Benghazi, Emails & New GOP "Hail Mary" Desperation: Attempting To Split Vote On The Left


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Divide and conquer...the oldest trick in the book:

‘RIGGED’: Trump Slams DNC For ‘Vicious Plan To Destroy’ Bernie
40% Of Sanders Supporters Won't Vote For Hillarious
Bernie Sanders Campaign Chief Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show
New DNC Email Leak is the Final Nail in the Party Unity Coffin
Pissed Off Sanders' supporters protest outside DNC (rules) meeting

Look, these kids that the GOP are after...the Bernie educating...aren't stupid. They know basic math. And some of them may have remembered lessons in political history where the Ralph Nader syndrome split the vote on the left to assure a GOP victory.

They know if they stay home or vote for some write-in or third party no-name, it's one and the same as casting a vote for Donald Trump.

I find it funny that the Kabuki Theater Trump himself encouraged (Soros paid for) in the Bernie-kids to protest his events to polarize more voters on the right into his camp to seal his nomination, is suddenly faced with the fact that Bernie-kids, believing those protests were authentic and an actual movement, will now do anything to keep Trump from being elected... :lmao: It's a double-edged sword, isn't it Donald?

I wanted the GOP to have a winning ticket. I really did. But instead they, through Fox News, promoted Donald and played their chump-role in Soros' Kabuki theater to the hilt, giving Trump more air time than any other story I think in the history of Fox News. Through their viewership and their willing coverage of the staged-protests, millions of their viewers became angry at the left for demonizing Trump. This galvanized votes for Trump where they may not otherwise have come so willingly. It set the conservative voters into kneejerk mode, instead of thoughtful-consideration-mode. Meanwhile Fox News snickered at, ignored largely and drummed down Kasich, their best shot at a win this Fall.

The GOP is stuck with Trump (thanks Fox!), and each new painfully-obvious act of "damage control desperation" only polarizes more and more people away from the GOP as a whole...including Congressional hopefuls. Fox News/GOP might want to make a note of that, if they care at all about having any branch of government left with their influence..

For middle voters with insomnia from all this insanity, turn on the TV when Fox is discussing Benghazi or Hillary's email server if you want to instantly fall asleep....zzzzzzzzzzz.....
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I think the Wikileak Emails show how corrupt the Democratic Party is. And that should bother fellow Democrats especially. There was clearly an organized effort at the top, to attack Sanders and rig the Nomination for Hillary Clinton.

But there's other disturbing things in the Emails. The Washington Post/Hillary Clinton stuff isn't too good either. There may have even been some laws broken. Clearly, the Democratic Party has a big corruption problem.
There is nothing more disturbing than Trump being president. Bernie's kids will weigh "whatever" on a scale and realize they'll do whatever they have to, to keep the Donald from that seat of power over them. Benghazi, painfully-obvious desperation comes from the right to break up the vote on the left...the Bernie-kids at the end of the day will ask themselves "on election day, what do I have to do to keep Trump from being president".

I mentioned in the OP that Trump's glee at the staged protests of his events was a double-edged sword. The Bernie kids believe it was an actual movement. Now, the cemented-chant of "never Trump" on the left is an obstacle Trump can't overcome..
Clearly, the Democratic Party has a big corruption problem.

Yes, it does. But this comes as a surprise to no democrat. We all remember how Obama's pals at the DNC nudged Hillary out and gave him the nomination. Seems moles in both parties are acting from within both parties to sabotage. I'm sure the logic then was "nobody will vote for a black candidate who is/was a Muslim with the middle name Hussein". That backfired. Corruption is something every voter takes for granted.

That's why I've said, the email thing is beating a dead horse. And Benghazi? If Hillary herself didn't kill those four men, then why is she responsible? Are you saying Hillary planned the attack on Americans in the ME? Are you expecting people to become alarmed and shocked that four Americans were killed in the hostile, war-torn ME several years ago? More shocked than the hundreds killed since by Islamic terror right here on American soil? More shocked? Really?

People see through desperation. They really do. And the GOP is looking very desperate at this time. They could've had a good ticket. But now they have pure crap. And so they think they can resort to smearing to pull off a victory. Too bad Trump's personality is so bizarre that it piques people's reptilian response and "never Trump" will be the unanimous battle cry on the left; for SURE by November and all the new sound bites coming out of his diarrhea mouth in debates.

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