Benghazi: USMB Right Winger Validates Dante's Thesis

Dante you're delusional and a moron.

When did they do that?

With the video remark, do you really still buy that? really? please say yes, please say yes!

Never said a video was cause of Benghazi attacks. Try to keep up

At the time the Muslim world was going as ape shit over the video, just as right wing world is now going :cuckoo: over Benghazi

The Diplomats in Tripoli were panic stricken and destroying documents and running away into reinforced safe houses. Why? Of course State and Defense and others were concerned about the Muslim world exploding during that time. :eusa_whistle:

You just just blamed muslims rioting on a video....the video had nothing to do with anythign.....God you're a fucking idiot

Dante thinks muslims rioted on 9/11 because of a video.....what a fucking tool

yeah I have to say it a third time....muslims rioting after OBama spiked the ball on Bin Laden....they were chanting we're all osamas.....yet he thinks they were rioting on a video...holy shit....dante you're too stupid to speak on any subject...

HAHA he knows how stupid it is so now he's trying to parse it, but he still caught himself......LOLOLOLOLOL

Living in a vacuum has damaged your brain. The Foreign Service people in Tripoli were destroying important files and fleeing to reinforced safe houses. Why? Because of two attacks, 6 hours apart in Benghazi?

Benghazi taken out of context and put into the Right Wing Spin Machine happens out of context of the 'happenings' all over the Islamic world during a period that included 9/11 2012.

To deny the Foreign Service people were not thinking of the Video riots is to engage in partisan memory syndrome
Obama would have gotten better political gain by trying to rescue those boys instead leaving them to die.


and there we have it. Right Wing World will never wake up to reality

said from a leftwing robot, that cant even come up with a coherent thought

so what video started the boston marathon massacre?


and there we have it. Right Wing World will never wake up to reality
nice try, but your entire "thesis" (sic) is flawed. Obama won in 08 and 12 because the GOP ran a bad candidate in 08 and the GOP ran a bad campaign in 12.

obama won because the media and half of the country were so swept up in the first black president that they did not care who he was or what he stood for.

he also won both times because conservatives and libertarians stayed home or voted 3rd party because they did not like either candidate.

media bias, poor candidates and campaigns got us the worst president in history, the most corrupt administration, and the worst economic policy since FDR.

It amazes me that you libs continue to celebrate such terrible policies and such masssive failures that obama has created.

Is it extreme ignorance or is there truth to the defective liberal gene "thesis"?

that's why the leadership in the GOP and in con circles are starting demand they copy what team Obama did to win

geeze, you people are nuts

what run extremely negative adds that were full of lies and deceit....ok..

maybe we'll talk about binders full of women, you know a legit issue by people are so dishonest and deceitful
Seems to me that Andrew Sullivan has nailed the import of the latest email revelations. But there is one point to note for future reference.

I’m not so sure that Nuland’s reference to her “buildings (sic) leadership” means Hillary Clinton. There is a cloud of highly defensive–sometimes to the point of weirdly paranoid–advisers who have always surrounded Clinton. (Think Sid Blumenthal, back in the day). It’s part of the DNA of Hillaryland. In my experience, this over-protectiveness often works to Clinton’s disadvantage. And it will be a real detriment to her presidential campaign, should she choose to launch one.

I’m not sure that Clinton herself forced the talking points massage; but “Hillary Clinton”–the bubble that surrounded the Secretary–may well have.

One other point: the amount of time spent on these talking points was obscene, and not at all unusual in the current Administration, or others in the recent past. The amount of time our leaders spend in spinning rather than governing or leading drives me absolutely nuts.

Read more: Still More Benghazi |
notice how almost every single right winger posts helps? they can be used as other examples.

cool, eh?

What I notice is how many times you post to yourself. Does your shrink bill you extra for all those personalities.
Benghazi: USMB Right Winger Validates Dante's Thesis

America did NOT vote for President Obama because not enough was know about Benghazi

America voted for Obama because team Obama targeted the new demographics and more with micro data, while team Romney went after funders and cash using micro data. People vote, money does not (yet).

Dante's thesis has been the Right Wing World Noise Machine has riled and rallied it's based by feeding them the imbecilic notion that if more had been known about security issues in Benghazi, Obama would have lost the election. This comes after the collective nervous breakdown we all witnessed following the 2012 Presidential election, where the right kept the faith that all the pathetic and scurrilous attacks on President Obama and his family and friends would yield a one-term Presidency.

Right Wing World went into a tailspin of alarm, hysteria and panic as the numbers and demographics of the American voting public came in. America loves President Obama. What to do? The right wing base was demoralized and eating it's own. But...there was hope to go with the previous faith...the right wing base had been primed for believing any and all imbecilic and irrational notions when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th and current President of the United States of America, and the first African American to hold the office.

…. a winning message could keep the base in check and alarmed ... If only the right could get over the devastating loss to the lie that Obama could be beaten by going rightward. .. how to find one that resonates with the Right Wing World Conspiracy that President Obama does not love America like right wingers love America. hmmm, maybe try massaging a message on Benghazi that would play to the mob mentality of the right wing base that nothing contemptible is beneath Obama?

After a long series of hearings and Right Wing World Noise Machine finessing of a message we are now where we are...Congress doing what they did with President Clinton...all for political gain in 2014 and maybe, just maybe 2016. But real smart political operatives do not put much stock in controlling things as far out as 2016. The media will play the 2016 game, because it sells, but candidates and issues need to have funding and sponsors and advocates in place far ahead of time. This all takes time.

But the Machine has won. People like CrusaderFrank will admit it all if given enough bait to feel free to say what they actually think and believe.

American voters voted for Obama in 2012

Because he lied bout a terrorist attack on Sept 11, 2012

:clap2: thank you Frank (and others) thank you :clap2:


pardon the trolls...


nice try, but your entire "thesis" (sic) is flawed. Obama won in 08 and 12 because the GOP ran a bad candidate in 08 and the GOP ran a bad campaign in 12.

obama won because the media and half of the country were so swept up in the first black president that they did not care who he was or what he stood for.

he also won both times because conservatives and libertarians stayed home or voted 3rd party because they did not like either candidate.

media bias, poor candidates and campaigns got us the worst president in history, the most corrupt administration, and the worst economic policy since FDR.

It amazes me that you libs continue to celebrate such terrible policies and such masssive failures that obama has created.

Is it extreme ignorance or is there truth to the defective liberal gene "thesis"?

that's why the leadership in the GOP and in con circles are starting demand they copy what team Obama did to win

geeze, you people are nuts

what I said is factually accurate. many polls have verified the reasons for GOP losing in 08 and 12.

the last thing the GOP should do is copy the fraudulent and deceitful campaign tactics of the kenyan messiah. Even the MSM is finally beginning to see what a huge mistake they made in supporting this flawed, incompetent, arrogant, inexperienced marxist.

the voters learn slowly, but they are on the upswing of the learning curve. The mistake of supporting a traitor like obama will not be repeated.
nice try, but your entire "thesis" (sic) is flawed. Obama won in 08 and 12 because the GOP ran a bad candidate in 08 and the GOP ran a bad campaign in 12.

obama won because the media and half of the country were so swept up in the first black president that they did not care who he was or what he stood for.

he also won both times because conservatives and libertarians stayed home or voted 3rd party because they did not like either candidate.

media bias, poor candidates and campaigns got us the worst president in history, the most corrupt administration, and the worst economic policy since FDR.

It amazes me that you libs continue to celebrate such terrible policies and such masssive failures that obama has created.

Is it extreme ignorance or is there truth to the defective liberal gene "thesis"?

that's why the leadership in the GOP and in con circles are starting demand they copy what team Obama did to win

geeze, you people are nuts

what I said is factually accurate. many polls have verified the reasons for GOP losing in 08 and 12.

the last thing the GOP should do is copy the fraudulent and deceitful campaign tactics of the kenyan messiah. Even the MSM is finally beginning to see what a huge mistake they made in supporting this flawed, incompetent, arrogant, inexperienced marxist.

the voters learn slowly, but they are on the upswing of the learning curve. The mistake of supporting a traitor like obama will not be repeated.

Polls are opinions. Factual data proves your polls wrong and proves you wrong and an idiot

look into the demographics and numbers of voters and then learn to stfu and pay attention to those who know wtf they are speaking about
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that's why the leadership in the GOP and in con circles are starting demand they copy what team Obama did to win

geeze, you people are nuts

what I said is factually accurate. many polls have verified the reasons for GOP losing in 08 and 12.

the last thing the GOP should do is copy the fraudulent and deceitful campaign tactics of the kenyan messiah. Even the MSM is finally beginning to see what a huge mistake they made in supporting this flawed, incompetent, arrogant, inexperienced marxist.

the voters learn slowly, but they are on the upswing of the learning curve. The mistake of supporting a traitor like obama will not be repeated.

Polls are opinions. Factual data proves your polls wrong and proves you wrong and an idiot

facts do not prove opinion polls wrong.

my lord dante, were dropped on your head as a child, repeatedly?
No. I'd say your losing it.

You seem to have a problem admitting that Barry's State Department and SOS screwed the pooch at Benghazi.

If Bush had been POTUS you would have no problem but sinice its Barry Boy, well, you have no problem with his administration skating on it.

Hypocrisy is your middle name. Good Gawd.

Benghazi happened. Dedicated terrorists will always find weak spots., Shit happens,.

You are upset because you think you lost a chance to beat Obama by using a terrorist attack.

Doesn't matter. You are delusional if you think Benghazi would have cost Obama reelection:eusa_shhh:

Apparently, Obama and team were also delusional because they felt it was necessary to lie about what happened in Benghazi.

And, you are delusional, if you really believe you have a valid argument, or even understand what the issue is about. The diplomatic post at Benghazi was attacked, and we were not prepared for such an attack, even though the administration had ample warnings that it probably would be. That is just incompetence on the part of the inept community organizer and the more inept smartest woman in the world. That was to be expected, and did not cause the stir.

Nor, was the lie that the administration chose to tell the American people, an attempt to cover up their incompetence. It was told to maintain the campaign theme that Osama was dead, and Al Queda was on the ropes. The lie is the main issue, not the attack.
No. I'd say your losing it.

You seem to have a problem admitting that Barry's State Department and SOS screwed the pooch at Benghazi.

If Bush had been POTUS you would have no problem but sinice its Barry Boy, well, you have no problem with his administration skating on it.

Hypocrisy is your middle name. Good Gawd.

Benghazi happened. Dedicated terrorists will always find weak spots., Shit happens,.

You are upset because you think you lost a chance to beat Obama by using a terrorist attack.

Doesn't matter. You are delusional if you think Benghazi would have cost Obama reelection:eusa_shhh:

Apparently, Obama and team were also delusional because they felt it was necessary to lie about what happened in Benghazi.

And, you are delusional, if you really believe you have a valid argument, or even understand what the issue is about. The diplomatic post at Benghazi was attacked, and we were not prepared for such an attack, even though the administration had ample warnings that it probably would be. That is just incompetence on the part of the inept community organizer and the more inept smartest woman in the world. That was to be expected, and did not cause the stir.

Nor, was the lie that the administration chose to tell the American people, an attempt to cover up their incompetence. It was told to maintain the campaign theme that Osama was dead, and Al Queda was on the ropes. The lie is the main issue, not the attack.

reality check: Either it was President Obama's staff or people in Secretary of State Clinton's office wake up

No lie was told.

that's why the leadership in the GOP and in con circles are starting demand they copy what team Obama did to win

geeze, you people are nuts

what I said is factually accurate. many polls have verified the reasons for GOP losing in 08 and 12.

the last thing the GOP should do is copy the fraudulent and deceitful campaign tactics of the kenyan messiah. Even the MSM is finally beginning to see what a huge mistake they made in supporting this flawed, incompetent, arrogant, inexperienced marxist.

the voters learn slowly, but they are on the upswing of the learning curve. The mistake of supporting a traitor like obama will not be repeated.

Polls are opinions. Factual data proves your polls wrong and proves you wrong and an idiot

look into the demographics and numbers of voters and then learn to stfu and pay attention to those who know wtf they are speaking about

You don't know what you are speaking about, and it is obvious to anyone who reads your tripe. The last election was lost because too many Republicans did not vote, or voted for a third party candidate. That was, and still is, a problem that Republicans need to solve, but a good conservative candidate will fix that problem.
Benghazi happened. Dedicated terrorists will always find weak spots., Shit happens,.

You are upset because you think you lost a chance to beat Obama by using a terrorist attack.

Doesn't matter. You are delusional if you think Benghazi would have cost Obama reelection:eusa_shhh:

Apparently, Obama and team were also delusional because they felt it was necessary to lie about what happened in Benghazi.

And, you are delusional, if you really believe you have a valid argument, or even understand what the issue is about. The diplomatic post at Benghazi was attacked, and we were not prepared for such an attack, even though the administration had ample warnings that it probably would be. That is just incompetence on the part of the inept community organizer and the more inept smartest woman in the world. That was to be expected, and did not cause the stir.

Nor, was the lie that the administration chose to tell the American people, an attempt to cover up their incompetence. It was told to maintain the campaign theme that Osama was dead, and Al Queda was on the ropes. The lie is the main issue, not the attack.

reality check: Either it was President Obama's staff or people in Secretary of State Clinton's office wake up

No lie was told.

Yeah, it is always someone else's fault when your messiah screws up.

There was no demonstration at Benghazi, and the administration knew that. A lie.

The attack was not a spontaneous attack by a mob, and the administration knew that. A lie.

The attack had nothing to do with the video, and the administration knew that. A lie.

Try again when you can do something besides deny the obvious.
what I said is factually accurate. many polls have verified the reasons for GOP losing in 08 and 12.

the last thing the GOP should do is copy the fraudulent and deceitful campaign tactics of the kenyan messiah. Even the MSM is finally beginning to see what a huge mistake they made in supporting this flawed, incompetent, arrogant, inexperienced marxist.

the voters learn slowly, but they are on the upswing of the learning curve. The mistake of supporting a traitor like obama will not be repeated.

Polls are opinions. Factual data proves your polls wrong and proves you wrong and an idiot

look into the demographics and numbers of voters and then learn to stfu and pay attention to those who know wtf they are speaking about

You don't know what you are speaking about, and it is obvious to anyone who reads your tripe. The last election was lost because too many Republicans did not vote, or voted for a third party candidate. That was, and still is, a problem that Republicans need to solve, but a good conservative candidate will fix that problem.

The data proves you an idiot and proves you wrong
Apparently, Obama and team were also delusional because they felt it was necessary to lie about what happened in Benghazi.

And, you are delusional, if you really believe you have a valid argument, or even understand what the issue is about. The diplomatic post at Benghazi was attacked, and we were not prepared for such an attack, even though the administration had ample warnings that it probably would be. That is just incompetence on the part of the inept community organizer and the more inept smartest woman in the world. That was to be expected, and did not cause the stir.

Nor, was the lie that the administration chose to tell the American people, an attempt to cover up their incompetence. It was told to maintain the campaign theme that Osama was dead, and Al Queda was on the ropes. The lie is the main issue, not the attack.

reality check: Either it was President Obama's staff or people in Secretary of State Clinton's office wake up

No lie was told.

Yeah, it is always someone else's fault when your messiah screws up.

There was no demonstration at Benghazi, and the administration knew that. A lie.

The attack was not a spontaneous attack by a mob, and the administration knew that. A lie.

The attack had nothing to do with the video, and the administration knew that. A lie.

Try again when you can do something besides deny the obvious.

Dante did not vote for Obama in 2008

A lie has not been told.
Polls are opinions. Factual data proves your polls wrong and proves you wrong and an idiot

look into the demographics and numbers of voters and then learn to stfu and pay attention to those who know wtf they are speaking about

You don't know what you are speaking about, and it is obvious to anyone who reads your tripe. The last election was lost because too many Republicans did not vote, or voted for a third party candidate. That was, and still is, a problem that Republicans need to solve, but a good conservative candidate will fix that problem.

The data proves you an idiot and proves you wrong

No it doesn't. But, I recognize that you are not smart enough to figure it out by yourself.

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