Benjamin Netanyahu: Merry Christmas to My Christian Friends

That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
Ok so you went to a neo Nazi site and copy and pasted like a donkey. What will your next trick be? With idiots like you supporting the Paleshitians, do they really need any enemies?
You're right, he's parroting a nazi website.

Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews – Ben Klassen
It's pretty obvious, the psycho is a cut and paste donkey that has never had an original thought in his entire life.

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