the days before......And it begs the question, how is he going to lead if we suffer an attack the magnitude of 9/11/01?
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I can't wait for the upcoming Rubio speeches. I hope he explains to the Latino viewers that Democrats are taking them for Pawns, that they actually think that all Latino's are just plain dumb and will vote for the Dem's assuming they will be getting "Free Stuff" for the rest of their lives. Like "Free Health Care"?

Do you think Obama did so well among Hispanics just because they want free stuff? Are you an idiot?


Rubio has to tell them exactly that
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

The OP is claiming that 4 dead in a embassy attack proves that Obama's is a failed presidency. Do you agree?

I do. We deserve much better then him and the idiots he has empowered.
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

The OP is claiming that 4 dead in a embassy attack proves that Obama's is a failed presidency. Do you agree?

I do. We deserve much better then him and the idiots he has empowered.
Funny how Hillary herself admitted that neither she, nor those under her leadership, as far she "was aware", bothered to read any of the memoes.....Which begs the damn question, what kind of shoddy operation was she running at the SD, and what makes her think she's capable of the presidency when she couldn't run a damn government department?

This fiasco is the prime example of abjectly failed leadership, from the Oval Office on down....And anybody who thinks otherwise is a friggin' idiot.
Obama and his possie gave Hillary a script to go buy for when they grilled her over Ben Gazi.just like with that other bumbling woman who claimed that it was all caused by some video (only those with an IQ of an Obama Supporter would of believed that horse-chit)
Obama and his possie gave Hillary a script to go buy for when they grilled her over Ben Gazi.just like with that other bumbling woman who claimed that it was all caused by some video (only those with an IQ of an Obama Supporter would of believed that horse-chit)

what is truly sad with this entire ordeal is the event that removed Hillary from the equation and the left screamed
Why does it matter?
This smells to the hi heaven from the very first lie
Oh my. A diplomatic mission in a land in turmoil gets killed. Bad cess, indeed. And things that might have been done to prevent that were not done. A failure to correctly assess the situation, and four Americans died in a land far away that is still in limbo politically.

Now, let us compare that to over 50 warnings from security agencies from nations all over the world in the summer of 2001. All of which were ignored and not acted on. 3000 Americans died on American soil.

Neither should have happened, but one is failure several orders of magnitude greater than the other.

I suppose you have proof of over 50 warnings in 2001? Did those warnings tell them how and where the terrorist attacks would take place? What should Bush have done, closed down the country...ya know, just in case?

Obama and Hillary were also warned....and they KNEW where it would happen, and most likely knew it was going to happen when it did. They were asked for more security in advance and it was ignored. You can't compare this with 2001.....

Do you remember Lebanon? 1983? Massive fuck up. All kinds of warnings. 241 Americans killed. Shit happens sometimes. Sometimes mistakes are made. We try to learn from them, not turn them into political propaganda. Well, we shouldn't turn them into political propaganda, but that does seem to be the order of the day.
Oh my. A diplomatic mission in a land in turmoil gets killed. Bad cess, indeed. And things that might have been done to prevent that were not done. A failure to correctly assess the situation, and four Americans died in a land far away that is still in limbo politically.

Now, let us compare that to over 50 warnings from security agencies from nations all over the world in the summer of 2001. All of which were ignored and not acted on. 3000 Americans died on American soil.

Neither should have happened, but one is failure several orders of magnitude greater than the other.

I suppose you have proof of over 50 warnings in 2001? Did those warnings tell them how and where the terrorist attacks would take place? What should Bush have done, closed down the country...ya know, just in case?

Obama and Hillary were also warned....and they KNEW where it would happen, and most likely knew it was going to happen when it did. They were asked for more security in advance and it was ignored. You can't compare this with 2001.....

Do you remember Lebanon? 1983? Massive fuck up. All kinds of warnings. 241 Americans killed. Shit happens sometimes. Sometimes mistakes are made. We try to learn from them, not turn them into political propaganda. Well, we shouldn't turn them into political propaganda, but that does seem to be the order of the day.

Th warnings in 2001 where as follows
Al Qaeda
Hi Jack

The warnings for Benghazi?
Same group
Location: exact
Method: All include direct attack on consulate
Solution: exact and requested
Time frame: Imminent as well as well known/documented

Liberals always resolve to blame others for events that accountability for said event has nothing to do with there "excuses" as to define same event
Simply put Benghazi was an isolated event.
The questions that have not been answered are simple
Why where the please for help ignored?
Why was the event lied about?
Who is it that should have been there for those people in the beginning, during and after?
why is it UBL got the "situation room" press
The 4 Americans in Benghazi are having there murdered memories politically expedited sense from the state dept, the white house as well as the main stream media and covered up with Sandy, a bump on the head and Sandy Hook

Never, ever let a crises go to waste
As I have stated, a snap shot of BHO presidency
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Oh my. A diplomatic mission in a land in turmoil gets killed. Bad cess, indeed. And things that might have been done to prevent that were not done. A failure to correctly assess the situation, and four Americans died in a land far away that is still in limbo politically.

Now, let us compare that to over 50 warnings from security agencies from nations all over the world in the summer of 2001. All of which were ignored and not acted on. 3000 Americans died on American soil.

Neither should have happened, but one is failure several orders of magnitude greater than the other.

I suppose you have proof of over 50 warnings in 2001? Did those warnings tell them how and where the terrorist attacks would take place? What should Bush have done, closed down the country...ya know, just in case?

Obama and Hillary were also warned....and they KNEW where it would happen, and most likely knew it was going to happen when it did. They were asked for more security in advance and it was ignored. You can't compare this with 2001.....

find me one warning stating that Al Qaeda on the morning of 9-11-2001 was going to take over the exact 4 flights that were taken over with box cutters from the exact airports as to where the events took place
how would you have stopped it with those warnings we actually had?

there mission to take those planes over began in 2000, so what is it your trying to state?

Benghazi we knew the what
and what we could have done to prevent it
the people who were murdered asked for specific help from the those people the had IDed as the ones who were going to kill them and in reality the place and the how

resolve to prevent it
and they were ignored

President Obama should come clean with the American people about what exactly happened in Benghazi, according to the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Buck McKeon (R-CA).
In fact, the President is the only one who has all those answers, McKeon says.
“The whole thing smacks of a cover-up,” he says. According to McKeon, the military has been muzzled by unprecedented orders not to provide information to Congress.
Benghazi, Libya, is where the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed on September 11, 2012, by a terrorist attack, which reportedly was monitored live for several hours by President Obama from the White House Situation Room.
In an interview on “Istook Live!” Friday (Listen to the interview here), McKeon said he’s heard that the White House might be setting up the military as scapegoats: “One of the things I’ve heard is that maybe they’re trying to put some blame on the military that they disobeyed orders or they didn’t respond to orders.”
Armed Services Chairman Denounces White House Benghazi Cover-Up and Muzzling of Military Leaders

in addition

Fox News already reported that Stevens sent a cable on August 8 about a “security vacuum” in the city that freed jihadists to attack western targets like the Red Cross “with impunity.” On September 11, the day he was killed, he sent a separate message describing “growing problems with security” due to the weakness of Libyan
Report: Benghazi consulate determined in August that it might not withstand ?coordinated attack? « Hot Air
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Oh my. A diplomatic mission in a land in turmoil gets killed. Bad cess, indeed. And things that might have been done to prevent that were not done. A failure to correctly assess the situation, and four Americans died in a land far away that is still in limbo politically.

Now, let us compare that to over 50 warnings from security agencies from nations all over the world in the summer of 2001. All of which were ignored and not acted on. 3000 Americans died on American soil.

Neither should have happened, but one is failure several orders of magnitude greater than the other.

I suppose you have proof of over 50 warnings in 2001? Did those warnings tell them how and where the terrorist attacks would take place? What should Bush have done, closed down the country...ya know, just in case?

Obama and Hillary were also warned....and they KNEW where it would happen, and most likely knew it was going to happen when it did. They were asked for more security in advance and it was ignored. You can't compare this with 2001.....

Do you remember Lebanon? 1983? Massive fuck up. All kinds of warnings. 241 Americans killed. Shit happens sometimes. Sometimes mistakes are made. We try to learn from them, not turn them into political propaganda. Well, we shouldn't turn them into political propaganda, but that does seem to be the order of the day.

The issue I have with this entire event is simple and 2 part
Why did we not support those people?
Throw out the weeks prior
there was air support 90 minutes away
Throw out the multiple hours of being attacked with no help from Washington

The biggest issue with this entire event is the lying that comes non stop from this Admin

R Nixon was Impeached
For what?
Bill O?Reilly: Could Benghazi Be Obama?s Watergate? | Mediaite
The difference is the media
you people have lost your minds.

you will gain NO traction with this made up crap and it will harm your party even more.

Just like fast and furious it will kick you right in the face
No. You have lost yours.

You keep bringing up 9-11 and how its all Bush's fault because he was POTUS. You have no problem that Clinton's FBI dropped the ball big time on 9-11. Thats okay with you because your a Dem and they of course can do no wrong in your asshole eyes.

FF was taken off the table by Barry Boy because his pal Holder was gonna get slammed for it. He used EO to take it off the board. EO removed it from investigation. Again. You have no problem with the death of that Border Agent because of those weapons.

Benghazi was completely avoidable. Beef up security or shut the embassy down. Other embassies and Red Cross booked because of those same warnings. Barrys fucked up State Department did neither. Again, you could care about four dead men and the fuck ups by Barry's State Department.

Hilary should have gotten the boot and heads should have rolled in State. Neither have happened or will happen. Again. You could care. Your an asshole of the first magnitude.

If Bush or another Rep were POTUS during Benghazi you would be blaming them. Because its Barry and his pack of incompetant boobs its okay by you. Your an idiot.
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BHO leads with allowing no crises to goto waste
unless of course that crises he created, then just lie about them
In my lifetime I have never mt any-one who lives in a such a world that is so not real

B Clinton lied about women
but BHO lies about everything
Why does the left ignore's it is beyond me
when the idiot running for senate made those horrible comments about rape, I was done with him
Yet the left just keeps allowing BHO a free pass
Of course, by definition it's terrorism, but since we don't know who did it, except for BS Pub charlatans and idiot dupes LOL, what difference does your BS make? No lies, no coverup, just chaos and mountains of Pubcrappe.

Mass care proves O-care will work, and free BC will save EVERYONE money and decimate abortions. Change the channel, chump of the greedy idiot rich, Big Health, Big Religion, Big Oil, Big Pollution, etc etc. Hoping for your recovery, hater dupe.
You swallowed and spew obamaturds lies. Predictable from an idiot libtard...shut up idiot.
"The event goes ignored by the white house during the event"

Ah the beginning of another BS thread.
you people have lost your minds.

you will gain NO traction with this made up crap and it will harm your party even more.

Just like fast and furious it will kick you right in the face
No it hasn't and will not. Just because obamaturd and his pukes in office have dodged both these issues doesn't mean they are not guilty. Everyone who has half a brain knows that obamaturd, clinton, rice and the rest of the idiots have lied.
Only Pubs and silly dupes know the motives and planning of the attackers, who are still unknown. Right. So what DIFFERENCE does all your PUBCRAPPE make, fools?

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