Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself Reported That The Video Inspired The Attack
Greta Van Susteren: "Both Attacks Were Triggered By A Movie Produced In The United States That Protesters Say Is Anti-Muslim." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Van Susteren twice repeated an Associated Press story that cited an anti-Islam video as a trigger for the Benghazi attack:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert." An American consulate worker murdered and at least one other wounded in the American consulate in Libya, that according to the Libyan security officials. The Associated Press is now reporting the American was shot to death when gunmen stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and clashed with security forces.

And there is more violence against America tonight, this time in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. They climbed the embassy walls, they ripped down our American flag, they burned our flag, and then they replaced our flag at our embassy with a black Islamist flag!

According to the A.P., both attacks were triggered by a movie produced in the United States that protesters say is anti-Muslim. The AP further reports that movie was made by an anti-Muslim extremist. "On the Record" is tracking these breaking news stories and will bring you developments throughout the hour.


VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert," an American State Department officer killed in Libya, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now confirming the killing at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At least one other person was reportedly wounded after gunmen stormed the consulate. There are also reports of looting.

And there is even more violence tonight in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. According to the Associated Press, both attacks were triggered by an anti-Muslim film produced here in the United States. [Fox News, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, 9/11/12, via Nexis]

Fox's Bret Baier: "There Was ... Protest Over The Video At The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Baier reported that there was a "protest over the video" in Benghazi:

BAIER: There was also protest over the video at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Report says an armed mob set fire to that building. [Fox News, Special Report with Bret Baier, 9/11/12]

Fox's Dana Perino: "An American Citizen Died ... It Is Happening Across The Middle East Because Of A Video That Was Produced In The United States." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Fox host Dana Perino explained that there were many protests occurring throughout the Middle East and North Africa over the anti-Islam video, and blamed a protest over the video for the death of Americans in Benghazi:

DANA PERINO: There has been a lot of talk in the last couple weeks about hard truths. But the people in the Muslim world -- can deal with hard truths as well. They need to be communicated to in a way that they could understand. The other thing is that there were other protests that were sparked today and an American person -- an American citizen died --


PERINO: In Libya. So it is not just happening in Egypt. It is happening across the Middle East because of a video that was produced in the United States. [Fox News, Hannity, 9/11/12]

Associated Press Report Cited By Fox Was Based On Information From The Libyan Government
AP Report Cited By Fox Got Information From Libyan Government Official, Not Clinton Or The Obama Administration. The Associated Press reported at 5:17 pm, prior to the airing of Fox's Special Report or On the Record, that a Libyan official said the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi was stormed "after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad." From the AP report:

A Libyan Interior Ministry official says armed men have stormed the US consulate in east Libya's Benghazi and set it ablaze after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad, which was reportedly produced in America.

Witnesses say Tuesday's attack left much of the consulate burned. It came hours after ultraconservative Islamist demonstrators in Egypt climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to protest the film.

Wanis al-Sharef, an interior ministry official in Benghazi, says the attackers stormed the consulate after firing in the air. [Associated Press, 9/11/12]

Nice flashback. I remember some of sane here citing the above about 3 years ago.

And STILL they claim this non-issue hasn't been beaten to death.
So Obama said it was because of a video, he's lying, right?
No, the CIA told him the video caused the attack.

So it was a planned terror attack
Yes, it was. Only the CIA first believed it was not. Their initial reports to the White House were that the video was the most likely catalyst for the attack. So when Obama and Rice came out early on and attributed the attack to the video, they weren't lying. They were passing along what the CIA reported to them.

Didn't you learn anything from any of those 7 GOP-led investigations? Or do you get all of your news from rightard Internet cites?
What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda
What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself
Of course parents are going to lash out at whoever they can after a loss like that.

The Benghazi committee hasn't found anything that proves Hillary caused the deaths of any of them.

You sure couldn't tell by the way Fox News, and people like you are using their grief as a political football.

You should go fuck yourself
What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself
Of course parents are going to lash out at whoever they can after a loss like that.

The Benghazi committee hasn't found anything that proves Hillary caused the deaths of any of them.

You sure couldn't tell by the way Fox News, and people like you are using their grief as a political football.

You should go fuck yourself

The scumbag in the WH invites the Muslim brotherhood, Illegal aliens and the junior Jihad clock bomber, he hasn't had Chris Stevens or Brian Terry's family over.

So, in closing, go fuck yourself
What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself
Of course parents are going to lash out at whoever they can after a loss like that.

The Benghazi committee hasn't found anything that proves Hillary caused the deaths of any of them.

You sure couldn't tell by the way Fox News, and people like you are using their grief as a political football.

You should go fuck yourself

The scumbag in the WH invites the Muslim brotherhood, Illegal aliens and the junior Jihad clock bomber, he hasn't had Chris Stevens or Brian Terry's family over.

So, in closing, go fuck yourself

What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself
Of course parents are going to lash out at whoever they can after a loss like that.

The Benghazi committee hasn't found anything that proves Hillary caused the deaths of any of them.

You sure couldn't tell by the way Fox News, and people like you are using their grief as a political football.

You should go fuck yourself

The scumbag in the WH invites the Muslim brotherhood, Illegal aliens and the junior Jihad clock bomber, he hasn't had Chris Stevens or Brian Terry's family over.

So, in closing, go fuck yourself
Obviously you're unaware of how idiotic and ridiculous this is, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it.
What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself
Of course parents are going to lash out at whoever they can after a loss like that.

The Benghazi committee hasn't found anything that proves Hillary caused the deaths of any of them.

You sure couldn't tell by the way Fox News, and people like you are using their grief as a political football.

You should go fuck yourself

The scumbag in the WH invites the Muslim brotherhood, Illegal aliens and the junior Jihad clock bomber, he hasn't had Chris Stevens or Brian Terry's family over.

So, in closing, go fuck yourself

Remember that you're dealing with rightwing partisan hacks, blind to their partisanism, and angry that they've failed to 'get Clinton' with their lies about 'Benghazi.'
Breaking for dupes- It was probably an Al Qaeda "affiliated" attack AND triggered by the video and all the other attacks at the time- from CIA and everyone BUT lying Pubs and minions.


So what's the Rightists' contention here? That if Hillary hadn't mentioned the video, those four people would rise from the dead or not have been killed in the first place? I'm really trying to figure out what the Big Reveal is supposed to signify, but I'm not seeing it. Can somebody translate for me? :dunno:

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