Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi !!

Here's the reaction of the vast majority of Americans to this topic:

Benghazzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... :bsflag:
Maybe America can have a telethon to help these poor victims of the fox "news" induced Benghazi Syndrome . Just like Jerry Lewis brought on the Victims of cerebral palsy we can parade some of the victim across the stage ( If we can get them to stop clutching their guns) Picture it, a bunch of bitter white guys yelling Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi!! like people who suffer from Tourette's Syndrome
Sure terrorists murdered an ambassador and several other Americans. Obama lies about it right before an election. There is nothing to see here.

Maybe if the administration didn't spend several weeks lying to the people about it, we wouldn't have to waste our resources investigating it.

I know crazy concept, by honest and transparent in your dealings and people dont have to spend money investigating your corruption. Much easier just pretending it doesnt exist.
Maybe America can have a telethon to help these poor victims of the fox "news" induced Benghazi Syndrome . Just like Jerry Lewis brought on the Victims of cerebral palsy we can parade some of the victim across the stage ( If we can get them to stop clutching their guns) Picture it, a bunch of bitter white guys yelling Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi!! like people who suffer from Tourette's Syndrome

No one is going to have a telethon to help your self inflicted disease guno. All you have to do to be healed is stop being dishonest.
Guno, you take murder and the inability of our military to protect our people very lightly. I am offended.

Yes let talk about murder 3000 on bushes watch on 9-11 then hundreds of thousands in Iraq

An he thought it was big joke. Too bad the families of the soldiers killed an the Iraqi civilians aren't laughing

Don't play that game lefties. You come off looking like the low information Media Matters clones who ain't got a clue. A freaking thousand times more Military personnel died because of the pre-war negligence of the FDR administration. Harry Truman didn't consult with Congress for his Korean adventure so the responsibility was his and he fucked it up so badly that we turned victory into an embarrassment in three years at the cost of 50,000 lives. Don't make me lecture you about LBJ's criminal enterprise and the pervert-in-chief bombing Europe when 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US. President Bush did the right thing by asking for congressional authorization for Troops on the ground and 36% of democrats voted for it and then undermined the mission.

Strange you say low Information voter , a term coined by political scientist Samuel Popkin coined the term "low-information" in 1991 when he used the phrase "low-information signaling" in his book The Reasoning Voter. Originally it was invented to describe ignorant redneck conservative voters.:eusa_whistle:

Samuel L. Popkin
Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., MIT, 1969
Voting Behavior, Political Economy, Comparative Politics
Popkin has published in unusually diverse areas. His most recent book is The Candidate: What it Takes to Win (and Hold) the White House. Earlier he authored The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns ; co-authored Issues and Strategies: The Computer Simulation of Presidential Campaigns; and he co-edited Chief of Staff: Twenty-Five Years of Managing the Presidency. He is equally well known for his work on peasant society, with particular reference to East and Southeast Asia, including The Rational Peasant: The Political Economy of Rural Society in Vietnam. Popkin has also been a consulting analyst in presidential campaigns, serving as consultant to the Clinton campaign on polling and strategy, to the CBS News election units from 1983 to 1990 on survey design and analysis, and more recently to the Gore campaign. He has also served as consultant to political parties in Canada and Europe and to the Departments of State and Defense. His current research focuses on presidential campaigns and the relationship of public opinion to foreign policy.
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Poor guano just wants people to stop talking about all of this before his liberal utopia comes crashing down all around him.
Sure terrorists murdered an ambassador and several other Americans. Obama lies about it right before an election. There is nothing to see here.

Maybe if the administration didn't spend several weeks lying to the people about it, we wouldn't have to waste our resources investigating it.

I know crazy concept, by honest and transparent in your dealings and people dont have to spend money investigating your corruption. Much easier just pretending it doesnt exist.

Obama has lied to people from day one to get elected, and he continues to this day.
Yes let talk about murder 3000 on bushes watch on 9-11 then hundreds of thousands in Iraq

An he thought it was big joke. Too bad the families of the soldiers killed an the Iraqi civilians aren't laughing

1. 9-11 wasn't our fault.
2. Muslims been blowing each up for 1,400 years.

Saddam broke 1441. Cess fire ended when he did.

9-11 was 9 months into bush the lessers watch, he owns it :eusa_boohoo:

The buck will forever stop at his desk for 9-11 but the whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. Hell. One of his FBI agents, John O'Neil, was screaming bloody murder about it. He knew something was up but he couldn't get any of his bosses to listen to him. You can bet your sweet ass Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that those dirtbags waited those eight months.

Of course anytime anyone says anything negtive about Barry Boy everyone drags Bush, 9-11, the Iraq war, Katrina and everything else they can pull up. Deflections are a way of life for the left apparantly.

Doesn't alter the fact that Hilbat and her State Department dropped the ball on Benghazi. Doesn't alter the fact that four good men are dead.

Doesn't alter the fact that Barry had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser the next day. That right there should tell anyone just how much those deaths meant to that asshole. Not much apparantly. Certainly not as important as that fundraiser and his re-election.
1. 9-11 wasn't our fault.
2. Muslims been blowing each up for 1,400 years.

Saddam broke 1441. Cess fire ended when he did.

9-11 was 9 months into bush the lessers watch, he owns it :eusa_boohoo:

The buck will forever stop at his desk for 9-11 but the whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch. Hell. One of his FBI agents, John O'Neil, was screaming bloody murder about it. He knew something was up but he couldn't get any of his bosses to listen to him. You can bet your sweet ass Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that those dirtbags waited those eight months.

Of course anytime anyone says anything negtive about Barry Boy everyone drags Bush, 9-11, the Iraq war, Katrina and everything else they can pull up. Deflections are a way of life for the left apparantly.

Doesn't alter the fact that Hilbat and her State Department dropped the ball on Benghazi. Doesn't alter the fact that four good men are dead.

Doesn't alter the fact that Barry had no problem jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser the next day. That right there should tell anyone just how much those deaths meant to that asshole. Not much apparantly. Certainly not as important as that fundraiser and his re-election.

An when Clinton went after Bin Laden he was accuse of using it for political purpose , remember wage the dog? Face it the white christian party is on its death bed and the more rabid members are going insane along with the barking loons at faux "news" just like they did with the birth certificate.
Here's the reaction of the vast majority of Americans to this topic:

Benghazzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... :bsflag:
The liberal media purposely refuses to run stories on Benghazi and then liberals like yourself declare the American people aren't interested in it. Disgusting.
Here's the reaction of the vast majority of Americans to this topic:

Benghazzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... :bsflag:

There's probably too much truth to that observation. That would be the result of people having to rely on a corrupt media for info.
Democrat Tokyo Rose. Baghdad Bob media.

Has anyone ever noticed that it is ALWAYS someone or something else's fault when Repubs can't sell their ideas of terrible wrongdoing to the American public?

Always someone else to blame. No wonder you rethugs are so frustrated and angry. All us other Americans think you are lying. Or just making shit up. Or really don't give a shit about what you're bitching about, you are just trying to make political points. Take your pick.

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