Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

Where did Hillary say that Benghazi was in fact a planned terrorist attack?

Looks like the only place she EVER said it was in a private email to Chelsea and then the Egyptians.

"We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with" -- HRC at the ceremony for the Americans killed at Benhgazi

Yes we did. Where is she relating Benghazi to those attacks?

She was at the ceremony for those killed by a terror attack at Benghazi.

Hillary never once corrected Susan Rice's fictional "Benghazi/Video" narrative, why is that?

It's not her job to "correct" another cabinet member.

I guess saying the words Benghazi and video in the same speech is all the proof needed.

She blamed the Benghazi attack on the video, just like Obama and Susan Rice did
So did Fox Noise before the word came down, dupe. And the CIA and everyone but the lying GOP STILL think it had to do with the timing. DUH> Try real news.
coulda woulda shoulda. But it won't, because there is nothing there that shows HRC did not lie.

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest" -- HRC

When did she say the opposite?

“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.” -- On Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the assault at Benghazi Hillary Clinton at the transfer of remains ceremony to honor the four Americans killed.

That help?
You got reading comprehension problems, BIG TIME!!!

Or just take pride in lying??? You choose!!!

Your cut and paste proved Hillary was NOT talking about Benghazi, but separate attacks with the video!!! :lol: on you Frank

You Progressive are just plain mental, brainwashed.

She MADE THE VIDEO COMMENT at the service for those killed at Benghazi

Show me one time where Hillary said publicly Benghazi was a terror attack, show me one time Hillary corrects Susan Rice that Benghazi was over a video
"We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with" -- HRC at the ceremony for the Americans killed at Benhgazi

Yes we did. Where is she relating Benghazi to those attacks?

She was at the ceremony for those killed by a terror attack at Benghazi.

Hillary never once corrected Susan Rice's fictional "Benghazi/Video" narrative, why is that?

It's not her job to "correct" another cabinet member.

I guess saying the words Benghazi and video in the same speech is all the proof needed.

She blamed the Benghazi attack on the video, just like Obama and Susan Rice did
So did Fox Noise before the word came down, dupe. And the CIA and everyone but the lying GOP STILL think it had to do with the timing. DUH> Try real news.

Suuuuuure Franco. Sure.

“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest" -- HRC

When did she say the opposite?

“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.” -- On Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the assault at Benghazi Hillary Clinton at the transfer of remains ceremony to honor the four Americans killed.

That help?
You got reading comprehension problems, BIG TIME!!!

Or just take pride in lying??? You choose!!!

Your cut and paste proved Hillary was NOT talking about Benghazi, but separate attacks with the video!!! :lol: on you Frank

You Progressive are just plain mental, brainwashed.

She MADE THE VIDEO COMMENT at the service for those killed at Benghazi

Show me one time where Hillary said publicly Benghazi was a terror attack, show me one time Hillary corrects Susan Rice that Benghazi was over a video

Benghazi WAS a Terrorist attack?
facile argument.....

Facile is just another way of say "winning"
She kicked your ass, you mean. The Bush admins were worse than BHO in protecting embassies but you never point that out.

Jake, did you know that the area outside of the American embassy is foreign soil? How is Bush responsible for crimes between foreigners on foreign soil? Jilly gave up answering
That is a non-reason. If the attack came from foreign soil outside the embassy, the embassy security personnel are fully authorized to intercept and destroy such an attack.

With drone support going on line for the embassies, the defense perimeter will be moved, hopefully, much further out from the embassies.

No one at any US Embassy was killed when Bush was President. The "Attacks" listed on the Liberal Chart are all outside of the Embassies
Nothing like the stupidest, most dishonest wars ever to make Americans hated around the world. Great job, Pubbies. People bend over backwards to excuse the GOP (belligerent ugly American a-holes...)...never ends.
The Progressive Fictional HRC Talkin gPoint Narrative.

Update 10/26/15: Hillary always maintained that Benghazi was a terror attack and any mention of a video was about other attacks, not Benghazi

If anyone asks you why she claimed Benghazi was over a video, see above. If anyone asks you why she never corrected Susan Rice or Obama on the Benghazi Video Connection, just call then a "reactionary who wants to bring America back to the 1950's"

So will Hillary petition for the release of the guys who made the video that wasn't connected to Benghazi?

If anyone claims that Hillary blamed Benghazi on a video but is still unable to provide an example, they may be full of shit.
Facile is just another way of say "winning"
She kicked your ass, you mean. The Bush admins were worse than BHO in protecting embassies but you never point that out.

Jake, did you know that the area outside of the American embassy is foreign soil? How is Bush responsible for crimes between foreigners on foreign soil? Jilly gave up answering
That is a non-reason. If the attack came from foreign soil outside the embassy, the embassy security personnel are fully authorized to intercept and destroy such an attack.

With drone support going on line for the embassies, the defense perimeter will be moved, hopefully, much further out from the embassies.

No one at any US Embassy was killed when Bush was President. The "Attacks" listed on the Liberal Chart are all outside of the Embassies
Nothing like the stupidest, most dishonest wars ever to make Americans hated around the world. Great job, Pubbies. People bend over backwards to excuse the GOP (belligerent ugly American a-holes...)...never ends.

The Progressive Fictional HRC Talkin gPoint Narrative.

Update 10/26/15: Hillary always maintained that Benghazi was a terror attack and any mention of a video was about other attacks, not Benghazi

If anyone asks you why she claimed Benghazi was over a video, see above. If anyone asks you why she never corrected Susan Rice or Obama on the Benghazi Video Connection, just call then a "reactionary who wants to bring America back to the 1950's"

So will Hillary petition for the release of the guys who made the video that wasn't connected to Benghazi?

If anyone claims that Hillary blamed Benghazi on a video but is still unable to provide an example, they may be full of shit.

We've provided videos of Hillary discussing Benghazi and blaming the video, yet they tell us she's talking about some other attack somewhere in a galaxy far, far away
Yes we did. Where is she relating Benghazi to those attacks?

She was at the ceremony for those killed by a terror attack at Benghazi.

Hillary never once corrected Susan Rice's fictional "Benghazi/Video" narrative, why is that?

It's not her job to "correct" another cabinet member.

I guess saying the words Benghazi and video in the same speech is all the proof needed.

She blamed the Benghazi attack on the video, just like Obama and Susan Rice did
So did Fox Noise before the word came down, dupe. And the CIA and everyone but the lying GOP STILL think it had to do with the timing. DUH> Try real news.

Suuuuuure Franco. Sure.

As always, you're TOTALLY misinformed, dupe.
BENGHAZI FLASHBACK: When Fox News Reported That...
Oct 22, 2015 · But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself ReportedThat ... of raw intelligence, as ... Misled About Cause Of Benghazi Attacks Video 1 ...
She was at the ceremony for those killed by a terror attack at Benghazi.

Hillary never once corrected Susan Rice's fictional "Benghazi/Video" narrative, why is that?

It's not her job to "correct" another cabinet member.

I guess saying the words Benghazi and video in the same speech is all the proof needed.

She blamed the Benghazi attack on the video, just like Obama and Susan Rice did
So did Fox Noise before the word came down, dupe. And the CIA and everyone but the lying GOP STILL think it had to do with the timing. DUH> Try real news.

Suuuuuure Franco. Sure.

As always, you're TOTALLY misinformed, dupe.
BENGHAZI FLASHBACK: When Fox News Reported That...
Oct 22, 2015 · But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself ReportedThat ... of raw intelligence, as ... Misled About Cause Of Benghazi Attacks Video 1 ...

" Susan Rice is going around saying it's a video, and as late as September 20 to Univision, President Obama is still saying it's a video..." Fox reported what the President and Susan Rice were saying
It's not her job to "correct" another cabinet member.

I guess saying the words Benghazi and video in the same speech is all the proof needed.

She blamed the Benghazi attack on the video, just like Obama and Susan Rice did
So did Fox Noise before the word came down, dupe. And the CIA and everyone but the lying GOP STILL think it had to do with the timing. DUH> Try real news.

Suuuuuure Franco. Sure.

As always, you're TOTALLY misinformed, dupe.
BENGHAZI FLASHBACK: When Fox News Reported That...
Oct 22, 2015 · But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself ReportedThat ... of raw intelligence, as ... Misled About Cause Of Benghazi Attacks Video 1 ...

" Susan Rice is going around saying it's a video, and as late as September 20 to Univision, President Obama is still saying it's a video..." Fox reported what the President and Susan Rice were saying
They both have to blame it on what didn't cause it, and they are sticking to it.

Have to admire them for
But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself Reported That The Video Inspired The Attack
Greta Van Susteren: "Both Attacks Were Triggered By A Movie Produced In The United States That Protesters Say Is Anti-Muslim." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Van Susteren twice repeated an Associated Press story that cited an anti-Islam video as a trigger for the Benghazi attack:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert." An American consulate worker murdered and at least one other wounded in the American consulate in Libya, that according to the Libyan security officials. The Associated Press is now reporting the American was shot to death when gunmen stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and clashed with security forces.

And there is more violence against America tonight, this time in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. They climbed the embassy walls, they ripped down our American flag, they burned our flag, and then they replaced our flag at our embassy with a black Islamist flag!

According to the A.P., both attacks were triggered by a movie produced in the United States that protesters say is anti-Muslim. The AP further reports that movie was made by an anti-Muslim extremist. "On the Record" is tracking these breaking news stories and will bring you developments throughout the hour.


VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert," an American State Department officer killed in Libya, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now confirming the killing at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At least one other person was reportedly wounded after gunmen stormed the consulate. There are also reports of looting.

And there is even more violence tonight in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. According to the Associated Press, both attacks were triggered by an anti-Muslim film produced here in the United States. [Fox News, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, 9/11/12, via Nexis]

Fox's Bret Baier: "There Was ... Protest Over The Video At The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Baier reported that there was a "protest over the video" in Benghazi:

BAIER: There was also protest over the video at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Report says an armed mob set fire to that building. [Fox News, Special Report with Bret Baier, 9/11/12]

Fox's Dana Perino: "An American Citizen Died ... It Is Happening Across The Middle East Because Of A Video That Was Produced In The United States." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Fox host Dana Perino explained that there were many protests occurring throughout the Middle East and North Africa over the anti-Islam video, and blamed a protest over the video for the death of Americans in Benghazi:

DANA PERINO: There has been a lot of talk in the last couple weeks about hard truths. But the people in the Muslim world -- can deal with hard truths as well. They need to be communicated to in a way that they could understand. The other thing is that there were other protests that were sparked today and an American person -- an American citizen died --


PERINO: In Libya. So it is not just happening in Egypt. It is happening across the Middle East because of a video that was produced in the United States. [Fox News, Hannity, 9/11/12]

Associated Press Report Cited By Fox Was Based On Information From The Libyan Government
AP Report Cited By Fox Got Information From Libyan Government Official, Not Clinton Or The Obama Administration. The Associated Press reported at 5:17 pm, prior to the airing of Fox's Special Report or On the Record, that a Libyan official said the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi was stormed "after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad." From the AP report:

A Libyan Interior Ministry official says armed men have stormed the US consulate in east Libya's Benghazi and set it ablaze after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad, which was reportedly produced in America.

Witnesses say Tuesday's attack left much of the consulate burned. It came hours after ultraconservative Islamist demonstrators in Egypt climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to protest the film.

Wanis al-Sharef, an interior ministry official in Benghazi, says the attackers stormed the consulate after firing in the air. [Associated Press, 9/11/12]
But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself Reported That The Video Inspired The Attack
Greta Van Susteren: "Both Attacks Were Triggered By A Movie Produced In The United States That Protesters Say Is Anti-Muslim." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Van Susteren twice repeated an Associated Press story that cited an anti-Islam video as a trigger for the Benghazi attack:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert." An American consulate worker murdered and at least one other wounded in the American consulate in Libya, that according to the Libyan security officials. The Associated Press is now reporting the American was shot to death when gunmen stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and clashed with security forces.

And there is more violence against America tonight, this time in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. They climbed the embassy walls, they ripped down our American flag, they burned our flag, and then they replaced our flag at our embassy with a black Islamist flag!

According to the A.P., both attacks were triggered by a movie produced in the United States that protesters say is anti-Muslim. The AP further reports that movie was made by an anti-Muslim extremist. "On the Record" is tracking these breaking news stories and will bring you developments throughout the hour.


VAN SUSTEREN: This is a "FOX News Alert," an American State Department officer killed in Libya, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now confirming the killing at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At least one other person was reportedly wounded after gunmen stormed the consulate. There are also reports of looting.

And there is even more violence tonight in Cairo, Egypt, thousands of protesters marching on the U.S. embassy. According to the Associated Press, both attacks were triggered by an anti-Muslim film produced here in the United States. [Fox News, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, 9/11/12, via Nexis]

Fox's Bret Baier: "There Was ... Protest Over The Video At The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, Baier reported that there was a "protest over the video" in Benghazi:

BAIER: There was also protest over the video at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Report says an armed mob set fire to that building. [Fox News, Special Report with Bret Baier, 9/11/12]

Fox's Dana Perino: "An American Citizen Died ... It Is Happening Across The Middle East Because Of A Video That Was Produced In The United States." On the September 11, 2012 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Fox host Dana Perino explained that there were many protests occurring throughout the Middle East and North Africa over the anti-Islam video, and blamed a protest over the video for the death of Americans in Benghazi:

DANA PERINO: There has been a lot of talk in the last couple weeks about hard truths. But the people in the Muslim world -- can deal with hard truths as well. They need to be communicated to in a way that they could understand. The other thing is that there were other protests that were sparked today and an American person -- an American citizen died --


PERINO: In Libya. So it is not just happening in Egypt. It is happening across the Middle East because of a video that was produced in the United States. [Fox News, Hannity, 9/11/12]

Associated Press Report Cited By Fox Was Based On Information From The Libyan Government
AP Report Cited By Fox Got Information From Libyan Government Official, Not Clinton Or The Obama Administration. The Associated Press reported at 5:17 pm, prior to the airing of Fox's Special Report or On the Record, that a Libyan official said the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi was stormed "after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad." From the AP report:

A Libyan Interior Ministry official says armed men have stormed the US consulate in east Libya's Benghazi and set it ablaze after a protest against a video deemed insulting to Islam's prophet, Muhammad, which was reportedly produced in America.

Witnesses say Tuesday's attack left much of the consulate burned. It came hours after ultraconservative Islamist demonstrators in Egypt climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to protest the film.

Wanis al-Sharef, an interior ministry official in Benghazi, says the attackers stormed the consulate after firing in the air. [Associated Press, 9/11/12]

"On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Van Susteren twice repeated an Associated Press story"

Lay off the Blotter acid

Apparently you cheery pick what you want to believe.

Both Clinton and Bush got warnings of 9-11 and neither were able to do anything. Vague warnings. No where, when or how.

Of course they could have both shut the country down but I'm sure the citizens would get pretty damned sick of that.

Not much either one could do without solid evidence of where and when.
Wait ... what?? You claim both received warnings and neither was able to do anything about it???

What a bald-faced lie. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Clinton did do something about it. He had airport security raised and thwarted the plot. Years later, terrorists regrouped and tried again. This time, they found a dumbfucking imbecile for a president who either didn't take the threat seriously or didn't care.

Blame those responsible. The dirtbag Muslims who flew the planes.
Rather revealing how you don't do that over Benghazi.
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