Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi !!

The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome.

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Whow, racist and a religion bigot in one post bravo I am sure you win a liberal flying monkey award.

Watergate dragged out for months, today the, if Nixon were Obama, the flying monkeys would be doing exactly as you are doing. Bring in race and religion into a discussion where it does not belong. Four Americans died for no good reason and the Obama administration obviously lied, there should be some accountability.

Here is one person who still cares:

Father of Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi Has Some Select Words for the Obama Administration After Latest Revelations

But I suppose that you will dismiss him because he is white.
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dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them.

Didja know? MoJo is STILL using the LIE that the attack against the Consulate was over a video --

Mother Jones STILL Pushing Benghazi Attack Was Protest About Video, Refuted By Facts And Obama’s Own Words

Kevin Drum, the writer from Mother Jones who wrote this piece, either doesn’t fact-check his stories or he has been living in a monastery for the last two years. I’ll assume it isn’t the monastery…he works for Mother Jones…

According to Lying, Dick-Sucking, Corrupt, Scumbag Mother Jones:
Yes, the "Innocence of Muslims" Video Really Did Play a Role in the Benghazi Attacks | Mother Jones

The Republican obsession with Benghazi is about to get yet another airing, and as much as I’m loath to waste time on this, I’d like to make a point that even a lot of liberals still seem to be confused about. It’s about the video.

First, a quick recap: A few days after the attacks, the intelligence community believed that the initial street protests in Benghazi had been prompted by anger over the Arabic-language version of the “Innocence of Muslims” video, which had been posted on YouTube a few days earlier. The White House repeated this publicly,

Um, no, CIA on the ground has already said that the intel was all about an attack, not a demonstration.

Drum then reiterates the false NY Times administration puff piece claiming there was a demonstration:

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters.

Again, no. Let’s listen to the people on the ground that night:
BENGHAZI, Libya: No protest before Benghazi attack, wounded Libyan guard says | Middle East | McClatchy DC

The guard, interviewed Thursday in the hospital where he is being treated for five shrapnel wounds in one leg and two bullet wounds in the other, said that the consulate area was quiet – “there wasn’t a single ant outside,” he said – until about 9:35 p.m., when as many as 125 armed men descended on the compound from all directions.

The men lobbed grenades into the compound, wounding the guard and knocking him to the ground, then stormed through the facility’s main gate, shouting “God is great” and moving to one of the many villas that make up the consulate compound. He said there had been no warning that an attack was imminent.


The guard’s tale is consistent with a version offered Wednesday by the man who had leased the compound to the United States.

Standing outside the fire-gutted compound, Mohammad al Bishari said the attack began with assailants carrying assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and the black flag of Ansar al Shariah moving from two directions against the compound.

You want to know the truth about Benghazi? You want to know WHY the Lying Cocksucker in Chief and Hitlery let those men die without even TRYING to save them?

Here you go

[ame=]Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Benghazi Scandal Biggest Cover-up Since Watergate - YouTube[/ame]
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The Honorable President George W Bush didn't blame them on a video, unlike the lying dirt-bag in the White House.

According to this site there have been 10 since Obama, only one is mentioned because the other 9, just like the attacks under Bush didn't result in the needless deaths of four Americans nor did Bush outright lie about the attacks. The flying monkeys are desperate.

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The American people have seem avoidable incidents were American lives were lost despite warning since October 23, 1983 -when 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, were killed. They seen these errors from presidents from both parties since then.
Up until now, there were no big and multiple partisan investigations by Congress. I think the American people see this whole thing for what it is,,,partisan grand standing. The only people who have an acute interest in this are the hyper-partisans.
Most people have other things on their mind, such as jobs, some fairness with wages and the ability to again have a shot at the American dream for themselves and for future generations.
But all they get is multiple Benghazi hearings and attempts to end Obamacare without any alternative solutions to the outrageous cost of healthcare.
In other words, with the never ending political circus, nothing is getting done.

The Honorable President George W Bush didn't blame them on a video, unlike the lying dirt-bag in the White House.

According to this site there have been 10 since Obama, only one is mentioned because the other 9, just like the attacks under Bush didn't result in the needless deaths of four Americans nor did Bush outright lie about the attacks. The flying monkeys are desperate.

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No tally about needless deaths on Bush's watch is complete without counting the Iraq war.
dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them.

Didja know? MoJo is STILL using the LIE that the attack against the Consulate was over a video --

Mother Jones STILL Pushing Benghazi Attack Was Protest About Video, Refuted By Facts And Obama’s Own Words

What are the FACTS that prove the video had nothing to do with the attack?

And by facts I mean facts
dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them.

Didja know? MoJo is STILL using the LIE that the attack against the Consulate was over a video --

Mother Jones STILL Pushing Benghazi Attack Was Protest About Video, Refuted By Facts And Obama’s Own Words

What are the FACTS that prove the video had nothing to do with the attack?

And by facts I mean facts

Where are the facts it did, other than the Whitehouse saying so?

The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome.

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

How much is this scandal that ain't a scandal going to cost?

This is smoke and mirrors which indicates that something is on the table that no one wants the public to pay attention to.
The American people have seem avoidable incidents were American lives were lost despite warning since October 23, 1983 -when 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, were killed. They seen these errors from presidents from both parties since then.
Up until now, there were no big and multiple partisan investigations by Congress. I think the American people see this whole thing for what it is,,,partisan grand standing. The only people who have an acute interest in this are the hyper-partisans.
Most people have other things on their mind, such as jobs, some fairness with wages and the ability to again have a shot at the American dream for themselves and for future generations.
But all they get is multiple Benghazi hearings and attempts to end Obamacare without any alternative solutions to the outrageous cost of healthcare.
In other words, with the never ending political circus, nothing is getting done.

Willful stupidity on your part. Shocking :eek:

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief didn't even TRY to save those men. And we all know why.


Never, NEVER in American History have American Citizens, ESPECIALLY AN ACTIVE AMBASSADOR, been under attack and the president refused to act.



Instead, blaming AMERICANS for being intolerant of Islam and for making videos and for -- I guess, just for being Americans.

Then, to make matters worse, dimocrap SCUM all over the Country come and LIE to protect the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

I have no respect for people who do that. Were a president from my party to do something like that, I would DEMAND his impeachment immediately.

But that's the difference between us. I believe in America.

You don't.
dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them.

Didja know? MoJo is STILL using the LIE that the attack against the Consulate was over a video --

Mother Jones STILL Pushing Benghazi Attack Was Protest About Video, Refuted By Facts And Obama’s Own Words

What are the FACTS that prove the video had nothing to do with the attack?

And by facts I mean facts

Where are the facts it did, other than the Whitehouse saying so?


I'll take that to mean that there are no facts. Why then are you claiming it as fact?
Obsessing over Benghazi is about as good for conservatives politically as was running all those Tea Party candidates for the Senate in 2010.
The American people have seem avoidable incidents were American lives were lost despite warning since October 23, 1983 -when 241 U.S. service personnel, 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel, were killed. They seen these errors from presidents from both parties since then.
Up until now, there were no big and multiple partisan investigations by Congress. I think the American people see this whole thing for what it is,,,partisan grand standing. The only people who have an acute interest in this are the hyper-partisans.
Most people have other things on their mind, such as jobs, some fairness with wages and the ability to again have a shot at the American dream for themselves and for future generations.
But all they get is multiple Benghazi hearings and attempts to end Obamacare without any alternative solutions to the outrageous cost of healthcare.
In other words, with the never ending political circus, nothing is getting done.

Willful stupidity on your part. Shocking :eek:

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief didn't even TRY to save those men. And we all know why.


Never, NEVER in American History have American Citizens, ESPECIALLY AN ACTIVE AMBASSADOR, been under attack and the president refused to act.



Instead, blaming AMERICANS for being intolerant of Islam and for making videos and for -- I guess, just for being Americans.

Then, to make matters worse, dimocrap SCUM all over the Country come and LIE to protect the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

I have no respect for people who do that. Were a president from my party to do something like that, I would DEMAND his impeachment immediately.

But that's the difference between us. I believe in America.

You don't.

it certainly is time for a select committee
The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome.

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

That's what Nancy moans when she completes her mission with the plastic dildo.

it just kills left-wing losers that the truth is coming out on Benghazi!!
dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

ALL of them.

Didja know? MoJo is STILL using the LIE that the attack against the Consulate was over a video --

Mother Jones STILL Pushing Benghazi Attack Was Protest About Video, Refuted By Facts And Obama’s Own Words

What are the FACTS that prove the video had nothing to do with the attack?

And by facts I mean facts

Do you really not KNOWN the video had nothing to do with the attack? Are you really that uninformed?

It is well known that there was no demonstration against the video outside of the American counsel buildings or anywhere in Libya. It is equally well known that the attack was coordinated and carried out by elements of AQ...and you do know that AQ likes to kill Americans...right? It has been stated by many who were there, that the video had nothing to do with the attack. It was a terrorist attack on the 9/11 anniversary.

It is amazing that some believe whatever the government tells them, as long as that government is headed by the political party they approve of.

When will Americans learn that big uncontrolled government can never be trusted, no matter party affiliation.
Yep, 'Her Thighness' Clinton and Odummer were off playing with themselves instead of making decisions to save lives


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