Benghazi Hero’s Dad Reveals Bombshell Document That Could PROVE Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

Apparently you cheery pick what you want to believe.

Both Clinton and Bush got warnings of 9-11 and neither were able to do anything. Vague warnings. No where, when or how.

Of course they could have both shut the country down but I'm sure the citizens would get pretty damned sick of that.

Not much either one could do without solid evidence of where and when.
Wait ... what?? You claim both received warnings and neither was able to do anything about it???

What a bald-faced lie. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Clinton did do something about it. He had airport security raised and thwarted the plot. Years later, terrorists regrouped and tried again. This time, they found a dumbfucking imbecile for a president who either didn't take the threat seriously or didn't care.

Blame those responsible. The dirtbag Muslims who flew the planes.
Rather revealing how you don't do that over Benghazi.

Oh and what did you expect them to do idiot??

Shut down the entire country? Stop all airplanes? For how long. They had vague warnings not when, where or how.

Yup. Lets shut the whole country down and see how long the public puts up with that?

Oh and I blame the dirtbags at Benghazi.

Our State Department had plenty of warning that an attack was imminent. If our folks had been pulled out then Benghazi would never have happened.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those same warnings seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. We should have done the same.

The State Department under Clinton did nothing.

If you can't see the difference then there is no help for you at all.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

This is from MSNBC not exactly a right wing bastion of conservative news reporting.
Apparently you cheery pick what you want to believe.

Both Clinton and Bush got warnings of 9-11 and neither were able to do anything. Vague warnings. No where, when or how.

Of course they could have both shut the country down but I'm sure the citizens would get pretty damned sick of that.

Not much either one could do without solid evidence of where and when.
Wait ... what?? You claim both received warnings and neither was able to do anything about it???

What a bald-faced lie. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Clinton did do something about it. He had airport security raised and thwarted the plot. Years later, terrorists regrouped and tried again. This time, they found a dumbfucking imbecile for a president who either didn't take the threat seriously or didn't care.

Blame those responsible. The dirtbag Muslims who flew the planes.
Rather revealing how you don't do that over Benghazi.

Oh and what did you expect them to do idiot??

Shut down the entire country? Stop all airplanes? For how long. They had vague warnings not when, where or how.

Yup. Lets shut the whole country down and see how long the public puts up with that?

Oh and I blame the dirtbags at Benghazi.

Our State Department had plenty of warning that an attack was imminent. If our folks had been pulled out then Benghazi would never have happened.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those same warnings seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. We should have done the same.

The State Department under Clinton did nothing.

If you can't see the difference then there is no help for you at all.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

This is from MSNBC not exactly a right wing bastion of conservative news reporting.

No, that was their solution for the right's Ebola fear mania. Wrong decade.
i'm not sure which is more scary, misleading intentionally the country just before a national election, or the Americans so easily misled.
That is a good question. Why is the committee misleading the country, wash?
i meant more like the orchestration of the video story, just before the 12 election. it's pretty simple jake.

if you are a republican why do you write and think like trotsky. sometimes you an dante seem like the same comrade. you are a full time poster here, i'll try to get a better read on your political spectrum. too late for dante. sorry dante.

it's a political cover up. we know this now. we know hillary burned lots of email, that preserving government record will be a good thing to work on for the next administration.

let's put it to a vote: whom is likely to be corrupt, trey gowdy or hillary clinton. what is disconcerting is this culture of lying, that is somehow ok with the voters.
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i'm afraid that boat has sailed for starkey, sorry jake, but you are in the top five faithful libs on this board. hillary justifies the means, damn the costs. some feel that way about the republicans. we can't lose that, it's healthy.
however, "i misspoke" is the new whatever.
You are talking out of your butt. I am a mainstream Republican, and you with Frank are far right loons. The committee has not made the conclusions you and Frank jump to. Tis what its.

The Committee hasn't cleared your girl either as you keep saying
And the FBI is still investigating her.
that's still a big thing.
Now you creeps are on the right path: the FBI.

Committee has blown its shot.

FBI is still in the hunt.
this still bothers me: one month after the attack:

i wish they (democrats) were as good at leading as they are at scandals.
i get the feeling obama's campaign had some backroom meetings about this.
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i'm not sure which is more scary, misleading intentionally the country just before a national election, or the Americans so easily misled.
That is a good question. Why is the committee misleading the country, wash?
i meant more like the orchestration of the video story, just before the 12 election. it's pretty simple jake.

if you are a republican why do you write and think like trotsky. sometimes you an dante seem like the same comrade. you are a full time poster here, i'll try to get a better read on your political spectrum. too late for dante. sorry dante.

it's a political cover up. we know this now. we know hillary burned lots of email, that preserving government record will be a good thing to work on for the next administration.

let's put it to a vote: whom is likely to be corrupt, trey gowdy or hillary clinton. what is disconcerting is this culture of lying, that is somehow ok with the voters.
Wash, you are a birther, so your cred is very, very limited.

I am for Kasich, not Hillary.

I am for America before either party.

The American far right wants to go back to a time that does not exist except in their heads, and the far right will use, abuse, and misuse anything to try to get what it wants.

The point is that the great majority of America does not want to return to the sixties.
Now you creeps are on the right path: the FBI.

Committee has blown its shot.

FBI is still in the hunt.

Jake, do you have a different Benghazi Committee in mind? I keep checking and there's no update since 10/22 when they got Hillary to admit she lied to cover up a terrorist attack
her own emails proved that she lied. there is no question about that. it has been established by her own written records.

Yes enough already she's a lying scum liberal they are a dime a dozen. Her base doesn't care one iota if she's a liar, we point out that she's a liar and they just shrug their shoulders and say so what. I see no point in pursuing it further. Lets focus on her anti-2nd amendment rantings and love of illegals, enough with Benghazi. if anyone needed any more evidence! Hillary's own e-mails prove it. fact-checked it and proved she lied. The only people who don't think she lied are delusional liberals STILL trying to defend Hillary and Hilary herself.
Apparently you cheery pick what you want to believe.

Both Clinton and Bush got warnings of 9-11 and neither were able to do anything. Vague warnings. No where, when or how.

Of course they could have both shut the country down but I'm sure the citizens would get pretty damned sick of that.

Not much either one could do without solid evidence of where and when.
Wait ... what?? You claim both received warnings and neither was able to do anything about it???

What a bald-faced lie. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Clinton did do something about it. He had airport security raised and thwarted the plot. Years later, terrorists regrouped and tried again. This time, they found a dumbfucking imbecile for a president who either didn't take the threat seriously or didn't care.

Blame those responsible. The dirtbag Muslims who flew the planes.
Rather revealing how you don't do that over Benghazi.

Oh and what did you expect them to do idiot??

Shut down the entire country? Stop all airplanes? For how long. They had vague warnings not when, where or how.

Yup. Lets shut the whole country down and see how long the public puts up with that?

Oh and I blame the dirtbags at Benghazi.

Our State Department had plenty of warning that an attack was imminent. If our folks had been pulled out then Benghazi would never have happened.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those same warnings seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. We should have done the same.

The State Department under Clinton did nothing.

If you can't see the difference then there is no help for you at all.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

This is from MSNBC not exactly a right wing bastion of conservative news reporting.
Damn, are you ever retarded. No, they didn't have to do that. They could have just increased airport security. You know, like Clinton did in 1998 to thwart an attack after he received a similar PDB warning about terrorists preparing to hijack airplaned.

While you attempt to make it sound like a horrible idea that would inconvenience millions, you don't even realize Clinton did it and you didn't even know about it.

Meanwhile, Bush gets a warning that terrorsts are preparing to hijack commercial flights and does absolutely fucking nothing to prevent that from happening.
Meanwhile, Bush gets a warning that terrorsts are preparing to hijack commercial flights and does absolutely fucking nothing to prevent that from happening.
The FBI gets hundreds of threats a year they have to investigate and verify.
The warnings did not say where, when, or other critical pieces of information.
At the time airline policy was for pilots to comply with whatever hijackers wanted because at the time NO ONE ever dreamed anyone would use airliners as weapons/bombs.

...but hell, it's easy to play Monday Morning QB, though...if you had been President you would have stopped 9/11/01 from happening, right?! :p

It's not like the President of Russia and Russian Intel called him up and gave him the names/identities of the terrorists months in advance - in time to stop the attacks - and told him they had been to terrorist training camps, were now living in the US, and were going to attack the what happened with Obama before the Boston bombing.
Meanwhile, Bush gets a warning that terrorsts are preparing to hijack commercial flights and does absolutely fucking nothing to prevent that from happening.
The FBI gets hundreds of threats a year they have to investigate and verify.
The warnings did not say where, when, or other critical pieces of information.
At the time airline policy was for pilots to comply with whatever hijackers wanted because at the time NO ONE ever dreamed anyone would use airliners as weapons/bombs.

...but hell, it's easy to play Monday Morning QB, though...if you had been President you would have stopped 9/11/01 from happening, right?! :p

It's not like the President of Russia and Russian Intel called him up and gave him the names/identities of the terrorists months in advance - in time to stop the attacks - and told him they had been to terrorist training camps, were now living in the US, and were going to attack the what happened with Obama before the Boston bombing.

Clinton received a similar warning that terrorists were preparing to hijack airplanes. He did something to try and prevent such an attack. He raised airport security and there was no attack. Years later, terrorists regroup and try again. This time, Bush gets the warning that terrorists were preparing to hijack airplanes. Unlike Clinton, he ignores the warnings.

Result of doing absolutely fucking nothing?

Four planes hijacked in a single morning, 3000 people murdered, Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Only a brain-dead sycophant would argue that doing absolutely fucking nothing was better than trying something to prevent an attack.
What a fortunate occurence for Trey Gowdy that the men who died in Benghazi have Fox News Republicans for parents.

Talk about exploiting suffering to further their political agenda

Do us all a favor and go fuck yourself
Of course parents are going to lash out at whoever they can after a loss like that.

The Benghazi committee hasn't found anything that proves Hillary caused the deaths of any of them.

You sure couldn't tell by the way Fox News, and people like you are using their grief as a political football.

You should go fuck yourself

The scumbag in the WH invites the Muslim brotherhood, Illegal aliens and the junior Jihad clock bomber, he hasn't had Chris Stevens or Brian Terry's family over.

So, in closing, go fuck yourself

Remember that you're dealing with rightwing partisan hacks, blind to their partisanism, and angry that they've failed to 'get Clinton' with their lies about 'Benghazi.'
That sounds more like the red meat polticians and conservative media are throwing out.

I'm inclined to believe the righties on this site, that are outraged about Benghazi, probably actually believe Hillary caused the deaths of those men. The politicians and righty media know it's not true
Apparently you cheery pick what you want to believe.

Both Clinton and Bush got warnings of 9-11 and neither were able to do anything. Vague warnings. No where, when or how.

Of course they could have both shut the country down but I'm sure the citizens would get pretty damned sick of that.

Not much either one could do without solid evidence of where and when.
Wait ... what?? You claim both received warnings and neither was able to do anything about it???

What a bald-faced lie. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Clinton did do something about it. He had airport security raised and thwarted the plot. Years later, terrorists regrouped and tried again. This time, they found a dumbfucking imbecile for a president who either didn't take the threat seriously or didn't care.

Blame those responsible. The dirtbag Muslims who flew the planes.
Rather revealing how you don't do that over Benghazi.

Oh and what did you expect them to do idiot??

Shut down the entire country? Stop all airplanes? For how long. They had vague warnings not when, where or how.

Yup. Lets shut the whole country down and see how long the public puts up with that?

Oh and I blame the dirtbags at Benghazi.

Our State Department had plenty of warning that an attack was imminent. If our folks had been pulled out then Benghazi would never have happened.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those same warnings seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. We should have done the same.

The State Department under Clinton did nothing.

If you can't see the difference then there is no help for you at all.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

This is from MSNBC not exactly a right wing bastion of conservative news reporting.
Damn, are you ever retarded. No, they didn't have to do that. They could have just increased airport security. You know, like Clinton did in 1998 to thwart an attack after he received a similar PDB warning about terrorists preparing to hijack airplaned.

While you attempt to make it sound like a horrible idea that would inconvenience millions, you don't even realize Clinton did it and you didn't even know about it.

Meanwhile, Bush gets a warning that terrorsts are preparing to hijack commercial flights and does absolutely fucking nothing to prevent that from happening.

Airport security?? What are you dumb or what. You expect air port security would spot anything??

Good God. Airport security was a joke.

Get real. Bush will forever get the blame because he was POTUS. If Clinton had been POTUS he would have gotten the blame.

Clinton upped airport security thereby covering his ass.

Did Bush get warnings??

A White House official acknowledged to ABCNEWS that the information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation department and national security agencies weeks before the attacks. But, the official said the threat of a hijacking by bin Laden's al Qaeda organization was general in nature, did not mention a specific time or place and was similar to the variety of different terrorist threats U.S. intelligence monitors frequently.

As I said. Shut down the whole country?? I doubt any POTUS would have done that on vague warnings.

Bush Warned of Hijackings Before 9-11
Frank, that is your mistaken and desperately wished for none fact only.

Jake apparently Hillary lied about the stand down order as well. Might want to sell your "Republican for Hillary 2016!" posters while there's still a market for them
Apparently you cheery pick what you want to believe.

Both Clinton and Bush got warnings of 9-11 and neither were able to do anything. Vague warnings. No where, when or how.

Of course they could have both shut the country down but I'm sure the citizens would get pretty damned sick of that.

Not much either one could do without solid evidence of where and when.
Wait ... what?? You claim both received warnings and neither was able to do anything about it???

What a bald-faced lie. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Clinton did do something about it. He had airport security raised and thwarted the plot. Years later, terrorists regrouped and tried again. This time, they found a dumbfucking imbecile for a president who either didn't take the threat seriously or didn't care.

Blame those responsible. The dirtbag Muslims who flew the planes.
Rather revealing how you don't do that over Benghazi.

Oh and what did you expect them to do idiot??

Shut down the entire country? Stop all airplanes? For how long. They had vague warnings not when, where or how.

Yup. Lets shut the whole country down and see how long the public puts up with that?

Oh and I blame the dirtbags at Benghazi.

Our State Department had plenty of warning that an attack was imminent. If our folks had been pulled out then Benghazi would never have happened.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those same warnings seriously enough to pull their people out of Libya. We should have done the same.

The State Department under Clinton did nothing.

If you can't see the difference then there is no help for you at all.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

This is from MSNBC not exactly a right wing bastion of conservative news reporting.
Damn, are you ever retarded. No, they didn't have to do that. They could have just increased airport security. You know, like Clinton did in 1998 to thwart an attack after he received a similar PDB warning about terrorists preparing to hijack airplaned.

While you attempt to make it sound like a horrible idea that would inconvenience millions, you don't even realize Clinton did it and you didn't even know about it.

Meanwhile, Bush gets a warning that terrorsts are preparing to hijack commercial flights and does absolutely fucking nothing to prevent that from happening.

Airport security?? What are you dumb or what. You expect air port security would spot anything??

Good God. Airport security was a joke.

Get real. Bush will forever get the blame because he was POTUS. If Clinton had been POTUS he would have gotten the blame.

Clinton upped airport security thereby covering his ass.

Did Bush get warnings??

A White House official acknowledged to ABCNEWS that the information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation department and national security agencies weeks before the attacks. But, the official said the threat of a hijacking by bin Laden's al Qaeda organization was general in nature, did not mention a specific time or place and was similar to the variety of different terrorist threats U.S. intelligence monitors frequently.

As I said. Shut down the whole country?? I doubt any POTUS would have done that on vague warnings.

Bush Warned of Hijackings Before 9-11
Again... Clinton raised airport security after receiving a warning that terrorists were preparing to hijack airplanes. And there was no attack. Yet here you are, criticizing increasing airport security I'm the face of hijack warnings.

Clinton is warned terrorists were preparing to hijack airplanes and responds by increasing airport security.

Result? No planes hijacked, zero people killed. Zero buildings bombed.

Bush is warned terrorists were preparing to hijack airplanes an responds by doing absolutely fucking nothing.

Result? 4 planes hijacked. 3000 people killed. Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Morons jeer Clinton's actions and cheer Bush's. :cuckoo:
Frank, that is your mistaken and desperately wished for none fact only.

Jake apparently Hillary lied about the stand down order as well. Might want to sell your "Republican for Hillary 2016!" posters while there's still a market for them
After 7 GOP-led investigations concluded, none found there was a stand down order. The GOP really sucks, huh? They can't seem to prove any of their accusations. :mm:

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