Benghazi: USMB Right Winger Validates Dante's Thesis

I'm sure the relatives and families of those four dead men would have a different take on it.

Of course you don't care about four dead men. All you care about is defending your boy Barry.

I'm also sure you could also give shit one that Barry jetted off to a fundraiser while his consulate was attacked. He had his priorities after all and an attack by AQ on his consulate sure wasn't one of em.

there you go using victims .. yet you would attack victims for going to Congress to speak and sitting with the President.

see the difference? You use victims without their permission or knowledge. It's what makes you a nasty little small minded person
I'm sure the relatives and families of those four dead men would have a different take on it.

Of course you don't care about four dead men. All you care about is defending your boy Barry.

I'm also sure you could also give shit one that Barry jetted off to a fundraiser while his consulate was attacked. He had his priorities after all and an attack by AQ on his consulate sure wasn't one of em.

there you go using victims .. yet you would attack victims for going to Congress to speak and sitting with the President.

see the difference? You use victims without their permission or knowledge. It's what makes you a nasty little small minded person

yeah lets compare those two situations..

those parents got involved in political issues

those parents know what happened

those parents didnt get a retarded excuse for the cause like a video?

the OP is well thought out and written. better than most shit here.

Dante is tired of the right wing staff pulling shit here


seriously, it's funny and sort of sad...but this place has never been ready for prime time

not even close to truth dante. while you were verbose, your OP is nothing but an ad hom filled with false premises. for starters, you cite one person as evidence to support your thesis. you clearly have never been to college as you would know that citing one single source would never give a passing thesis, let alone, a passing freshman paper.

your OP is nothing but self aggrandizement. you are in love with yourself. you speak of yourself in glowing terms everyday. no one loves you as much as you love yourself dante.

how many times do you kiss your mirror everyday? ....wait...i don't want to know.

again Professor, using an example that 'validates' a premise or thesis is not an argument that the one example is all there is. It is an example of what is out there. Others posted and added to the examples.

You too post and unwittingly add to the 'evidence' of how credible and true the Dante thesis on Benghazi is

unfortunately for you, you only cited one example to 'validate' your claim

poor dante

grade = F
Benghazi: USMB Right Winger Validates Dante's Thesis

America did NOT vote for President Obama because not enough was know about Benghazi

America voted for Obama because team Obama targeted the new demographics and more with micro data, while team Romney went after funders and cash using micro data. People vote, money does not (yet).

Dante's thesis has been the Right Wing World Noise Machine has riled and rallied it's based by feeding them the imbecilic notion that if more had been known about security issues in Benghazi, Obama would have lost the election. This comes after the collective nervous breakdown we all witnessed following the 2012 Presidential election, where the right kept the faith that all the pathetic and scurrilous attacks on President Obama and his family and friends would yield a one-term Presidency.

Right Wing World went into a tailspin of alarm, hysteria and panic as the numbers and demographics of the American voting public came in. America loves President Obama. What to do? The right wing base was demoralized and eating it's own. But...there was hope to go with the previous faith...the right wing base had been primed for believing any and all imbecilic and irrational notions when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th and current President of the United States of America, and the first African American to hold the office.

…. a winning message could keep the base in check and alarmed ... If only the right could get over the devastating loss to the lie that Obama could be beaten by going rightward. .. how to find one that resonates with the Right Wing World Conspiracy that President Obama does not love America like right wingers love America. hmmm, maybe try massaging a message on Benghazi that would play to the mob mentality of the right wing base that nothing contemptible is beneath Obama?

After a long series of hearings and Right Wing World Noise Machine finessing of a message we are now where we are...Congress doing what they did with President Clinton...all for political gain in 2014 and maybe, just maybe 2016. But real smart political operatives do not put much stock in controlling things as far out as 2016. The media will play the 2016 game, because it sells, but candidates and issues need to have funding and sponsors and advocates in place far ahead of time. This all takes time.

But the Machine has won. People like CrusaderFrank will admit it all if given enough bait to feel free to say what they actually think and believe.

American voters voted for Obama in 2012

Because he lied bout a terrorist attack on Sept 11, 2012

:clap2: thank you Frank (and others) thank you :clap2:

Validated you a stupid fool.
Benghazi: USMB Right Winger Validates Dante's Thesis

America did NOT vote for President Obama because not enough was know about Benghazi

America voted for Obama because team Obama targeted the new demographics and more with micro data, while team Romney went after funders and cash using micro data. People vote, money does not (yet).

Dante's thesis has been the Right Wing World Noise Machine has riled and rallied it's based by feeding them the imbecilic notion that if more had been known about security issues in Benghazi, Obama would have lost the election. This comes after the collective nervous breakdown we all witnessed following the 2012 Presidential election, where the right kept the faith that all the pathetic and scurrilous attacks on President Obama and his family and friends would yield a one-term Presidency.

Right Wing World went into a tailspin of alarm, hysteria and panic as the numbers and demographics of the American voting public came in. America loves President Obama. What to do? The right wing base was demoralized and eating it's own. But...there was hope to go with the previous faith...the right wing base had been primed for believing any and all imbecilic and irrational notions when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th and current President of the United States of America, and the first African American to hold the office.

…. a winning message could keep the base in check and alarmed ... If only the right could get over the devastating loss to the lie that Obama could be beaten by going rightward. .. how to find one that resonates with the Right Wing World Conspiracy that President Obama does not love America like right wingers love America. hmmm, maybe try massaging a message on Benghazi that would play to the mob mentality of the right wing base that nothing contemptible is beneath Obama?

After a long series of hearings and Right Wing World Noise Machine finessing of a message we are now where we are...Congress doing what they did with President Clinton...all for political gain in 2014 and maybe, just maybe 2016. But real smart political operatives do not put much stock in controlling things as far out as 2016. The media will play the 2016 game, because it sells, but candidates and issues need to have funding and sponsors and advocates in place far ahead of time. This all takes time.

But the Machine has won. People like CrusaderFrank will admit it all if given enough bait to feel free to say what they actually think and believe.

American voters voted for Obama in 2012

Because he lied bout a terrorist attack on Sept 11, 2012

:clap2: thank you Frank (and others) thank you :clap2:


And what 'thesis' would this be. Oh right. You didn't write one.
Lax security at the US Consulate in Benghazi? OMFG! Call Right Wing World. A crime has been uncovered. :rofl:

I think the state Dept addressed that. Could more have been done to protect Americans there? Of course, that truism can ALWAYS be thrown at the rabid hunters of conspiracies. Nothing is ever 100% safe.

Did somebody at the State Dept ask to scrub press releases and reports? Maybe, but so what? What crime has been committed? :laugh2:

gawd, the right is losing it. :laugh2:

Dante you're delusional and a moron.

When did they do that?

With the video remark, do you really still buy that? really? please say yes, please say yes!

Never said a video was cause of Benghazi attacks. Try to keep up

At the time the Muslim world was going as ape shit over the video, just as right wing world is now going :cuckoo: over Benghazi

The Diplomats in Tripoli were panic stricken and destroying documents and running away into reinforced safe houses. Why? Of course State and Defense and others were concerned about the Muslim world exploding during that time. :eusa_whistle:

You just just blamed muslims rioting on a video....the video had nothing to do with anythign.....God you're a fucking idiot

Dante thinks muslims rioted on 9/11 because of a video.....what a fucking tool

yeah I have to say it a third time....muslims rioting after OBama spiked the ball on Bin Laden....they were chanting we're all osamas.....yet he thinks they were rioting on a video...holy shit....dante you're too stupid to speak on any subject...

HAHA he knows how stupid it is so now he's trying to parse it, but he still caught himself......LOLOLOLOLOL
Dante you're delusional and a moron.

When did they do that?

With the video remark, do you really still buy that? really? please say yes, please say yes!

Never said a video was cause of Benghazi attacks. Try to keep up

At the time the Muslim world was going as ape shit over the video, just as right wing world is now going :cuckoo: over Benghazi

The Diplomats in Tripoli were panic stricken and destroying documents and running away into reinforced safe houses. Why? Of course State and Defense and others were concerned about the Muslim world exploding during that time. :eusa_whistle:

You just just blamed muslims rioting on a video....the video had nothing to do with anythign.....God you're a fucking idiot

Dante thinks muslims rioted on 9/11 because of a video.....what a fucking tool

yeah I have to say it a third time....muslims rioting after OBama spiked the ball on Bin Laden....they were chanting we're all osamas.....yet he thinks they were rioting on a video...holy shit....dante you're too stupid to speak on any subject...

HAHA he knows how stupid it is so now he's trying to parse it, but he still caught himself......LOLOLOLOLOL

Living in a vacuum has damaged your brain. The Foreign Service people in Tripoli were destroying important files and fleeing to reinforced safe houses. Why? Because of two attacks, 6 hours apart in Benghazi?

Benghazi taken out of context and put into the Right Wing Spin Machine happens out of context of the 'happenings' all over the Islamic world during a period that included 9/11 2012.

To deny the Foreign Service people were not thinking of the Video riots is to engage in partisan memory syndrome
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Benghazi: USMB Right Winger Validates Dante's Thesis

America did NOT vote for President Obama because not enough was know about Benghazi

America voted for Obama because team Obama targeted the new demographics and more with micro data, while team Romney went after funders and cash using micro data. People vote, money does not (yet).

Dante's thesis has been the Right Wing World Noise Machine has riled and rallied it's based by feeding them the imbecilic notion that if more had been known about security issues in Benghazi, Obama would have lost the election. This comes after the collective nervous breakdown we all witnessed following the 2012 Presidential election, where the right kept the faith that all the pathetic and scurrilous attacks on President Obama and his family and friends would yield a one-term Presidency.

Right Wing World went into a tailspin of alarm, hysteria and panic as the numbers and demographics of the American voting public came in. America loves President Obama. What to do? The right wing base was demoralized and eating it's own. But...there was hope to go with the previous faith...the right wing base had been primed for believing any and all imbecilic and irrational notions when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th and current President of the United States of America, and the first African American to hold the office.

…. a winning message could keep the base in check and alarmed ... If only the right could get over the devastating loss to the lie that Obama could be beaten by going rightward. .. how to find one that resonates with the Right Wing World Conspiracy that President Obama does not love America like right wingers love America. hmmm, maybe try massaging a message on Benghazi that would play to the mob mentality of the right wing base that nothing contemptible is beneath Obama?

After a long series of hearings and Right Wing World Noise Machine finessing of a message we are now where we are...Congress doing what they did with President Clinton...all for political gain in 2014 and maybe, just maybe 2016. But real smart political operatives do not put much stock in controlling things as far out as 2016. The media will play the 2016 game, because it sells, but candidates and issues need to have funding and sponsors and advocates in place far ahead of time. This all takes time.

But the Machine has won. People like CrusaderFrank will admit it all if given enough bait to feel free to say what they actually think and believe.

American voters voted for Obama in 2012

Because he lied bout a terrorist attack on Sept 11, 2012


nice try, but your entire "thesis" (sic) is flawed. Obama won in 08 and 12 because the GOP ran a bad candidate in 08 and the GOP ran a bad campaign in 12.

obama won because the media and half of the country were so swept up in the first black president that they did not care who he was or what he stood for.

he also won both times because conservatives and libertarians stayed home or voted 3rd party because they did not like either candidate.

media bias, poor candidates and campaigns got us the worst president in history, the most corrupt administration, and the worst economic policy since FDR.

It amazes me that you libs continue to celebrate such terrible policies and such masssive failures that obama has created.

Is it extreme ignorance or is there truth to the defective liberal gene "thesis"?
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nice try, but your entire "thesis" (sic) is flawed. Obama won in 08 and 12 because the GOP ran a bad candidate in 08 and the GOP ran a bad campaign in 12.

obama won because the media and half of the country were so swept up in the first black president that they did not care who he was or what he stood for.

he also won both times because conservatives and libertarians stayed home or voted 3rd party because they did not like either candidate.

media bias, poor candidates and campaigns got us the worst president in history, the most corrupt administration, and the worst economic policy since FDR.

It amazes me that you libs continue to celebrate such terrible policies and such masssive failures that obama has created.

Is it extreme ignorance or is there truth to the defective liberal gene "thesis"?

that's why the leadership in the GOP and in con circles are starting demand they copy what team Obama did to win

geeze, you people are nuts

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