Benghazi: Smart Republicans Debunk Dumb Republican Claims


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Seems like they're fighting in the schoolyard again!

I appreciate the service of Brigadier General Robert Lovell and his willingness to testify. He confirmed what my committee has understood for some time, that the military never believed this was a protest gone bad, and that the President fundamentally failed to posture our forces respond to any emergency in the weeks before 9/11.”

"Beyond those confirmations, BG Lovell did not serve in a capacity that gave him reliable insight into operational options available to commanders during the attack, nor did he offer specific courses of action not taken. The Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond.

And the attacks on Issa's witch hunt continue from his own party.

The never-ending political spat over Benghazi flared up again this week as Republicans made another round of allegations that the Obama administration covered up material facts about the 2012 attack that left four Americans dead. The White House again accused the GOP of waging a partisan witch hunt.

But in a new twist, the traditional partisan battle lines scrambled on Thursday when one House GOP chairman appeared to directly contradict claims by Darrell Issa, the face of the years-long Benghazi investigations, about alleged wrongdoing by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Earlier this year on Feb. 17, Rep. Issa (R-CA), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Republicans at a New Hampshire fundraiser he suspects Clinton ordered the Defense Department to "stand down" instead of help the Americans whose lives were at risk in the Benghazi attacks.

"I have my suspicions, which is Secretary Clinton told Leon [Panetta] to stand down, and we all heard about the stand-down order for two military personnel. That order is undeniable," said Issa, who went on to hold hearings on the matter as Democrats angrily accused him of lobbying unsubstantiated allegations.

On Thursday, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-CA) released a statement that contradicted Issa's insinuation and instead suggested Clinton's State Department responded quickly to the attacks.

"The Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond," McKeon said.
Lying Liberal Lies! Liberal Liars! Lieberals! Liberal Sharia Jew Media LIES!!! Reagan clone/Palin 2016!
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to by the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists and send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that Obama lied to the American people about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American people.

It's a lie and the most despicable thing is that all you liberal assholes know it was wrong and know he lied and know they are still lying but you don't care. You only care that your guy won and that he has to continue to win. Right or wrong makes no difference to you immoral scumbags.

Disgusting douchebags all of you.
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4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to be the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists a d send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that I AMA lied to the Erica's peoe about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American pe

53 attacks under Bush, and only three went to investigation. Stop hiding behind the idea you give a shit about 4 people dying. that's an afternoon in chicago and i see nothing out of you.

4 people dying, like you give a fucking shit you partisan hack.
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to be the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists a d send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that I AMA lied to the Erica's peoe about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American pe

53 attacks under Bush, and only three went to investigation. Stop hiding behind the idea you give a shit about 4 people dying. that's an afternoon in chicago and i see nothing out of you.

4 people dying, like you give a fucking shit you partisan hack.

You're the worst. Bush never lied about the attacks on the embassy. What a low life moron you are.
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to by the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists and send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that Obama lied to the American people about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American people.

It's a lie and the most despicable thing is that all you liberal assholes know it was wrong and know he lied and know they are still lying but you don't care. You only care that your guy won and that he has to continue to win. Right or wrong makes no difference to you immoral scumbags.

Disgusting douchebags all of you.

So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to by the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists and send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that Obama lied to the American people about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American people.

It's a lie and the most despicable thing is that all you liberal assholes know it was wrong and know he lied and know they are still lying but you don't care. You only care that your guy won and that he has to continue to win. Right or wrong makes no difference to you immoral scumbags.

Disgusting douchebags all of you.

So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?

Just stop asshole. That isnt the point. He lied and continues to lie. You and everyone else know its a lie and to defend him is partisan hack stupidity.
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to be the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists a d send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that I AMA lied to the Erica's peoe about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American pe

53 attacks under Bush, and only three went to investigation. Stop hiding behind the idea you give a shit about 4 people dying. that's an afternoon in chicago and i see nothing out of you.

4 people dying, like you give a fucking shit you partisan hack.

You're the worst. Bush never lied about the attacks on the embassy. What a low life moron you are.

well Obama didnt either....but hey whatever you need to do to punt on the fact 53 attacks happened under Bush and you said shit.

you lost...Move on chump
4 people died. Human beings. The country was lied to and is still being lied to by the Obama administration and the democrats. Why would they lie? They didn't organize the terrorists and send them to the embassy? What is the reason for the lie? Oh right. The reason they lied and still lie is that Obama lied to the American people about his effectiveness at foreign policy and this proved it. The president had to be protected at all costs so they made up a lie and pushed that on the American people.

It's a lie and the most despicable thing is that all you liberal assholes know it was wrong and know he lied and know they are still lying but you don't care. You only care that your guy won and that he has to continue to win. Right or wrong makes no difference to you immoral scumbags.

Disgusting douchebags all of you.

So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?

Just stop asshole. That isnt the point. He lied and continues to lie. You and everyone else know its a lie and to defend him is partisan hack stupidity.

Somehow this little partisan rag has the first news release of the investigation committee. Listen to what the guy on the bench says. Listen carefully. More later.
Boehner to Appoint Benghazi Investigation Committee - Video
And this is exactly the point. Republicans really want to damage national security? Fine, do it. But they are going to at least get the story straight.
53 attacks under Bush, and only three went to investigation. Stop hiding behind the idea you give a shit about 4 people dying. that's an afternoon in chicago and i see nothing out of you.

4 people dying, like you give a fucking shit you partisan hack.

You're the worst. Bush never lied about the attacks on the embassy. What a low life moron you are.

well Obama didnt either....but hey whatever you need to do to punt on the fact 53 attacks happened under Bush and you said shit.

you lost...Move on chump

Oh look the moron chooses to bring up Bush? How pathetic. Obama didnt lie? Thanks for volunteering up yourself as example of exactly what I was talking about idiot. You are the worst of the worst. Partisan hack, moron, and extremist stooge. You're batting 1000 dumbass. Good job.
So it was an attack? There would have not been an attack if Ambassador Stevens was not there. How did the attackers have enough notice to organize an attack? It was an organized attack after all. President Obama to blame for that too? No? You really want all the answers?

Just stop asshole. That isnt the point. He lied and continues to lie. You and everyone else know its a lie and to defend him is partisan hack stupidity.

Somehow this little partisan rag has the first news release of the investigation committee. Listen to what the guy on the bench says. Listen carefully. More later.
Boehner to Appoint Benghazi Investigation Committee - Video
And this is exactly the point. Republicans really want to damage national security? Fine, do it. But they are going to at least get the story straight.

Did Obama lie about the reason for the attack or not?
You're the worst. Bush never lied about the attacks on the embassy. What a low life moron you are.

well Obama didnt either....but hey whatever you need to do to punt on the fact 53 attacks happened under Bush and you said shit.

you lost...Move on chump

Oh look the moron chooses to bring up Bush? How pathetic. Obama didnt lie? Thanks for volunteering up yourself as example of exactly what I was talking about idiot. You are the worst of the worst. Partisan hack, moron, and extremist stooge. You're batting 1000 dumbass. Good job.

hey you posted nothing....good for you
Just stop asshole. That isnt the point. He lied and continues to lie. You and everyone else know its a lie and to defend him is partisan hack stupidity.

Somehow this little partisan rag has the first news release of the investigation committee. Listen to what the guy on the bench says. Listen carefully. More later.
Boehner to Appoint Benghazi Investigation Committee - Video
And this is exactly the point. Republicans really want to damage national security? Fine, do it. But they are going to at least get the story straight.

Did Obama lie about the reason for the attack or not?

It would appear someone knows more that others. Save me some typing here and please inform the others of the rest of the story.
Seems like they're fighting in the schoolyard again!

I appreciate the service of Brigadier General Robert Lovell and his willingness to testify. He confirmed what my committee has understood for some time, that the military never believed this was a protest gone bad, and that the President fundamentally failed to posture our forces respond to any emergency in the weeks before 9/11.”

"Beyond those confirmations, BG Lovell did not serve in a capacity that gave him reliable insight into operational options available to commanders during the attack, nor did he offer specific courses of action not taken. The Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond.
And the attacks on Issa's witch hunt continue from his own party.

The never-ending political spat over Benghazi flared up again this week as Republicans made another round of allegations that the Obama administration covered up material facts about the 2012 attack that left four Americans dead. The White House again accused the GOP of waging a partisan witch hunt.

But in a new twist, the traditional partisan battle lines scrambled on Thursday when one House GOP chairman appeared to directly contradict claims by Darrell Issa, the face of the years-long Benghazi investigations, about alleged wrongdoing by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Earlier this year on Feb. 17, Rep. Issa (R-CA), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Republicans at a New Hampshire fundraiser he suspects Clinton ordered the Defense Department to "stand down" instead of help the Americans whose lives were at risk in the Benghazi attacks.

"I have my suspicions, which is Secretary Clinton told Leon [Panetta] to stand down, and we all heard about the stand-down order for two military personnel. That order is undeniable," said Issa, who went on to hold hearings on the matter as Democrats angrily accused him of lobbying unsubstantiated allegations.

On Thursday, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-CA) released a statement that contradicted Issa's insinuation and instead suggested Clinton's State Department responded quickly to the attacks.

"The Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond," McKeon said.

In response to the bolded...

Then why weren't the FAST teams deployed directly to Benghazi instead of being sent to Tripoli? Hmm? It took them a full 24 hours to prepare, by then it was too late to save the lives of those four men.

I rewatched the hearing, and it was interesting that at the very end, as Jason Chaffetz was questioning AFRICOM General Lovell; he said that these teams were ordered to change into civilian clothing. These men are supposed to be in uniform while in combat or rescue operations. But as Lovell put it, "I don't want to see that happen again."

So, if an order came in to switch out of uniform, then who the hell sent them to Tripoli?!
Somehow this little partisan rag has the first news release of the investigation committee. Listen to what the guy on the bench says. Listen carefully. More later.
Boehner to Appoint Benghazi Investigation Committee - Video
And this is exactly the point. Republicans really want to damage national security? Fine, do it. But they are going to at least get the story straight.

Did Obama lie about the reason for the attack or not?

It would appear someone knows more that others. Save me some typing here and please inform the others of the rest of the story.

Typical democrat. How much typing is required for a yes or no answer? Never mind, you have already answered. You don't have the honesty or integrity to speak the truth, I no longer need to hear you say it. Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of what I was saying.
Seems like they're fighting in the schoolyard again!

I appreciate the service of Brigadier General Robert Lovell and his willingness to testify. He confirmed what my committee has understood for some time, that the military never believed this was a protest gone bad, and that the President fundamentally failed to posture our forces respond to any emergency in the weeks before 9/11.”

"Beyond those confirmations, BG Lovell did not serve in a capacity that gave him reliable insight into operational options available to commanders during the attack, nor did he offer specific courses of action not taken. The Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond.
And the attacks on Issa's witch hunt continue from his own party.

The never-ending political spat over Benghazi flared up again this week as Republicans made another round of allegations that the Obama administration covered up material facts about the 2012 attack that left four Americans dead. The White House again accused the GOP of waging a partisan witch hunt.

But in a new twist, the traditional partisan battle lines scrambled on Thursday when one House GOP chairman appeared to directly contradict claims by Darrell Issa, the face of the years-long Benghazi investigations, about alleged wrongdoing by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Earlier this year on Feb. 17, Rep. Issa (R-CA), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Republicans at a New Hampshire fundraiser he suspects Clinton ordered the Defense Department to "stand down" instead of help the Americans whose lives were at risk in the Benghazi attacks.

"I have my suspicions, which is Secretary Clinton told Leon [Panetta] to stand down, and we all heard about the stand-down order for two military personnel. That order is undeniable," said Issa, who went on to hold hearings on the matter as Democrats angrily accused him of lobbying unsubstantiated allegations.

On Thursday, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-CA) released a statement that contradicted Issa's insinuation and instead suggested Clinton's State Department responded quickly to the attacks.

"The Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond," McKeon said.

In response to the bolded...

Then why weren't the FAST teams deployed directly to Benghazi instead of being sent to Tripoli? Hmm? It took them a full 24 hours to prepare, by then it was too late to save the lives of those four men.

I rewatched the hearing, and it was interesting that at the very end, as Jason Chaffetz was questioning AFRICOM General Lovell; he said that these teams were ordered to change into civilian clothing. These men are supposed to be in uniform while in combat or rescue operations. But as Lovell put it, "I don't want to see that happen again."

So, if an order came in to switch out of uniform, then who the hell sent them to Tripoli?!

The transition of the ARFICOM command during this timeframe is just another one of those coincidences in the whole story timeline here.
Did Obama lie about the reason for the attack or not?

It would appear someone knows more that others. Save me some typing here and please inform the others of the rest of the story.

Typical democrat. How much typing is required for a yes or no answer? Never mind, you have already answered. You don't have the honesty or integrity to speak the truth, I no longer need to hear you say it. Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of what I was saying.

What? You think the context is not relevant? It is not quite as cut-n-dried as all that, now is it? Now I ask again, you care to share or are you just another 'use Benghazi for political points' asshole. Don't fucking wave the Flag and piss on it at the same time. If you want to talk about scum who make me sick I'm all for it.

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